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Inline Samples

Следующий пример ожидает ввода 4-значного числа , передает его в качестве строки в подпрограмму и возвращает целое число . Для извлечения в подпрограмме входящего аргумента идет обращение к стеку по смещению 8(%ebp) :

 #include < stdio.h>
 int Atoi(char *num)
 	   "movl 8(%ebp),%ebx \n"     // Set ebx to first element in array 
 	   "xorl %eax,%eax \n"        // set eax (counter) to NULL
 	   "xorl %ecx,%ecx \n"        // set ecx (sum) to NULL
 	   "xorl %edx,%edx \n"        // set edx to NULL
 	   ".loop: \n"                // forloop section
 	   "addl $-48,(%eax,%ebx) \n" // add -48 to array element(conversion)
 	   "imull $10,%ecx \n"        // multiply by 10(shift left)
 	   "addb (%eax,%ebx),%ecx \n" // add next array element to sum
 	   "incl %eax \n"             // increment counter
 	   "cmpl $3,%eax \n"          // compare counter to 3
 	   "jle .loop \n"             // go to forloop if i is less than or = 3
 	   "movl %ecx,%eax \n"        // move sum to eax reg.
 void main()
    int i;
    char num[4];
    printf("Enter in a four-digit number: ");
    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      num[i] = getchar();
    i = Atoi(num);
    printf("\nThe integer: %i\n", i);
Следующий пример вычисляет факториал :

 #include < stdio.h>
 unsigned long fact(unsigned long x)
    __asm__ (
 	    "xorl %ecx,%ecx \n"    // initialize ecx to NULL
 	    "movl 8(%ebp),%ecx \n" // copy ecx to long int x
 	    "movl %ecx,%edx \n"    // copy edx to ecx
 	    ".loop: \n"            // forloop
 	    "cmpl $1,%ecx \n"      // compare ecx with 1
 	    "jbe .exit \n"         // exit if ecx is below or = to 1
 	    "decl %ecx \n"         // decrement ecx
 	    "imull %ecx,%edx \n"   // multiply ecx by edx, store in edx 
 	    "jmp .loop \n"         // goto forloop
 	    ".exit: \n"            // exit
 	    "movl %edx,%eax \n"    // return value to eax
 void main()
    unsigned long factorial;
    unsigned long x;
    printf("Please enter an integer below 13 for the factorial to be computed: ");
    scanf("%ld", &x);
    factorial = fact(x);
    printf("\nThe factorial of %ld is %ld.\n", x, factorial);
Следующий пример конвертирует строку из нижнего регистра в верхний :

 #include < stdio.h>
 char string[16];
 void lowtocap(char string[])
       __asm__("movl 8(%ebp),%edx \n"    //copy address of array into edx
             "xorl %eax,%eax \n"       //set eax to NULL
             ".loop: \n"		      //forloop
             "cmpb $0,(%eax,%edx) \n"  //init. eax to 0, compare eax to edx
             "je .exit \n"             //exit if equal
             "addb $-32,(%eax,%edx) \n"//add -32 to eax(element) of edx(array)
             "incl %eax \n"            //incremnt i
             "cmpl $15,%eax \n"        //compare length of array to i
             "jle .loop \n"            //goto loop if eax is less than or = to 15
 	    ".exit: \n"   	      //exit               
 void main(void)
   printf("Enter a lowercase string less than 15 characters: ");
Следующий пример - эмуляция умножения путем сложения . Показано , как вместо локальных параметров использовать в inline-процедуре глобальные по имени :

 #include < stdio.h>
 int a,b;
 int multiply( void )
 	   "movl a, %ecx \n"		// move a into ecx reg.
 	   "movl b, %eax \n"		// move b into eax reg. 
            "cmpl $0,%ecx \n"		// compare a with zero
 	   "je .zero \n"		// go to .zero if it equals zero
            "cmpl $0,%eax \n"		// compare b with zero
 	   "je .zero \n"		// go to .zero if it equals zero
 	   "movl %eax, %ebx \n"		// move b into ebx reg. 
 	   "movl $1, %edx \n"		// move 1 into edx reg.,
 	   "cmpl %ecx, %edx \n"		// compare a with edx (counter)
 	   "jge .end \n"		// if edx is greater or = then end
 	   ".loop: \n"			// for loop section
 	   "addl %ebx, %eax \n"		// add ebx to eax and store in eax
 	   "incl %edx \n"		// increment edx
 	   "cmpl %ecx, %edx \n"		// compare ecx (a) with edx 
 	   "jl .loop \n"		// if less than, do loop again
 	   "jmp .end \n"		// go to the end
 	   ".zero: \n"			// if equal to zero section
 	   "movl $0,%eax \n"		// copy set eax(product) equal to zero
 	   ".end: \n"			// end
 void main()
    char buf[20];
    printf("Enter the first number to multiply: ");
    printf("Enter the second number to multiply: ");
    printf("The product is: %i\n",multiply());
Пример проверки строки , является ли она палиндромом - процедура с 2-мя параметрами :

 #include < stdio.h>
 #include < string.h>
 int palindrome ( char string[], int length)
 	"movl  8(%ebp),%esi  \n" // put address of string into esi
 	"movl 12(%ebp),%ecx  \n" // put length of string into ecx
 	"xorl %ebx, %ebx     \n" // set ebx to zero
 	".loop:              \n" // forloop
 	"cmpl %ecx, %ebx     \n" // when ebx is greater than ecx, jump to pal section
 	"jg .pal             \n" // goto pal section
 	"movl %ecx, %eax     \n" // copy the ecx to the eax
 	"movl %ebx, %edx     \n" // copy the ebx to the edx 
 	"decl %ecx           \n" // decrement ecx
 	"incl %ebx           \n" // encrement ebx
 	"mov (%esi,%eax),%al \n" // al is equal to the  string[eax]
 	"mov (%esi,%edx),%ah \n" // ah is equal to the  string[edx]
 	"cmp  %ah,%al        \n" // compare the letters
 	"je .loop            \n" // if they match, check the next pair
 	"xorl %eax,%eax      \n" // else its not a palindrome
 	"jmp .exit           \n" // goto exit
 	".pal:              \n" 
 	"movl $1,%eax        \n" // Return true
 	".exit:              \n" 
 void main()
      char string[30];
      int i;
      printf ("Enter palindrome:  ");
      i = strlen(string);
 	      printf("%s is a palindrome.\n",string);
 	      printf("%s is not a palindrome.\n",string);
Следующий пример - переворачивание строки . Для возвращения результата используется глобальная переменная - массив символов , индексом которого служит регистр ecx :

 #include < stdio.h>
 char temp[16];
 void rev(char string[], int size)
            "movl 8(%ebp),%ebx \n"    //copy address of string into ebx
            "xorl %ecx,%ecx \n"       //set ecx(counter) to NULL
            "movl 12(%ebp),%edx \n"   //copy address of size to edx
            "decl %edx \n"            //decrement edx
            "js .exit \n"             //if S is 1 then exit
            ".loop: \n"		     //forloop
            "movb (%edx,%ebx),%al \n" //set l = to element in ebx
            "movb %al,temp(%ecx) \n"  //set tmp = l
            "incl %ecx \n"            //increment ecx
            "decl %edx \n"            //decrement edx
            "jns .loop \n"            //continue forloop
            ".exit: \n"		     //exit
            "movb $0,temp(%ecx) \n"   //set NULL on end of tmp array
 void main()
   char string[16];
   printf("Enter a string (max 15 characters): ");
   rev(string, strlen(string));
Нахождение максимального числа в массиве :

  Program file name: sort.c
  Class: CPTR 215  
  Assignment: #14
  Language: C++ and Assembly   
  Operating System: Linux
  Programmer: Sam Rodriguez 
  Date Written: 12/11/98
  Description: sorts an array in order to find biggest integer
  Inputs: 10 integers
  Outputs:  greatest integer
  Special requirements: none
  Criteria Grades (0 to 5 points each):
         Program Design:                _____ x 5% = _____
         Program Execution:             _____ x 4% = _____
         Specification Satisfaction:    _____ x 4% = _____
         Coding Style:                  _____ x 3% = _____
         Comments:                      _____ x 2% = _____
         Creativity:                    _____ x 2% = _____
         Late Submission Penalty:                    _____
                                           Total % = _____
  Overall Program Grade:
                             Program's Point Value = _____
                                   Program's Score = _____
 int sort(int array[])
          "movl 8(%ebp),%ecx\n" 	      //copy address of array to the ecx reg.   
          "xorl %eax,%eax\n"           //set the eax(temp) to NULL 
          "xorl %edx,%edx\n"           //set the edx(counter) to NULL
   	 ".if:\n" 		      //if section
          "cmpl %eax,(%ecx,%edx,4)\n"  //compare element with eax
          "jle .loop\n"                //if smaller or equal skip ahead        
          "movl (%ecx,%edx,4),%eax\n"  //if bigger set eax equal to it
          ".loop:\n"		      //forloop
          "incl %edx\n"                //increment counter       
          "cmpl $9,%edx\n"             //check exit cond. for forloop
          "jle .if\n"                  //go to "if" if edx was less than 10
 void main ( )
   int array[10];  
   int i;
   char buf[20];
   printf("Please enter 10 integers.\n");
   for ( i = 0; i<10; i++)
     printf("Element %i: ",i+1);
   printf("The largest number is %i\n",sort(array));
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