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Материал взят на персональной странице Jim Plusquellic , профессора Питтсбургского университета

Процессы и задачи

  • Что входит в понятие выполняемой программы (процесса или задачи)?
  • Если процесс P2 создан и запущен (он здесь не показан), параметры процесса P1 должны быть сохранены так , чтобы его можно было выполнять и дальше .
    • Поскольку каждый регистр существует в единственном экземпляре , его состояние должно быть сохранено в памяти.
    • Позже мы увидим , как это поддерживается на пентиуме.


  • Перейдем к организации и управлению памяти.


  • В идеале было бы недурно иметь бесконечно большую память.


  • Реально память состоит из:
    • Cache (SRAMS): маленькая и очень быстрая.
    • Main Memory (DRAM): большая и помедленнее.
    • Disk : ну очень большая и совсем медленная.


  • OS обречена на управление этими ограниченными ресурсами и созданием иллюзии быстрой и бесконечной памяти.


  • Простое управление памятью

    • При многозадачности оно сводится к разбиению памяти на n фиксированные порции.


    • Эти порции определяются на старте системы и могут быть использованы для хранения кода , данных и стека .
    • Преимущество : простота реализации.
    • Но это плохая схема . К тому же она пожирает много времени на сам процесс обслуживания очереди.

    Партиции переменного размера

    • По этой схеме , число , расположение и размер выделяемой памяти для каждого процесса динамично меняются
      • (1) Вначале имеем один процесс A в памяти.
      • (2) Затем B и C .
      • (3) A выгружаем.
      • (4) D создаем, B выгружаем.
    • Этот метод улучшает использование памяти , но усложняет процесс ее выделения и освобождения тем , что создает дыры в памяти или фрагментирует ее .

      • Можно конечно воспользоваться уплотнением памяти , но это сожрет ресурсы процессора .
      • Размер данных может изменяться динамически например с помощью malloc() .
        • И если процессу некуда расти , его прийдется убить .

    Память и использование Hard Drive

    • hard disk может помочь в случае , если памяти не хватает.


    • Например , когда процесс блокируется клавиатурой , он может быть засвопирован на диск и освобождая место другим процессам .
      • Перемещение процесса на диск и обратно называется своппингом - swapping .


    • Диск может быть использован для реализации 2-й схемы - виртуальная память - virtual memory .
      • Виртуальная память позволяет процессам выполняться даже тогда , когда им не хватает физической памяти .
      • Это обычная практика для 32-битной архитектуры .


    • Если OS поддерживает virtual memory , такие процессы могут быть представлены в памяти кусками - порциями .

    Виртуальная память

    • При подкачке OS свопирует неиспользуемую память на диск.


    • Виртуальная память работет в мультизадачной системе .
    • Основная память может хранить куски многих процессов.
    • Процесс стоит в очереди до тех пор , пока очередная порция не подкачена с диска .


    • Своппинг сам по себе - также не очень эффективен .
      • И тут опять виновата фрагментация .


    • 2 концепции:
    • Сегментация: Позволяет рационально использовать память .
    • Пэйджинг: Эффективное управление физической памятью , реализация виртуальной памяти.

    Paging и Virtual Memory

    • Как работает пэйджинг?


    • Адрес на адресной шине - это физический адрес .


    • Процесс генерит виртуальный адрес , например команда : MOV EAX, [EBX]
      • адрес памяти в [EBX] может вообще-то превышать размер доступной физической памяти.
      • Линейные адреса получаются из виртуальных с помощью сегментации .


    • Виртуальный (или линейный) адрес трансформируется с помощью Memory Management Unit (MMU) в реальный физический адрес.

    Paging и Virtual Memory

    • Виртуальное и физическое адресное пространство поделено на страницы .
      • Размер такой страницы колеблется в пределах от 512 до 64000 байт и зависит от архитектуры .
    • Кроме страниц еще имеются фреймы .
      • Размер страниц и фреймов одинаков.

    Paging и Virtual Memory

    • Обратите внимание на то , что 8 виртуальных страниц не маппируются на физическую память (те , которые помечены X ).


      • Пэйджинг разбивает адресное пространство процесса на несколько кусков !
        • Тем самым мы решаем проблему фрагментации
        • .

    Paging и Virtual Memory

    • Манипуляции с адресами в MMU

    Paging и Virtual Memory

    • Page Table:
    • Размер :
      • Пентиум использует 32-битные виртуальные адреса.
      • Если размер страницы 4K , с 32-битной адресацией имеем 2 32 /2 12 = 2 20 или 1,048,576 виртуальных страниц !
        • Если учесть что на адрес приходится 4 байта, получаем 4 метра памяти на всю page table.


      • Соответственно для 64-bit - 2 52 страниц !!!


    • Реализация :
      • Перевод virtual-to-physical делается для ВСЕХ адресов.
        • Такой перевод должен быть максимально быстр.

    Page Table Design

    • Сама page table хранится в массиве.
      • OS загружает его при старте процесса.
    • При таком вызове page table обращение к ней идет напрямую без ссылок.
    • Недостаток в том , что при переключении процессов эту таблицу каждый раз нужно загружать заново.

      • Page table хранится в main memory.
        • ЕЕ адрес хранится в регистре .
      • При Context switches нужно лишь изменить значение этого регистра .

        • Последние версии чипов хранят "frequently used" адреса страниц в кеше .

    Многоуровневые Page Tables

    • Имеется 2-уровневая модель.
    • Page Frame address : Most significant bits of physical memory address.
    • Present/Absent bit : If 1, page is in memory, if 0, it is on disk.
    • Modified bit : If set, page has been written to, e.g. it is `dirty'.
    • Referenced bit : Used in the OS page replacement algorithm.
    • Protection bits : Specifies if data in page can be read/written/executed.

Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLBs)

  • With two-level paging, one memory reference could require three memory accesses !


  • In order to reduce the number of times this occurs, a fast lookup table called a TLB is added as a hardware cache in the microprocessor.

Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLBs)

  • Number of TLB entries varies from 8 to 2048.
    • Typically around 64.


  • When a TLB miss occurs:
  • A trap occurs and an OS routine handles the fault. The instruction is then restarted.
  • The OS routine copies one (or more) page frame(s) from the page table in memory to one (or more) of the TLB entries.


  • Therefore, if page is referenced again soon, a TLB hit occurs eliminating the memory reference for the page frame.

Basic Architecture

  • Outline:
  • Internal programmer visible architecture, e.g. registers


  • Real Mode Addressing:
    • Real Mode Memory: 00000H-FFFFFH (the first 1MB of main memory).


  • Protected Mode Addressing:
    • All of memory (applicable to 80286 and later processors).
    • Programmer in visible registers to control and operate the protected memory system.


  • 80x86 Memory Paging.

Programmer Visible Architecture

  • Programmer visible registers:

Programmer Visible Architecture

  • General Purpose Registers: The main functions are listed.
  • EAX: Accumulator : Referenced as EAX, AX, AL or AH.
    • Used for mult, div, etc.
    • Used to hold an offset.
  • EBX: Base Index :
    • Used to hold the offset of a data pointer.
  • ECX: Count :
    • Used to hold the count for some instructions, REP and LOOP.
    • Used to hold the offset of a data pointer.
  • EDX: Data :
    • Used to hold a portion of the result for mult, of the operand for div.
    • Used to hold the offset of a data pointer.
  • EBP: Base Pointer :
    • Holds the base pointer for memory data transfers.
  • EDI: Destination Index :
    • Holds the base destination pointer for string instructions.
  • ESI: Source Index :
    • Holds the base source pointer for string instructions.

Programmer Visible Architecture

  • Special Purpose Registers:
  • EIP: Instruction Pointer :
    • Points to the next instruction in a code segment.
    • 16-bits (IP) in real mode and 32-bits in protected mode.
  • ESP: Stack Pointer :
    • Used by the stack, call and return instructions.
  • EFLAGS :
    • Store the state of various conditions in the microprocessor.

Programmer Visible Architecture

  • Special Purpose Registers:
    • EFLAGS Register:
    • The rightmost 5 flag bits and overflow change after many of the arithmetic and logic instructions execute. Data transfer and control instructions never change the flags.
  • C (Carry) :
      • Holds the carry out after addition or the borrow after subtraction.
      • Also indicates error conditions.
  • P (Parity) :
      • 0 for odd number of bits and 1 for even.
      • Obsolete feature of the 80x86.
  • A (Auxiliary Carry) :
      • Highly specialized flag used by DAA and DAS instructions after BCD addition or subtraction.

Programmer Visible Architecture

  • Special Purpose Registers:
  • EFLAGS (cont).
  • Z (Zero) :
      • 1 if the result of an arithmetic or logic instruction is 0.
  • S (Sign) :
      • 1 if the sign of the result of an arith. or logic instruction is negative.
  • T (Trap) :
      • Trap enable. The microprocessor interrupts the flow of instructions on conditions indicated by the debug and control registers.
  • I (Interrupt) :
      • Controls the operation of the INTR (Interrupt request) pin. If 1, interrupts are enabled. Set by STI and CLI instructions.
  • D (Direction) :
      • Selects with increment or decrement mode for the DI and/or SI registers during string instructions. If 1, registers are automatically decremented. Set by STD and CLD instructions.
  • O (Overflow) :
      • Set for addition and subtraction instructions.

Programmer Visible Architecture

  • Special Purpose Registers:
  • EFLAGS (cont).


  • 80286 and up:
  • IOPL (I/O privilege level) :
      • It holds the privilege level at which your code must be running in order to execute any I/O-related instructions. 00 is the highest.
  • NT (Nested Task) :
      • Set when one system task has invoked another through a CALL instruction in protected mode.


  • 80386 and up:
  • RF (Resume) :
      • Used with debugging to selectively mask some exceptions.
  • VM (Virtual Mode) :
      • When 0, the CPU can operate in Protected mode, 286 Emulation mode or Real mode. When set, the CPU is converted to a high speed 8086. This bit has enormous impact.

Programmer Visible Architecture

  • Special Purpose Registers:
  • EFLAGS (cont).


  • 80486SX and up:
  • AC (Alignment Check) :
      • Specialized instruction for the 80486SX.


  • Pentium and up:
  • VIF (Virtual Interrupt Flag) :
      • Copy of the interrupt flag bit.
  • VIP (Virtual Interrupt Pending) :
      • Provides information about a virtual mode interrupt.
  • ID (Identification) :
      • Supports the CPUID instruction, which provides version number and manufacturer information about the microprocessor.

Programmer Visible Architecture

  • Segment Registers:
  • CS (Code Segment) :
    • In real mode, this specifies the start of a 64KB memory segment.
    • In protected mode, it selects a descriptor.
    • The code segment is limited to 64KB in the 8086-80286 and 4 GB in the 386 and above.
  • DS (Data Segment) :
    • Similar to the CS except this segment holds data.
  • ES (Extra Segment) :
    • Data segment used by some string instructions to hold destination data.
  • SS (Stack Segment) :
    • Similar to the CS except this segment holds the stack.
    • ESP and EBP hold offsets into this segment.
  • FS and GS : 80386 and up.
    • Allows two additional memory segments to be defined.

Real Mode Memory Addressing

  • Only mode available to the 8086 and 8088.
    • Allow the processor to address only the first 1MB of memory.
    • DOS requires real mode.


  • Segments and Offsets :
    • Effective address = Segment address + an offset.

Real Mode Memory Addressing

  • Segments and Offsets :
    • Syntax is usually given as seg_addr:offset , e.g. 1000:F000 in the previous example to specify 1F000H .


    • Implicit combinations of segment registers and offsets are defined for memory references.


    • For example, the code segment (CS) is always used with the instruction pointer (IP for real mode or EIP for protected mode).
  • CS:EIP
  • DS:EAX , DS:EBX , DS:ECX , DS:EDX , DS:EDI , DS:ESI , DS:8-bit_literal , DS:32-bit_literal
  • ES:EDI
  • FS and GS have no default.


    • It is illegal to place an offset larger than FFFF into the 80386 32-bit registers operating in Real Mode.

Real Mode Memory Addressing

  • Segments and Offsets :
    • Segmented addressing allows relocation of data and code.
    • OS can assign the segment addresses at run time.

Memory Addressing

  • Memory Paging:
    • Available in the 80386 and up.
    • Allows a linear address ( virtual address ) of a program to be located in any portion of physical memory.


    • The paging unit is controlled by the microprocessors control registers:

Memory Addressing

  • Memory Paging:
    • The paging system operates in both real and protected mode.
    • It is enabled by setting the PG bit to 1 (left most bit in CR0 ).
      • (If set to 0, linear addresses are physical addresses).


    • CR3 contains the page directory "physical" base address.


      • The value in this register is one of the few "physical" addresses you will ever refer to in a running system.


      • The page directory can reside at any 4K boundary since the low order 12 bits of the address are set to zero.


      • The page directory contains 1024 directory entries of 4 bytes each.


      • Each page directory entry addresses a page table that contains up to 1024 entries.

Memory Addressing

  • Memory Paging:
  • The virtual address is broken into three pieces:
  • Directory : Each page directory addresses a 4MB section of main mem.
  • Page Table : Each page table entry addresses a 4KB section of main mem.
  • Offset : Specifies the byte in the page.

Memory Addressing

  • Memory Paging:

Memory Addressing

  • Memory Paging:
    • The page directory is 4K bytes.
    • Each page table is 4K bytes, and there are 1024 of them.
    • If all 4GB of memory is paged, the overhead is 4MB!


    • The current scheme requires three accesses to memory:
      • One to the directory , one to the appropriate page table and (finally) one to the desired data or code item. Ouch!
      • A Translation Look-aside Buffer ( TLB ) is used to cache page directory and page table entries to reduce the number of memory references.
      • Plus the data cache is used to hold recently accessed memory blocks.
      • System performance would be extremely bad without these features.
      • Much more on this in OS (CMSC 421).


  • Paging and Segmentation:
    • These two addresses translation mechanism are typically combined.
    • We'll look at this in later chapters.

Segmentation and the User Application

  • The application programmer loads segment register values as before in Real Mode, but the values that he/she puts in them are very different.
    • Since knowledge of the GDT and LDT is not generally available at compile time, the programmer must use symbolic names.
    • The loader is responsible for resolving the actual values at run time.


  • In general, the segment values are 16-bit tags for the address spaces of the program.
    • Instructions such as LDS (load DS), LAR (load access rights), LSL (load segment limit), VERR (verify for read) are available to retrieve descriptor attributes, if the process is privileged enough.


  • Whenever a segment register is changed, sanity checks are performed before the descriptor is cached.
  • The index is checked against the limit.
  • Other checks are made depending on the segment type, e.g., data segments, DS cannot be loaded with pointers to execute-only descriptors, ...
  • The present flag is checked.
  • Otherwise, an exception is raised and nothing changes.

Privilege Levels

  • 0: highest privilege, 3: lowest privilege
  • The privilege protection system plays a role for almost every instruction executed.


  • Protection mechanisms check if the process is privileged enough to:
  • Execute certain instructions , e.g., those that modify the Interrupt flag, alter the segmentation, or affect the protection mechanism require PL 0.
  • Reference data other than its own . References to data at higher privilege levels is not permitted.
  • Transfer control to code other than its own . CALLs or JMPs to code with a different privilege level (higher or lower) is not permitted.

Privilege Levels

  • Privilege levels are assigned to segments , as we have seen, using the DPL (Descriptor Privilege Level) field (bits 45 and 46).
    • Define CPL as the Code Privilege Level of the process, which is the DPL of its code segment !
    • Define RPL as the Requestor's Privilege Level.


  • Privilege Level Definitions:
  • When data selectors are loaded, the corresponding data segment's DPL is compared to the larger of your CPL or the selector's RPL.
    • Therefore, you can use RPL to weaken your current privilege level, if you want.

Privilege Levels

  • CPL is defined by the descriptors, so access to them must be restricted.
  • Privileged Instructions:
  • Those that affect the segmentation and protection mechanisms (CPL=0 only).
      • For example, LGDT, LTR, HLT.
  • Those that alter the Interrupt flag (CPL <= IOPL field in EFLAGS).
      • For example, CLI, STI (Note: only DPL 0 code can modify the IOPL fields.)
  • Those that perform peripheral I/O (CPL <= IOPL field in EFLAGS).
      • For example, IN, OUT.


  • Privileged Data References:
    • Two checks are made in this case:
  • Trying to load the DS, ES, FS or GS register with a selector whose DPL is > the DPL of the code segment descriptor generates a general protection fault .
  • Trying to use a data descriptor that has the proper privilege level can also be illegal, e.g. trying to write to a read-only segment.


  • For SS , the rules are even more restrictive.

Privilege Levels

  • Privileged Code References:
    • Transferring control to code in another segment is performed using the FAR forms of JMP, CALL and RET.


    • These differ from intra-segment (NEAR) transfers in that they change both CS and EIP.


    • The following checks are performed:
  • The new selector must be a code segment (e.g. with execute attribute).
  • CPL is set to the DPL (RPL is of no use here).
  • The segment is present.
  • The EIP is within the limits defined by the segment descriptor.


    • The RPL field is always set to the CPL of the process, independent of what was actually loaded.


    • You can examine the RPL field of CS to determine your CPL.

Changing CPL

  • There are two ways to change your CPL:
  • Conforming Code segments .
      • Remember Types 6 and 7 defined in the AR byte of descriptor?
      • Segments defined this way have no privilege level -- they conform to the level of the calling program.
      • This mechanism is well suited to handle programs that share code but run at different privilege levels, e.g., shared libraries.
  • Through special segment descriptors called Call Gates .


  • Call Gate descriptor:
  • Call gates act as an interface layer between code segments at different privilege levels.
    • They define entry points in more privileged code to which control can be transferred.

Call Gates

  • They must be referred to using FAR CALL instructions (no JMPs are allowed).
    • Note, references to call gates are indistinguishable from other FALL CALLs in the program -- a segment and offset are still both given.
    • However, in this case, both are ignored and the call gate data is used instead.
  • Call Gate Mechanism:

Call Gates

  • Note that both the selector and offset are given in the call gate preventing lower privileged programs from jumping into the middle of higher privileged code.
    • This mechanism makes the higher privileged code invisible to the caller.


  • Call Gates have "tolls" as well, making some or all of them inaccessible to lower privileged processes.
    • The rule is that the Call Gate's DPL field (bits 45-46) MUST be >= (lower in privilege) than the process's CPL before the call.


    • Moreover, the privileged code segment's DPL field MUST be <= the process's CPL before the call.

Call Gates

  • Changing privilege levels requires a change in the stack as well (otherwise, the protection mechanism would be sabotaged).
    • Stack segment DPLs MUST match the CPL of the process.


  • This happens transparently to the program code on both sides of the call gate!


  • Where does the new stack come from?
    • From yet another descriptor, Task State Segment ( TSS ) descriptor, and a special segment, the TSS.


    • The TSS stores the state of all tasks in the system and is described using a TSS descriptor.
    • The processor saves all the information it needs to know about a task in the TSS.
      • More on this later as time permits.

Memory Types

  • Two basic types:
  • ROM : Read-only memory
  • RAM : Read-Write memory


  • Four commonly used memories:
  • ROM
  • Flash (EEPROM)
  • Static RAM (SRAM)
  • Dynamic RAM (DRAM)


  • Generic pin configuration:

Memory Chips

  • The number of address pins is related to the number of memory locations .
    • Common sizes today are 1K to 256M locations.
    • Therefore, between 10 and 28 address pins are present.


  • The data pins are typically bi-directional in read-write memories.
    • The number of data pins is related to the size of the memory location .
    • For example, an 8-bit wide (byte-wide) memory device has 8 data pins.
    • Catalog listing of 1K X 8 indicate a byte addressable 8K memory.


  • Each memory device has at least one chip select ( CS ) or chip enable ( CE ) or select ( S ) pin that enables the memory device.
    • This enables read and/or write operations.
    • If more than one are present, then all must be 0 in order to perform a read or write.

Memory Chips

  • Each memory device has at least one control pin.
    • For ROMs, an output enable ( OE ) or gate ( G ) is present.
      • The OE pin enables and disables a set of tristate buffers.
    • For RAMs, a read-write ( R/W ) or write enable ( WE ) and read enable (OE ) are present.
      • For dual control pin devices, it must be hold true that both are not 0 at the same time.


  • ROM:
    • Non-volatile memory: Maintains its state when powered down.
    • There are several forms:
  • ROM : Factory programmed, cannot be changed. Older style.
  • PROM : Programmable Read-Only Memory.
      • Field programmable but only once. Older style.
  • EPROM : Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory.
      • Reprogramming requires up to 20 minutes of high-intensity UV light exposure.

Memory Chips

  • ROMs (cont):
  • Flash EEPROM : Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM.
      • Also called EAROM (Electrically Alterable ROM) and NOVRAM (NOn-Volatile RAM).
      • Writing is much slower than a normal RAM.


      • Used to store setup information, e.g. video card, on computer systems.
      • Can be used to replace EPROM for BIOS memory.


  • Intel 2716 EPROM (2K X 8):


  • 2716 Timing diagram:
  • Sample of the data sheet for the 2716 A.C. Characteristics.
  • Symbol




    Test Condition





    Addr. to Output Delay







    Addr. to Output Hold







    Chip Deselect to Output Float













  • This EPROM requires a wait state for use with the 8086 ( 460ns constraint).


  • TI TMS 4016 SRAM (2K X 8):
  • Virtually identical to the EPROM with respect to the pinout.
  • However, access time is faster (250ns).
    • See the timing diagrams and data sheets in text.
  • SRAMs used for caches have access times as low as 10ns .


  • DRAM:
    • SRAMs are limited in size (up to about 128K X 8).
    • DRAMs are available in much larger sizes, e.g., 64M X 1.


    • DRAMs MUST be refreshed (rewritten) every 2 to 4 ms
      • Since they store their value on an integrated capacitor that loses charge over time.


    • This refresh is performed by a special circuit in the DRAM which refreshes the entire memory using 256 reads.
      • Refresh also occurs on a normal read, write or during a special refresh cycle.
      • More on this later.


    • The large storage capacity of DRAMs make it impractical to add the required number of address pins.
      • Instead, the address pins are multiplexed .


  • TI TMS4464 DRAM (64K X 4):
    • The TMS4464 can store a total of 256K bits of data.


    • It has 64K addressable locations which means it needs 16 address inputs, but it has only 8 .
      • The row address (A 0 through A 7 ) are placed on the address pins and strobed into a set of internal latches.
      • The column addres (A 8 through A 15 ) is then strobed in using CAS.


  • TI TMS4464 DRAM (64K X 4) Timing Diagram:
    • CAS also performs the function of the chip select input.


  • Larger DRAMs are available which are organized as 1M X 1 , 4M X 1 , 16M X 1 , 64M X 1 (with 256M X 1 available soon).
  • DRAMs are typically placed on SIMM (Single In-line Memory Modules) boards.
    • 30-pin SIMMs come in 1M X 8 , 1M X 9 (parity), 4M X 8 , 4M X 9 .
    • 72-pin SIMMs come in 1 / 2 / 3 / 8 / 16M X 32 or 1M X 36 (parity).


  • Pentiums have a 64-bit wide data bus.
    • The 30-pin and 72-pin SIMMs are not used on these systems.
    • Rather, 64-bit DIMMs ( Dual In-line Memory Modules) are the standard.
      • These organize the memory 64-bits wide.
      • The board has DRAMs mounted on both sides and is 168 pins.


    • Sizes include 2M X 64 ( 16M ), 4M X 64 ( 32M ), 8M X 64 ( 64M ) and 16M X 64 ( 128M ).


    • The DIMM module is available in DRAM , EDO and SDRAM (and NVRAM ) with and without an EPROM.


      • The EPROM provides information abou the size and speed of the memory device for PNP applications.

Memory Address Decoding

  • The processor can usually address a memory space that is much larger than the memory space covered by an individual memory chip.


  • In order to splice a memory device into the address space of the processor, decoding is necessary.


  • For example, the 8088 issues 20-bit addresses for a total of 1MB of memory address space.


  • However, the BIOS on a 2716 EPROM has only 2KB of memory and 11 address pins.


  • A decoder can be used to decode the additional 9 address pins and allow the EPROM to be placed in any 2KB section of the 1MB address space.

Memory Address Decoding

Memory Address Decoding

  • To determine the address range that a device is mapped into:


  • This 2KB memory segment maps into the reset location of the 8086/8088 (FFFF0H).


  • NAND gate decoders are not often used.
    • Rather the 3-to-8 Line Decoder (74LS138) is more common.

Memory Address Decoding

  • The 3-to-8 Line Decoder (74LS138)
  • Note that all three Enables (G2A, G2B, and G1) must be active, e.g. low, low and high, respectively.
  • Each output of the decoder can be attached to an 2764 EPROM ( 8K X 8 ).

Memory Address Decoding

  • The EPROMs cover a 64KB section of memory.

Memory Address Decoding

  • Yet a third possibility is a PLD (Programmable Logic Device).
  • PLDs come in three varieties:
  • PLA (Programmable Logic Array)
  • PAL (Programmable Array Logic)
  • GAL (Gated Array Logic)


  • PLDs have been around since the mid-1970s but have only recently appeared in memory systems (PALs have replaced PROM address decoders).


  • PALs and PLAs are fuse-programmed (like the PROM).
    • Some are erasable (like the EPROM).


  • A PAL example (16L8) is shown in the text and is commonly used to decode the memory address, particularly for 32-bit addresses generated by the 80386DX and above.

Memory Address Decoding

  • AMD 16L8 PAL decoder.
    • It has 10 fixed inputs (Pins 1-9, 11), two fixed outputs (Pins 12 and 19) and 6 pins that can be either (Pins 13-18).
    • AND/NOR device with logic expressions (outputs) with up to 16 ANDed inputs and 7 ORed product terms.

8088 and 80188 (8-bit) Memory Interface

  • The memory systems "sees" the 8088 as a device with:
  • 20 address connections (A19 to A0).
  • 8 data bus connections (AD7 to AD0).
  • 3 control signals, IO/M, RD, and WR.


  • We'll look at interfacing the 8088 with:
  • 32K of EPROM (at addresses F8000H through FFFFFH).
  • 512K of SRAM (at addresses 00000H through 7FFFFH).


  • The EPROM interface uses a 74LS138 (3-to-8 line decoder) plus 8 2732 ( 4K X 8 ) EPROMs.


  • The EPROM will also require the generation of a wait state.
    • The EPROM has an access time of 450ns .
    • The 74LS138 requires 12ns to decode.
    • The 8088 runs at 5MHz and only allows 460ns for memory to access data.
    • A wait state adds 200ns of additional time.

8088 and 80188 (8-bit) EPROM Memory Interface

  • The 8088 cold starts execution at FFFF0H . JMP to F8000H occurs here.

8088 and 80188 (8-bit) RAM Memory Interface

8088 and 80188 (8-bit) RAM Memory Interface

  • The 16 62256s on the previous slide are actually SRAMs.
    • Access times are on order of 10ns .


  • Flash memory can also be interfaced to the 8088 (see text).
    • However, the write time ( 400ms !) is too slow to be used as RAM (as shown in the text).


  • Parity Checking:
    • Parity checking is used to detect single bit errors in the memory.


    • The current trend is away from parity checking.


    • Parity checking adds 1 bit for every 8 data bits.
  • For EVEN parity, the 9th bit is set to yield an even number of 1's in all 9 bits.
  • For ODD parity, the 9th bit is set to make this number odd.


    • For 72-pin SIMMs, the number of data bits is 32 + 4 = 36 ( 4 parity bits).

Parity for Memory Error Detection

  • 74AS280 Parity Generator/Checker
  • This circuit generates EVEN or ODD parity for the 9-bit number placed on its inputs.
    • Typically, for generation, the 9th input bit is set to 0.


  • This circuit also checks EVEN or ODD parity for the 9-bit number.
    • In this case, the 9th input bit is connected to the 9th bit of memory.
    • For example, if the original byte has an even # of 1's (with 9th bit at GND), the parity bit is set to 1 (from the EVEN output).
    • If the EVEN output goes high during the check, then an error occurred.

Parity for Memory Error Detection

Error Detection

  • This parity scheme can only detect a single bit error.
  • Block-Check Character ( BCC ) or Checksum.
    • Can detect multiple bit errors.
    • This is simply the two's complement sum (the negative of the sum) of the sequence of bytes.
    • No error occurred if adding the data values and the checksum produces a 0.
    • For example:
    • This is not fool proof.
      • If 45 changes to 44 AND 04 changes to 05, the error is missed.

Error Detection

  • Cyclic Redundancy Check ( CRC ).
    • Commonly used to check data transfers in hardware such as harddrives.
    • Treats data as a stream of serial data n-bits long.
      • The bits are treated as coefficients of a characteristic polynomial , M(X) of the form:

Error Detection

  • Cyclic Redundancy Check ( CRC ) (cont.)
    • The CRC is found by applying the following equation.
    • G(X) is the called the generator polynomial and has special properties.
    • A commonly used polynomial is:


    • The remainder R(X) is appended to the data block.
    • When the CRC and R(X) is computed by the receiver, R(X) should be zero.
      • Since G(X) is of power 16, the remainder, R(X) , cannot be of order higher than 15.
      • Therefore, no more than 2 bytes are needed independent of the data block size.

Error Detection

  • Cyclic Redundancy Check ( CRC )(cont.)

Error Correction

  • Parity , BCC and CRC are only mechanisms for error detection.
    • The system is halted if an error is found in memory.


  • Error correction is starting to show up in new systems.
    • SDRAM has ECC (Error Correction Code).


  • Correction will allow the system can continue operating.
    • If two errors occur, they can be detected but not corrected .
    • Error correction will of course cost more in terms of extra bits.


  • Error correction is based on Hamming Codes .
    • There is lots of theory here but our focus will be on implementation.
    • The objective is to correct any single bit errors in an 8-bit data byte.
    • In other words, we need 4 parity bits to correct single bit errors.
    • Note that the parity bits are at bit positions that are powers of 2 .

Error Correction

  • Hamming Codes (cont).
    • P1 is generated by computing the parity of X 3 , X 5 , X 7 , X 9 , X 11 , X 13 , X 15 .
    • These numbers have a 1 in bit position 1 of the subscript in binary.

Error Correction

  • Hamming Codes (cont).

Parity for Memory Error Correction

  • The 74LS636 corrects errors by storing 5 parity bits with each byte of data.
    • The pinout consists of:
  • 8 data I/O pins
  • 5 check bit I/O pins
  • 2 control pins
  • 2 error outputs
      • Single error flag ( SEF )
      • Double error flag ( DEF ).
  • See the text for an example of its use in a circuit.
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  Очень полезная информация. Спасибо.
2009-05-12 21:38:53
  Ценный конспект. Но, увы, Intel назначил уровни привилегий по убывающей, 
чтобы всех запутать. И здесь та же двусмысленность. 
"Привилегии выше" -- это понятно. "Уровень привилегий выше" -- начинаются сомнения: 
может, речь о том, что число больше (тогда это низшая привилегия).
2022-06-06 19:49:45