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  01.01.2024 : 3621733 посещений
   Этот скрипт конвертирует десятичное число в словесное описание , например : 123456789123456789.12
 one hundred twenty three quadrillion,
 four hundred fifty six trillion,
 seven hundred eighty nine billion,
 one hundred twenty three million,
 four hundred fifty six thousand,
 seven hundred eighty nine
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 #!/usr/bin/perl -wT
 # number - печатает английские имена десятичных цифр для любых десятичных чисел
 # Copyright (c) 1998-2003 by Landon Curt Noll.  All Rights Reserved.
 use strict;
 use bytes;
 use Math::BigInt;
 use vars qw($opt_p $opt_l $opt_d $opt_m $opt_c $opt_o $opt_e $opt_h);
 use Getopt::Long;
 # version
 my $version = '$Revision: 2.22 $';
 # CGI / HTML variables
 my $html = 0;		# 1 ==> be are being invoked as a CGI script
 my $cgi = 0;		# CGI object, if invoked as a CGI script
 my $preblock = 0;	# 1 ==> we have output 
 if ($0 =~ /\.cgi$/) {
     $html = 1;
     use CGI qw(:standard :cgi-lib use_named_parameters -debug);
 # GetOptions argument
 my %optctl = (
     "p" => \$opt_p, "l" => \$opt_l, "d" => \$opt_d, "m" => \$opt_m,
     "c" => \$opt_c, "o" => \$opt_o, "e" => \$opt_e, "h" => \$opt_h
 # Warning state
 my $warn = $^W;
 # Установим ограничение на слишком большие числа
 my $big_input = 32768;		# too many input digits for the web
 my $big_latin_power = 100000;	# 1000^big_latin_power is limit for the web
 my $big_decimal = 1000000;	# don't expand >$big_decimal digits on the web
 my $big_digits = $big_input;	# too many digits to produce a name for the web
 my $big_timeout = 10;		# max time to do anything
 $SIG{ALRM} = sub { err("timeout"); };
 # Защита от больших постов для веб-скрипта
 $CGI::POST_MAX = $big_input + 1024;	# limit post size to max digits + 1k
 $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1;		# no uploads
 my $big_bias = 1000;		# a big bias (should be < 2^31).
 my $two = Math::BigInt->new("2");
 my $three = Math::BigInt->new("3");
 my $eight = Math::BigInt->new("8");
 my $neg_eight = Math::BigInt->new("-8");
 my $ten = Math::BigInt->new("10");
 my $hundred = Math::BigInt->new("100");
 my $five_hundred = Math::BigInt->new("500");
 my $dash = "";
 # Латинская нотация
 my @l_unit = ( "" , qw( un do tre quattuor quin sex septen octo novem ));
 my @l_ten = ("", qw( dec vigin trigin quadragin quinquagin
 		     sexagin septuagin octogin nonagin ));
 my @l_hundred = ("", qw( cen ducen trecen quadringen quingen
 		         sescen septingen octingen nongen ));
 my @l_special = ("", qw( mi bi tri quadri quinti sexti septi octi noni ));
 # Английская нотация - от 0 до 999
 # массив english_3 необходим для группировки по 3 цифры
 my @english_3;
 my @digits = qw(zero one two three four five six seven eight nine);
 my @tens = qw(zero ten twenty thirty forty
 	      fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety);
 my @teens = qw(ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen
 	       fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen);
 my $usage = "number [-p] [-l] [-d] [-m] [-c] [-o] [-e] [-h] [[--] number]";
 my $help = qq{Usage:
     $0 $usage
 	-p	input is a power of 10
 	-l	input is a Latin power (1000^x)
 	-d	add dashes to help with pronunciation
 	-m	output name in a more compact exponentiation form
 	-c	output number in comma/dot form
 	-o	output number on a single line
 	-e	use European instead of American name system
 	-h	print a help message only
 	--	the arg that follows is a number (useful if number is <0)
     Все разделители игнорируются , кроме точки.
     Число может быть в обычной или научной нотации (2.5e100).  
 	Отрицательные числа и с плавающей точкой разрешаются.
 	Для отрицательных чисел :
 	./number -- -123
 sub exp_number($$$);
 sub print_number($$$$$$$);
 sub latin_root($$);
 sub american_kilo($);
 sub european_kilo($);
 sub power_of_ten($$$);
 sub print_name($$$$$);
 sub print_3($);
 sub cgi_form();
 sub trailer($);
 sub big_err();
 sub err($);
 $SIG{PIPE} = sub { exit(2); };
 # main
     # my vars
     my $sep;		# разбивка по 3 цифры
     my $point;		# точка
     my $integer;	# integer part
     my $fract;		# fractional part
     my $system;		# American or European (but not a Swallow :-))
     my $visit;		# visit counter or error message
     my $num;		# input value
     my $bias;		# power of 10 bias (as BigInt) during de-sci conversion
     my $neg;		# 1 => number if < 0
     # setup
     $| = 1;
     # set the defaults
     $opt_p = 0;
     $opt_l = 0;
     $opt_d = 0;
     $opt_m = 0;
     $opt_c = 0;
     $opt_o = 0;
     $opt_e = 0;
     $opt_h = 0;
     # если запускаем на веб-сервере
     if ($html) {
 	# CGI setup
 	$cgi = new CGI;
 	if (cgi_error()) {
 	    print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
 	    print "Your browser sent bad or too much data!\n";
 	    print "Error: ", cgi_error(), "\n";
 	# print CGI form
 	$num = cgi_form();
 	# Если нет числа , выход
 	if (! defined $num) {
 	    print $cgi->p, "\n";
     # НЕ-CGI 
     } elsif (!GetOptions(%optctl)) {
 	err("usage: $0 $usage");
     # Распечатка help если нужно
     if ($opt_h) {
 	print $help;
     # -c conflicts with -l and -p
     if ($opt_c && ($opt_l || $opt_p)) {
 	if ($html == 0) {
 	    err("-c conflicts with either -l and/or -p");
 	} else {
 	    err("You may only print decimal digits when the Type of " .
 	        "input\nis just a number.");
     # Определим наличие знака '-'
     if ($opt_d) {
 	# print -'s between useful parts of the name
 	$dash = "-";
     if ($opt_e) {
 	$system = "European";
 	$sep = ".";
 	$point = ",";
     } else {
 	$system = "American";
 	$sep = ",";
 	$point = ".";
     # число
     if (defined $ARGV[0]) {
 	$num = $ARGV[0];
     } elsif ($html == 0) {
 	# snarf the number from the entire stdin
 	$/ = undef;
 	$num = <>;
     # Web-firewall
     if ($html && length($num) > $big_input) {
     # уберем ненужное
     $num =~ s/[\s\Q$sep\E]+//g;
     # плюс или минус
     # удаляем знак в любом случае
     if ($neg = ($num =~ /^-/)) {
 	$num =~ s/^-//;
     # стартовый 0
     if ($num =~ /^0/) {
 	if ($num =~ /^00+$/) {
 	    $num = "0";
 	} else {
 	    $num =~ s/^0+//;
     # firewall
     if ($num =~ /\Q$point\E.*\Q$point\E/o) {
 	err("Numbers may have only one decimal $point.");
     if ($num =~ /^$/) {
 	$num = "0";
     # если научная нотация
     if ($num =~ /[eE]/) {
 	if ($num !~ /^[\d\Q$point\E]+[Ee]-?\d+$/o) {
 	        "Scientific numbers may only have a leading -, digits\n" .
 		"an optional decimal $point (optionally followed by digits)\n" .
 		"before e (or E).  The e (or E) may only be followed by an\n" .
 		"optional - and 1 more more digits after the e.  All\n" .
 		"3 digit separators, leading 0's and whitespace characters\n" .
 		"are ignored.");
 	if ($num !~ /^\Q$point\E?\d/o) {
 	    err("Scientific numbers must at least a digit before the e.");
 	$num = exp_number($num, $point, \$bias);
     } else {
 	$bias = Math::BigInt->bzero();
     # проверка числа
     if ($num !~ /^[\d\Q$point\E]+$/o || $num =~ /^\Q$point\E$/) {
 	err("A number may only have a leading -, digits and an " .
 	       "optional decimal ``$point''.\n" .
 	       "All 3 digit separators and" .
 	       "whitespace characters and leading 0's are ignored.");
     # разбиваем на целую и дробную часть
     ($integer, $fract) = split /\Q$point\E/, $num;
     if ($integer =~ /^$/) {
 	$integer = "0";
     if ($bias > 0 && defined($fract) && $fract != 0) {
 	err("FATAL: Internal error, bias: $bias > 0 and fract: $fract != 0");
     if ($bias < 0 && defined($integer) && $integer != 0) {
 	err("FATAL: Internal error, bias: $bias < 0 and int: $integer != 0");
     # setup to output
     if ($html) {
 	print $cgi->p, "\n";
 	print $cgi->hr, "\n";
 	print $cgi->p, "\n";
 	if ($opt_c) {
 	    print $cgi->b("Decimal value:"), "\n";
 	} else {
 	    print $cgi->b("Name of number:"), "\n";
 	print $cgi->p, "\n";
 	print "
 	$preblock = 1;
     # обработка исключений
     if ($opt_p || $opt_l) {
        if (defined($fract) || $neg) {
 	    err("The power must be a non-negative integer.");
        } else {
 	   power_of_ten(\$integer, $system, $bias);
     } elsif ($opt_c) {
 	if ($opt_o) {
 	    print_number($sep, $neg, \$integer, $point, \$fract, 0, $bias);
 	} else {
 	    print_number($sep, $neg, \$integer, $point, \$fract, 76, $bias);
     } else {
 	print_name($neg, \$integer, \$fract, $system, $bias);
     # Для веб-а
     if ($html == 1) {
 # exp_number - конвертация научной нотации
 #	1.234e2
 #     станет 
 #	123.4		
 #	12345.6e-10
 #    станет
 #	.123456		
 sub exp_number($$$)
     my ($num, $point, $bias) = @_;	# get args
     my $expstr;	# base 10 exponent (value after the E) as a string
     my $exp;	# base 10 exponent (value after the E) as a BigInt
     my $lead;	# lead digits (before the E)
     my $int;	# integer part of lead
     my $frac;	# fractional part of lead
     # we have something like -3.5e70 or .5e50 or 4E50 or 4.E-49
     # break it apart into before and after the E
     ($lead, $expstr) = split(/[Ee]/, $num);
     $exp = Math::BigInt->new($expstr);
     # If we have a 0 exponent, just return the lead with a zero bias
     if ($exp == 0) {
 	$$bias = Math::BigInt->bzero();
 	return $lead;
     # We need to split the lead between before and after the
     # decimal point/comma
     ($int, $frac) = split(/\Q$point\E/, $lead);
     $frac = "" if !defined($frac);
     # If we need to move the decimal point/comma to the right, then
     # we do so by moving digits from $fract onto the end of $int and
     # adding more 0's onto the end of $int as needed.
     if ($exp > 0) {
 	# If we have more exp than $frac digits, then just
 	# tack the $frac onto the end of the $int part.  This
 	# will result in power of ten bias > 0.
 	if (length($frac) <= $exp) {
 	    # move all $frac digits to the left of decimal point/comma
 	    $int .= $frac;
 	    $$bias = $exp - length($frac);
 	    $frac = "";
 	# we have fewer exp than $frac digits, so we will move
 	# only part of the $frac to the $int side
 	} else {
 	    # we use $expstr because we know that it is a small value
 	    $int .= substr($frac, 0, $expstr);
 	    $frac = substr($frac, $expstr);
 	    $$bias = Math::BigInt->bzero();
     # If we need to move the decimal point/comma to the left, then
     # we do so by moving digits from the end of $int onto the front
     # if $frac and adding more 0's on the front of $frac as needed.
     } elsif ($exp < 0) {
 	# If we have more exp than $int digits, then we just
 	# tack the $int part onto the front of the $int part
 	# and set $int to 0.  This will result in a power of
 	# ten bias < 0.
 	if (length($int) <= -$exp) {
 	    # move all $int digits to the right of decimal point/comma
 	    $$bias = $exp + length($int);
 	    $frac = $int . $frac;
 	    $int = "0";
 	# we have fewer exp than $int digits, so we will move
 	# only part of the $int to the $frac side
 	} else {
 	    # we use $expstr because we know that it is a small value
 	    $frac = substr($int, $expstr) . $frac;
 	    $int = substr($int, 0, length($int)+$expstr);
 	    $$bias = Math::BigInt->bzero();
     # we have the value as decimal in $int and $frac, form the
     # final decimal and return it
     if ($frac =~ /^\d/) {
 	return $int . $point . $frac;
     } else {
 	return $int;
 # print_number - print the number with ,'s or .'s
 # given:
 #	$sep		, or . set of 3 digit separators
 #	$neg		1 => number is negative, 0 => non-negative
 #	\$integer	integer part of the number
 #	$point		decimal point/comma
 #	\$fract		fractional part of number (or undef)
 #	$linelen	max line length (0 => no limit)
 #	$bias		power of 10 bias (as BigInt) during de-sci
 #			    notation conversion
 sub print_number($$$$$$$)
     # get args
     my ($sep, $neg, $integer, $point, $fract, $linelen, $bias) = @_;
     my $wholelen;	# length of the integer part as modified by bias
     my $intlen;		# length of the integer part without bias
     my $fractlen;	# length of the fractional part
     my $leadlen;	# length of digits, separators and - on 1st line
     my $col;		# current output column, first col is 1
     my $i;
     # deal with the zero special case
     if (!defined($$integer) || $$integer eq "") {
 	$$integer = "0";
     # determine if the web limits will apply
     $intlen = 0;
     if (defined($$integer)) {
 	$intlen = length($$integer);
     $fractlen = 0;
     if (defined($$fract)) {
 	$fractlen = length($$fract);
     if ($html) {
 	my $fulllen;	# approximate length of the input as BigInt
 	# $fulllen = abs($bias) + $fractlen + int($intlen*4/3)
 	$fulllen = $bias->copy();
 	# if $fulllen > $big_decimal
 	if ($fulllen->bcmp($big_decimal) > 0) {
     # We will round the max line length down to a multiple of 4
     if (!defined($linelen)) {
 	$linelen = 0;
     } elsif ($linelen > 0) {
 	$linelen = int($linelen/4) * 4;
     } else {
 	$linelen = 0;
     # no line length specified (or value passed < 4) means just print it
     # on a single line
     if ($linelen == 0) {
 	# Print the number, and fraction if it exists on a single line.
 	if (defined($$fract)) {
 	    # deal with a leading - if needed
 	    print "-" if $neg;
 	    # print thru the decimal point
 	    print $$integer, $point;
 	    # if biased, print 0's then fract
 	    if ($bias < 0) {
 		# print 0's in big_bias chuncks at a time
 		# NOTE: Some implementations, using a BigInt count
 		#	in an x (duplication) does not work.  So we
 		#	avoid this by printing big_bias chuncks at a time.
 		while ($bias < 0) {
 		    print "0" x $big_bias;
 		if ($bias != 0) {
 		    my $tmp;
 		    $tmp = $bias->bstr();
 		    print "0" x -$tmp;
 	    # print the remainder of the fraction
 	    print $$fract;
 	} else {
 	    # deal with a leading - if needed
 	    print "-" if $neg;
 	    # print the integer digits
 	    print $$integer;
 	    # if biased, print 0's
 	    if ($bias > 0) {
 		# print 0's in big_bias chuncks at a time
 		# NOTE: Some implementations, using a BigInt count
 		#	in an x (duplication) does not work.  So we
 		#	avoid this by printing big_bias chuncks at a time.
 		if ($bias > 0) {
 		    print "0" x $big_bias;
 		if ($bias != 0) {
 		    my $tmp;
 		    $tmp = $bias->bstr();
 		    print "0" x $tmp;
     # If we have a line length, we need to insert newlines after
     # the separators to keep within the max line length.
     } else {
 	# determine the length of the integer part of the number
 	$wholelen = Math::BigInt->new($intlen);
 	if ($bias > 0) {
 	    $wholelen += $bias;
 	$leadlen = $wholelen->copy();
 	if ($wholelen->bcmp(3) > 0) {	# if >3
 	    my $tmp;
 	    # account for separators
 	    # Some BigInt implementations issue uninitialized
 	    # warnings internal to the BigInt code with the
 	    # division below.  We block these bogus warnings.
 	    # $leadlen += ($wholelen-1)/3;
 	    $tmp = $wholelen->copy();
 	    $^W = 0;
 	    $^W = $warn;
 	if ($neg) {
 	    # account for - sign
 	# print enough the leading whitespace so that the
 	# decimal point/comma will line up at the end of a line
 	# Some BigInt implementations issue uninitialized
 	# warnings internal to the BigInt code with the
 	# modulus below.  We block these bogus warnings.
 	$^W = 0;
 	$col = ($linelen - (($leadlen+1) % $linelen)) % $linelen;
 	$^W = $warn;
 	print " " x $col;
 	# process a leading -, if needed
 	if ($neg) {
 	    if (++$col >= $linelen) {
 		# This could mean that we have a lone - in the 1st line
 		# but there is nothing we can do about that if we want
 		# the decimal point/comma to be at the end of a line
 		# and the separators to line up in columns (particularly
 		# along the right hand edge)
 		print "-\n";
 		$col = 1;
 	    } else {
 		print "-";
 	# output the leading digits before the first separator
 	if ($bias > 0) {
 	    # Some BigInt implementations issue uninitialized
 	    # warnings internal to the BigInt code with the
 	    # modulus below.  We block these bogus warnings.
 	    $^W = 0;
 	    # avoid turning $i in to a BitInt because of the
 	    # later use in substr()
 	    if ($bias % 3 == 0) {
 		$i = $intlen % 3;
 	    } elsif ($bias % 3 == 1) {
 		$i = ($intlen+1) % 3;
 	    } else {
 		$i = ($intlen+2) % 3;
 	    $^W = $warn;
 	} else {
 	    $i = $intlen % 3;
 	if ($i == 0) {
 	    $i = 3;
 	$col += $i;
 	if ($i > $intlen) {
 	    print substr($$integer, 0, $i), 0 x ($i-$intlen);
 	} else {
 	    print substr($$integer, 0, $i);
 	# output , and 3 digits until whole number is exhausted
 	while ($i < $intlen) {
 	    # output the separator, we add a newline if the line
 	    # is at or beyond the limit
 	    if (++$col >= $linelen) {
 		print "$sep\n";
 		$col = 1;
 	    } else {
 		print $sep;
 	    # output 3 more digits
 	    if ($i+3 > $intlen) {
 		print substr($$integer, $i, 3), 0 x ($i+3-$intlen);
 	    } else {
 		print substr($$integer, $i, 3);
 	    $col += 3;
 	    $i += 3;
 	# if biased > 0, output sets of 0's until decimal point/comma
 	if ($wholelen->bcmp($intlen) > 0)  {	# if >$intlen
 	    while ($wholelen->bcmp($i) > 0) {	# while $i < $wholelen
 		# output the separator, we add a newline if the line
 		# is at or beyond the limit
 		if (++$col >= $linelen) {
 		    print "$sep\n";
 		    $col = 1;
 		} else {
 		    print $sep;
 		# output 3 more digits
 		print "000";
 		$col += 3;
 		$i += 3;
 	# print the decimal point/comma followed by the fractional
 	# part if needed
 	if (defined($$fract)) {
 	    my $offset;		# offset within fract bring printed
 	    # print the decimal point/comma and move to a new line
 	    print "$point\n";
 	    $col = 1;
 	    $offset = 0;
 	    # if biased, print leading 0's then the fract digits
 	    # line with the first fract digits
 	    if ($bias < 0) {
 		# print whole lines of 0's while we have lots of bias
 		# while $bias < -$linelen
 		while ($bias < 0) {
 		    print "0" x $linelen, "\n";
 		# print the last line of bias 0's
 		# NOTE: Some implementations, using a BigInt count
 		#	in an x (duplication) does not work.  So we
 		#	avoid this by printing using a scalar repeater.
 		if ($bias != 0) {
 		    $i = $bias->bstr();
 		    print "0" x -$i;
 		    $offset += -$i;
 		# print the first line of fract to fill out the line
 		if ($offset <= $linelen) {
 		    print substr($$fract, 0, $linelen-$offset), "\n";
 		} else {
 		    print "\n";
 		# print the rest of the faction in linelen chunks
 		for ($i = $linelen-$offset; $i < $fractlen; $i += $linelen) {
 		    print substr($$fract, $i, $linelen), "\n";
 	    # non-biased printing of fract digits
 	    } else {
 		# print the rest of the faction in linelen chunks
 		for ($i = 0; $i < $fractlen; $i += $linelen) {
 		    print substr($$fract, $i, $linelen), "\n";
     # end of the number
     print "\n";
 # latin_root - return the Latin root of a number
 # given:
 #	$num	   number to construct
 #	$millia	   addition number of millia to add to the latin_root
 # Prints the latin root name on which we can add llion or lliard to
 # form a name for 1000^($num+1), depending on American or European
 # name system.
 # The effect of $millia is to multiply $num by 1000^$millia.
 sub latin_root($$)
     my ($num, $millia) = @_;	# get args
     my $numstr;	# $num as a string
     my @set3;	# set of 3 digits, $set3[0] is the most significant
     my $d3;	# 3rd digit in a set of 3
     my $d2;	# 2nd digit in a set of 3
     my $d1;	# 1st digit in a set of 3
     my $l3;	# latin name for 3rd digit in a set of 3
     my $l2;	# latin name for 2nd digit in a set of 3
     my $l1;	# latin name for 1st digit in a set of 3
     my $len;	# number of sets of 3 including the final (perhaps partial) 3
     my $millia_cnt;		# number of millia's to print
     my $i;
     # firewall
     if ($millia < 0) {
 	err("FATAL: Internal error, millia: $millia < 0 in latin_root()");
     # deal with small special cases for small values
     if ($millia == 0 && $num < @l_special) {
 	print $l_special[$num], $dash;
     # determine the number of sets of 3 and the length
     ($numstr = $num) =~ s/[^\d]//g;
     $i = length($numstr);
     $len = int(($i + 2) / 3);
     if ($i % 3 == 0) {
 	@set3 = unpack("a3"x$len, $numstr);
     } elsif ($i % 3 == 1) {
 	@set3 = unpack("a"."a3"x($len-1), $numstr);
 	$set3[0] = "00" . $set3[0];
     } else {
 	@set3 = unpack("a2"."a3"x($len-1), $numstr);
 	$set3[0] = "0" . $set3[0];
     # Determine how many millia's we will initially print
     # We have to be careful about how we compute $millia+len-1
     # so that it will not become a floating value.
     $millia_cnt = $millia->copy();
     # process each set of 3 digits up to but not
     # including the last set of 3
     for ($i=0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
 	# keep track of the number of millia's we might print
 	if ($millia_cnt > 0) {
 	# do nothing if 000
 	if ($set3[$i] == 0) {
 	# extract digits in the current set of 3
 	# The 100's place is a little bit tricky.  Normally the hundred names
 	# end in a ``t'', however when we are dealing with the last set of
 	# 3 and there is no tens or ones, then the ''t'' is thought to belong
 	# to the final ``tillion'' or ``tillard''.
 	$d1 = substr($set3[$i], 2, 1);
 	$l1 = (($d1 > 0) ? $l_unit[$d1] . $dash : "");
 	$d2 = substr($set3[$i], 1, 1);
 	$l2 = (($d2 > 0) ? $l_ten[$d2] . $dash : "");
 	$d3 = substr($set3[$i], 0, 1);
 	$l3 = (($d3 > 0) ? $l_hundred[$d3] .
 			   (($i == $len-1 && $d1 == 0 && $d2 == 0) ? "" : "t") .
 			   $dash : "");
 	# print the 3 digits
 	# We will skip the printing of the 3 digits if
 	# we have just 001 in all but the lowest set of 3.
 	# This results in no output so that we wind up with
 	# something such as:
 	#	something-tillion
 	# instead of:
 	#	un-something-tillion
 	if ($i > 0 || $d3 != 0 || $d2 != 0 || $d1 != 1) {
 	    print "$l3$l1$l2";
 	# print millia's as needed
 	if ($millia > 0 || $i < $len-1) {
 	    if ($opt_m) {
 		# print millia's with ^number (-m) notation
 		if ($millia_cnt->bcmp(1) > 0) {		# if $millia_cnt > 1
 		    print "millia^", $millia_cnt->bstr(), $dash;
 		} else {
 		    print "millia", $dash;
 	    } else {
 		# print the millia's without ^number (-n) notation
 		# NOTE: Some implementations, using a BigInt count
 		#	in an x (duplication) does not work.  So we
 		#	avoid this by printing big_bias chuncks at a time.
 		while($millia_cnt > 0) {
 		    print "millia$dash" x $big_bias;
 		if ($millia_cnt != 0) {
 		    my $tmp;
 		    $tmp = $millia_cnt->bstr();
 		    print "millia$dash" x $tmp;
     # For the case of ending in 1x we need to end in an 'i'
     # instead of the usual 'ti'.  This is because we say:
     #	trecen-dec-illion
     # instead of:
     #	trecen-dec-tillion
     if (defined($d2) && $d2 == 1) {
 	print "i";
     } else {
 	print "ti";
     # all done
 # american_kilo - return the name of power of 1000 under American system
 # given:
 #	$power	power of 1000
 # Prints the name of 1000^$power.
 sub american_kilo($)
     my $power = $_[0];	# get arg
     my $big;		# $power as a BigInt
     # firewall
     if ($power < 0) {
 	err("Negative powers of 1000 not supported: $power");
     # We treat 0 as nothing
     if ($power == 0) {
     # We must deal with 1 special since it does not use a direct Latin root
     } elsif ($power == 1) {
 	print "thousand";
     # Otherwise we use the Latin root process to construct the value.
     } else {
 	$big = Math::BigInt->new($power);
 	latin_root($big->bdec(), Math::BigInt->bzero());
 	print "llion";
 # european_kilo - return the name of power of 1000 under European system
 # given:
 #	$power	power of 1000
 # Prints the name of 1000^$power.
 # The European system uses both "llion" and "lliard" suffixes for
 # each root value.  The "llion" is for even powers and the "lliard"
 # is for off powers.
 # Because both "llion" and "lliard" suffixes are used, we need to
 # divide in half, the value before using the Latin root system.
 sub european_kilo($)
     my $power = $_[0];		# get arg
     my $mod2;			# $power mod 2
     my $big;			# $power as a BigInt
     # firewall
     if ($power < 0) {
 	err("Negative powers of 1000 not supported: $power");
     # We treat 0 as nothing
     if ($power == 0) {
     # We must deal with 1 special since it does not use a direct Latin root
     } elsif ($power == 1) {
 	print "thousand";
     # Use latin_root to determine the root while taking care to
     # deterine of we will end in "llion" (even big,biasmillia combo)
     # or end in "lliard" (odd big,biasmillia combo).
     } else {
 	# divide $power by 2 and note if it was even or odd
 	# Some BigInt implementations issue uninitialized
 	# warnings internal to the BigInt code with the
 	# bdiv below.  We block these bogus warnings.
 	$big = Math::BigInt->new($power);
 	$^W = 0;
 	($big, $mod2) = $big->bdiv($two);
 	$^W = $warn;
 	# Even roots use "llion"
 	if ($mod2 == 0) {
 	    latin_root($big, Math::BigInt->bzero());
 	    print "llion";
 	# Odd roots use "lliard"
 	} else {
 	    latin_root($big, Math::BigInt->bzero());
 	    print "lliard";
 # power_of_ten - just print name of a the power of 10
 # given:
 #	\$power	the power of 10 to name print
 #	$system	the number system ('American' or 'European')
 #	$bias	power of 10 bias (as BigInt) during de-sci notation conversion
 sub power_of_ten($$$)
     my ($power, $system, $bias) = @_;	# get args
     my $kilo_power;			# power of 1000 to ask about
     my $big;				# $power as a BigInt
     my $mod3;				# $big mod 3
     my $mod2;				# $kilo_power mod 2
     my $biasmod3;			# bias mod 3
     my $biasmillia;			# int(bias/3)
     my $bias_big;			# approx power of 10 ($bias+$big)
     my $i;
     # firewall
     if ($bias < 0) {
 	err("FATAL: Internal error, bias: $bias < 0 in power_of_ten()");
     # Convert $$power arg into BigInt format
     $big = Math::BigInt->new($$power);
     # convert the power of 10 into a multiplier and a power of 1000
     # If we gave -l, then we will assume that we are dealing with
     # a power of 1000 instead of a power of 10.
     if ($opt_l) {
 	# Web firewall
 	if ($html && !$opt_m && $bias->bcmp($big_latin_power) > 0) {
 	# increase the power based on bias mod 3
 	# Some BigInt implementations issue uninitialized
 	# warnings internal to the BigInt code with the
 	# division and mod below.  We block these bogus warnings.
 	$^W = 0;
 	($biasmillia, $biasmod3) = $bias->bdiv($three);
 	$^W = $warn;
 	if ($biasmod3 == 1) {
 	} elsif ($biasmod3 == 2) {
 	# under -l, we deal with powers of 1000 above 1000
 	$kilo_power = $big->copy();
 	# under -l, our multiplier name is always one
 	print "one";
     } else {
 	# firewall
 	if ($bias != 0) {
 	    if ($html) {
 		err("Scientific notation is not supported for powers\n" .
 		  "of 10 at this time. Try using Latin powers or enter" .
 		  " the\nnumber without scientific notation.");
 	    } else {
 		err("Scientific notation is not supported for powers of" .
 		       "10\n" .
 		       "of 10 at this time.  Try using Latin powers or enter" .
 		       " the\nnumber without scientific notation.");
 	# convert power of 10 into power of 1000
 	# Some BigInt implementations issue uninitialized
 	# warnings internal to the BigInt code with the
 	# bdiv below.  We block these bogus warnings.
 	$^W = 0;
 	($kilo_power, $mod3) = $big->bdiv(3);
 	$^W = $warn;
 	$biasmillia = Math::BigInt->bzero();
 	# print the multiplier name
 	if ($mod3 < 1) {
 	    print "one";
 	} elsif ($mod3 == 1) {
 	    print "ten";
 	} else {
 	    print "one hundred";
     # A zero kilo_power means that we only have 1, 10 or 100
     # and so there is nothing else to print.
     if ($kilo_power->bcmp(1) < 0 && $biasmillia == 0) {
 	# nothing else to print
     # We must treat a kilo_power of 1 as a special case
     # because 'thousand' does not have a Latin root base.
     } elsif ($kilo_power == 1 && $biasmillia == 0) {
 	print " thousand";
     # print the name based on the American name system
     } elsif ($system eq 'American') {
 	print " ";
 	latin_root($kilo_power->bdec(), $biasmillia);
 	print "llion";
     # print the name based on the European name system
     } else {
 	# divide $kilo_power by 2 taking into account any $biasmillia
 	# We must determine if the kilo_power and biasmillia combination
 	# is even or odd.
 	# Some BigInt implementations issue uninitialized
 	# warnings internal to the BigInt code with the
 	# division and mod below.  We block these bogus warnings.
 	$^W = 0;
 	if (($kilo_power % 2) == 0) {
 	    # kilo_power is even so kilo_power,biasmillia is even
 	    $mod2 = 0;
 	} else {
 	    # If we have biasmillia, then the kilo_power,biasmillia combination
 	    # is even.  We divide by 2 by multiplying by 500 while reducing
 	    # biasmillia by one.  This results in an even number.
 	    if ($biasmillia > 0) {
 		$mod2 = 0;
 	    # We do not have biasmillia and kilo_power is odd, so we must use
 	    # the "lliard" roots
 	    } else {
 		$mod2 = 1;
 	$^W = $warn;
 	# Even roots use "llion"
 	if ($mod2 == 0) {
 	    print " ";
 	    latin_root($kilo_power, $biasmillia);
 	    print "llion";
 	# Odd roots use "lliard"
 	} else {
 	    print " ";
 	    latin_root($kilo_power, $biasmillia);
 	    print "lliard";
     print "\n";
 # print_name - print the name of a number
 # given:
 #	$neg		1 => number is negative, 0 => non-negative
 #	\$integer	integer part of the number
 #	\$fract		fractional part of number (or undef)
 #	$system		number system ('American' or 'European')
 #	$bias		power of 10 bias (as BigInt) during de-sci
 #			    notation conversion
 sub print_name($$$$$)
     my ($neg, $integer, $fract, $system, $bias) = @_;	# get args
     my $bias_mod3;	# bias % 3
     my $millia;		# millia arg, power of 1000 for a given set f 3
     my $intstr;		# integer as a string
     my $intlen;		# length of integer part in digits
     my $fractlen = 0;	# length of the fractional part
     my $cnt3;		# current set of 3 index (or partial of highest)
     my $set3;		# set of 3 digits
     my $indx;		# index into integer
     my $i;
     # process a leading -, if needed
     if ($neg) {
 	print "negative ";
     # must deal with the zero as a special case
     if ($$integer eq "0") {
 	print "zero";
     # convert integer to string
     ($intstr = $$integer) =~ s/[^\d]//g;
     # For a bias > 0, we want that bias to be a multiple of 3
     # so that we can add it to the 1st arg (power of 1000) of
     # either american_kilo() or european_kilo().
     # We any bias % 3 and 'move' to the integer by adding 1 or 2 0's
     # to the end of it.
     if ($bias > 0) {
 	# compute $bias % 3 and make $bias a multiple of 3
 	# Some BigInt implementations issue uninitialized
 	# warnings internal to the BigInt code with the
 	# bdiv below.  We block these bogus warnings.
 	$^W = 0;
 	($bias, $bias_mod3) = $bias->bdiv($three);
 	$^W = $warn;
 	# ``move`` the $bias % 3 value onto the end of integer
 	if ($bias_mod3 == 1) {
 	    $intstr .= "0";
 	} elsif ($bias_mod3 == 2) {
 	    $intstr .= "00";
     # determine the number of sets of 3
     $intlen = length($intstr);
     $cnt3 = int(($intlen+2)/3);
     $millia = Math::BigInt->new($bias);
     # determine if the web limits will apply
     if (defined($$fract)) {
 	$fractlen = length($$fract);
     if ($html) {
 	my $fulllen;	# approximate length of the input as BigInt
 	$fulllen = Math::BigInt->new(abs($fractlen) + abs($intlen));
 	if ($bias < 0) {
 	if ($fulllen->bcmp($big_digits) > 0) {	# if $fulllen > $big_digits
     # print the highest order set, which may be partial
     $indx = 3-((3*$cnt3)-$intlen);
     $set3 = substr($intstr, 0, $indx);
     print " ";
     if ($system eq 'American') {
 	if ($bias > 0) {
 	} else {
     } else {
 	if ($bias > 0) {
 	} else {
     # process all of the the remaining full sets of 3 (if any)
     while (--$cnt3 >= 0) {
 	$set3 = substr($intstr, $indx, 3);
 	$indx += 3;
 	next if $set3 == 0;
 	if ($opt_o) {
 	    print ", ";
 	} else {
 	    print ",\n";
 	if ($cnt3 > 0 || $bias > 0) {
 	    print " ";
 	    if ($system eq 'American') {
 		if ($bias > 0) {
 		} else {
 	    } else {
 		if ($bias > 0) {
 		} else {
     # print after the decimal point if needed
     if (defined($$fract)) {
         my $len;	# length of current line
 	my $line;	# current line being formed
 	# mark the decimal point/comma
 	if (!$opt_o) {
 	    print "\n";
 	if ($system eq 'American') {
 	    print "point";
 	} else {
 	    print "comma";
 	if ($opt_o) {
 	    print " ";
 	} else {
 	    print "\n";
 	    $len = 0;
 	# if biased, print off leading zero's
 	while ($bias < 0) {
 	    my $zero = $digits[0];		# zero digit
 	    my $diglen = length($zero)+1;	# length of zero name + space
 	    if ($opt_o) {
 		print " $zero";
 	    } else {
 		if ($len <= 0) {
 		    print $zero;
 		    $len = $diglen - 1;
 		} elsif ($len + $diglen < 80) {
 		    print " $zero";
 		    $len += $diglen;
 		} else {
 		    print "\n$zero";
 		    $len = $diglen - 1;
 	# list off the digits
 	for ($i=0; $i < length($$fract); ++$i) {
 	    my $dig = $digits[substr($$fract, $i, 1)];	# the digit to print
 	    my $diglen = length($dig)+1;		# length of digit + ' '
 	    if ($opt_o) {
 		print " $dig";
 	    } else {
 		if ($len <= 0) {
 		    print $dig;
 		    $len = $diglen - 1;
 		} elsif ($len + $diglen < 80) {
 		    print " $dig";
 		    $len += $diglen;
 		} else {
 		    print "\n$dig";
 		    $len = $diglen - 1;
     print "\n";
 # print_3 - print 3 digits
 # given:
 #	$dig3	1 to 3 digits
 # Will print the english name of a number form 0 thru 999.
 sub print_3($)
     my ($number) = @_;	# get args
     my $num;		# working value of number
     my $name_3;		# 3 digit name
     # pre-compute name of 3 digits if we do not alread have it
     if (! defined($english_3[$number])) {
 	# setup
 	err("print_3 called with arg not in [0,999] range: $number")
 	   if ($number < 0 || $number > 999);
 	$name_3 = "";
 	# determine the hundreds name, if needed
 	if ($number > 99) {
 	    $name_3 = $digits[$number/100] . " hundred";
 	# determine the name of tens and one if more than 19
 	$num = $number % 100;
 	if ($num > 19) {
 	    if ($number > 99) {
 		$name_3 .= " ";
 	    $name_3 .= $tens[$num/10];
 	    if ($num % 10 > 0) {
 		$name_3 .= " " . $digits[$num % 10];
 	# determine the name of tens and one if more than 9
 	} elsif ($num > 9) {
 	    if ($number > 99) {
 		$name_3 .= " ";
 	    $name_3 .= $teens[$num-10];
 	# otherwise determine the name the digit
 	} elsif ($num > 0) {
 	    if ($number > 99) {
 		$name_3 .= " ";
 	    $name_3 .= $digits[$num];
 	# save the 3 digit name
 	$english_3[$number] = $name_3;
     # print the 3 digit name
     print $english_3[$number];
 # cgi_form - print the CGI/HTML form
 # returns:
 #	$num	input value
 sub cgi_form()
     # radio label sets
     my %input_label = (
 	"number" => " Just a number",
 	"exp" => " Power of 10",
 	"latin" => " Latin power (1000^number)"
     my %output_label = (
 	"name" => " English name",
 	"digit" => " Decimal digits if input is just a number"
     my %system_label = (
 	"usa" => " American system",
 	"europe" => " European system"
     my %millia_label = (
 	"dup" => " milliamillia...",
 	"power" => " millia^7 (compact form)"
     my %dash_label = (
 	"nodash" => " without any -'s",
 	"dash" => " with -'s between parts of words"
     print $cgi->header, "\n";
     print $cgi->start_html(
 	  -title => 'The English name of a number',
 	  -bgcolor => '#98B8D8'), "\n";
     print $cgi->h1('The English name of a number'), "\n";
     print $cgi->p, "\n";
     print "See the ", "\n";
     print $cgi->a({'HREF' =>
 		  "example / help");
     print " page for an explanation of the options below.\n";
     print $cgi->br, "\n";
     print "See also the ", "\n";
     print $cgi->a({'HREF' =>
 		  "English name of a number home page"), "\n";
     print ".\n";
     print $cgi->p, "\n";
     print $cgi->start_form, "\n";
     print "Type of input:", "\n";
     print " " x 4, "\n";
     print $cgi->radio_group(-name => 'input',
 			  -values => ['number', 'exp', 'latin'],
 			  -labels => \%input_label,
 			  -default => 'number'), "\n";
     print $cgi->br, "\n";
     print "Type of output:", "\n";
     print " " x 2, "\n";
     print $cgi->radio_group(-name => 'output',
 			  -values => ['name', 'digit'],
 			  -labels => \%output_label,
 			  -default => 'name'), "\n";
     print $cgi->br, "\n";
     print "Name system:", "\n";
     print " " x 4, "\n";
     print $cgi->radio_group(-name => 'system',
 			  -values => ['usa', 'europe'],
 			  -labels => \%system_label,
 			  -default => 'usa'), "\n";
     print $cgi->br, "\n";
     print "Millia style:", "\n";
     print " " x 8, "\n";
     print $cgi->radio_group(-name => 'millia',
 			  -values => ['dup', 'power'],
 			  -labels => \%millia_label,
 			  -default => 'dup'), "\n";
     print $cgi->br, "\n";
     print "Dash style:", "\n";
     print " " x 10, "\n";
     print $cgi->radio_group(-name => 'dash',
 			  -values => ['nodash', 'dash'],
 			  -labels => \%dash_label,
 			  -default => 'nodash'), "\n";
     print $cgi->p, "\n";
     print $cgi->b('Enter a number:'), "\n";
     print $cgi->br, "\n";
     print $cgi->textarea(-name => 'number',
 		         -rows => '10',
 		         -columns => '60'), "\n";
     print $cgi->p, "\n";
     print $cgi->submit(name=>'Name that number'), "\n";
     print " NOTE: We limit POSTs on web to ~$big_input characters,\n";
     print "see below.\n";
     print $cgi->end_form, "\n";
     # Prep for the reply
     # We need to convert the CGI parameters into values that
     # would have been set if we were processing the input
     # on the command line.
     # determine the input mode
     if (defined($cgi->param('input'))) {
 	if ($cgi->param('input') eq "exp") {
 	    $opt_p = 1;	# assume -p (power of 10)
 	} elsif ($cgi->param('input') eq "latin") {
 	    $opt_l = 1;	# assume -l (1000 ^ number))
     # determine the output mode
     if (defined($cgi->param('output')) &&
 	$cgi->param('output') eq "digit") {
 	$opt_c = 1;		# assume -c (comma/dot decimal)
     # determine the system
     if (defined($cgi->param('system')) &&
 	$cgi->param('system') eq "europe") {
 	$opt_e = 1;		# assume -e (European system)
     # determine the millia style
     if (defined($cgi->param('millia')) &&
 	$cgi->param('millia') eq "power") {
 	$opt_m = 1;		# assume -m (compact millia method)
     # determine the dash method in names
     if (defined($cgi->param('dash')) && $cgi->param('dash') eq "dash") {
 	$opt_d = 1;		# assume -d (use -'s in names)
     # return the number
     return $cgi->param('number');
 # trailer - print the trailer
 # given:
 #	$arg	1 => suppress message about obtaining the source
 # If the arg passed is 1, then the message about obtaining the source
 # if suppressed.
 sub trailer($)
     my $arg = $_[0];
     # close off input
     if ($preblock && $html == 1) {
 	print $cgi->p, "\n";
 	print "
\n"; } if ($html == 1) { print "

\n"; } } # big_err - print a too big error and exit # sub big_err() { # close off input # if ($preblock) { print $cgi->p, "\n"; print "

\n"; } # print too big error # print $cgi->p, $cgi->b("SORRY!"), "  We have imposed an arbitrary size limit on", " the output of this CGI program.", $cgi->p, "Even though there is no limit on the size of\n", "of number that the algorithm can name, we had to put some limit\n", "on the amount of output we will print. Otherwise someone\n", "could enter a huge number such as causing the server to flood the\n", "network with lots of data ... assuming we had the memory to form\n", "the print buffer in the first place!\n"; # tell about some of the limits # print $cgi->p, "The arbitrary size limit as approximately as follows:\n", "
    \n", "
  • No more than $big_input characters of input\n", "
  • Latin power scientific notation exponent < ", $big_latin_power, " when using non-compact millia style
    \n", "(i.e., when entering digitseexp ", "keep exp < ", $big_latin_power, " or use compact millia^7... Millia style)\n", "
  • Decimal expansion limited to about $big_decimal digits\n", "
\n"; # print a suggestion # if ($opt_c) { print $cgi->p, "Instead of printing the digits of a number, you might\n", "try printing the ", $cgi->b("English name"), " instead.\n"; } elsif ($opt_p) { print $cgi->p, "You might try rasing ", $cgi->b("Latin powers"), " (1000^latin_power) instead of just powers of 10.\n"; } elsif ($opt_l && !$opt_m) { print $cgi->p, "You might try turning on the\n", $cgi->b("compact form"), " of the Millia style (e.g., millia^7).\n", "Often that reduces the amount of output enough\n", "to drop under the arbitrary size limit.\n"; } # tell them about running it themselves # print $cgi->p, "If none of those options are what you want/need, you can\n", "run this program on your own computer in the non-CGI mode.\n", "The non-CGI mode has no internal size restrictions and is\n", "limited only by time and your systems resources.\n", "You may download the\n", $cgi->a({'href' => "/chongo/tech/math/number/number"}, "source"), " and run it yourself.\n", $cgi->p, "If you do download the\n", $cgi->a({'href' => "/chongo/tech/math/number/number"}, "source"), " save it as either the filename ", $cgi->b("number.cgi"), " or ", $cgi->b("number"), ".", " The CGI script ", $cgi->b("number.cgi"), " operates as it is doing now with size limits.", " The Perl script ", $cgi->b("number"), " reads a number from standard input, has no size limits", "and does not perform any CGI/HTML actions.", "\n", $cgi->p; trailer(1); exit(1); } # err - report an error in CGI/HTML or die form # # given: # $msg the message to print # sub err($) { my $msg = $_[0]; # get args # just issue the die message if not in CGI/HTML mode # if ($html == 0 || $cgi == 0) { if ($html != 0) { print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; } die $msg, "\n"; } # error message in CGI/HTML # if ($preblock == 0) { print $cgi->p, "\n"; print $cgi->hr, "\n"; print $cgi->p, "\n"; } print $cgi->b("SORRY!"), "\n", $msg, "\n"; trailer(0); exit(1); }
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