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An introduction to memory management
Linux memory management today and tomorrow

Довольно древний , но актуальный документ , написанный в 2000 году. Автор - Rik van Riel , разработчик ядра , тогдашний сотрудник бразильской Conectiva , рассказывает о проблемах с памятью в ядре 2.4 и планах перехода на 2.5.

Rik van Riel
Conectiva S.A.

Generated from the Magicpoint slides 27/nov/2000
(page 1)

Too little, too slow

  • Иерархия памяти
      • some numbers
      • working set
    • Кеш
      • mapping, associativity, coherency
    • Основная память
      • virtual memory, virtual -> physical mapping
      • page faults, page replacement
    • Disk
      • performance characteristics
    • HSM

  • Linux VM 2.2, 2.4 , 2.5
    • how it (doesn't) work(s)
    • how to fix things
      • emergency fixes for 2.4
      • stuff we want/need in 2.5

(page 2)

Иерархия памяти

Схематично нарисована иерархия памяти. Грубо память можно разделить на 2 группы :
1 Очень быстрая и маленькая по размеру
2 Очень большая и медленная
Быстрая - это регистры или кеш уровня L1. Медленная - кеш уровня L2 или RAM. Ну и хард-диск - ОЧЕНЬ и ОЧЕНЬ медленно. Естественно , возникает вопрос : а зачем она вообще нужна , эта медленная память ? Дело в том , что когда памяти становится много , неизбежно возникают проблемы со скоростью доступа. И мы не можем работать только с быстрой памятью , не используя медленную.

(page 3)

Иерархия памяти : основы

  • Иерархия существует потому , что
    • быстрая память дорогого стоит и ее не может быть много
    • медленная память дешева и может быть большой

  • Латентность
    • как долго нужно ждать ?
    • (в момент ожидания невозможно что-либо делать еще)

  • Throughput
    • how many MB / second?
    • not important when you're waiting

  • Суммарное время = latency + (количество данных / throughput)

(page 4)

Memory hierarchy: кому что доступно?

  • CPU core
    • доступно программисту
    • оптимизация остается в основном за кадром
  • L1, L2 , L3 кеш
    • управляется самим железом
    • скрыто
  • RAM
    • управляется операционной системой
    • управление RAM невидимо для приложений
  • Disk
    • управляется OS
    • программы работают с файловой системой

(page 5)

Memory hierarchy: статистика

Ниже представлена таблица в разрезе типов CPU и их характеристик L1 и L2 кеша. Видим , что L2 не позволяет CPU работать со скоростью выше 4% от своих возможностей...

Cache size & speed vs. CPU model Celeron A PIII Athlon K6-III
L1 size 32kB 32kB 128kB 64kB
L2 size 128kB 512kB 512kB 256kB
L1 lat 3 3 3 2
L2 lat 8 24 21 11
L2 total 11 27 24 13
L1 ass. 4 4 2 2
L2 ass. 8 4 2 4

RAM и hard disk настолько медленны , что не годятся для оптимизации.

RAM latency: 50 - 400 cycles
Disk latency: > 3.000.000 cycles

(page 6)

Memory hierarchy: working set

"latency" - это время , необходимое для того , чтобы получить ответ.
"throughput" - количество данных , которое можно получить в единицу времени , или пропускная способность.
  • Как увеличить производительность ?
    • Локализация ссылок
      • most accesses in a small part of memory
      • most data rarely accessed
      • just accessed data often used again soon
    • predictable access patterns
      • pipelining
      • readahead

(page 7)


  • L1 cache
    • closest to the CPU
    • fast
    • simple
    • small (16 - 128kB)
    • separate instruction and data caches

  • L2 cache
    • between L1 cache and memory
    • larger then L1 cache (128kB - 8MB)
    • more complicated
    • slower
    • unified cache

(page 8)

Cache: как это работает

  • Cache strategies
    • cache line
      • data
      • metadata
    • mapping
      • direct mapped
      • N-way set associative
      • fully associative
    • replacement
      • (direct mapped)
      • LRU
      • semi-random
    • write strategy
      • write through
      • write back
      • write around

(page 9)

Cache: грязная память

  • When the CPU writes out a value
    • we cannot just forget about it
    • it has to be written to (slow) memory

  • Who writes back
    • write through
      • CPU writes back the data
    • write back
      • cache writes back the data
      • cpu can do something else at the same time

The fastest way of getting a cache line replaced is by not writing \
to it, so we CAN just forget about it when we need to cache something \

(page 10)

Cache: coherency

We must make sure that we won't write stale data to disk or work on \
stale data from another CPU.

  • Strategies
    • selectively flush the cache
    • use uncached memory for certain things
    • don't allow shared data
    • MESI (modified, exclusive, shared, invalid)

(page 11)

Cache: програмная оптимизация

Следующий пример взят из ядра

Для процессов мы проверяем:
  • p->counter == 0 для выполняемых процессов
  • p->counter для всех процессов
  • для большинства процессов, p->counter не меняется

 		p->counter = (p->counter >> 1) + p->priority;

(page 12)

Cache: программная оптимизация


  • OLD
 		p->counter = (p->counter >> 1) + p->priority;

  • NEW
 	for_each_task(p) {
 		if (p->counter != (p->counter >> 1) + p->priority)
 			p->counter = (p->counter >> 1) + p->priority;

(page 13)


RAM медленнее ЦПУ в сотни раз. А диск медленне чем RAM , еще раз в 100000.
  • Main memory
    • slowest volatile memory
    • fairly big (32MB - 8GB)
    • management is not done by hardware, but by the OS
    • complex memory management is worth it
      • ram is 100 x slower than cpu core
      • ram is 100.000 x faster than disk
    • allocation granularity in pages (4 to 64kB)
      • (128 x bigger than a cache line)

(page 14)

RAM: виртуальная память

  • Виртуальная память
    • может использовать больше адресного пространства , чем доступно в памяти
    • может выполнять больше программ , чем помещается в память
    • каждый процесс имеет свое собственное виртуальное пространство
      • процессы не имеют доступа к памяти других процессов
      • процессам не нужно знать о других процессах
      • стартовая страница у каждого процесса разная
    • все страницы памяти для процесса не обязательно должны быть выделены
    • page faults
      • mapping
      • page replacement
    • virtual -> physical mapping
      • MMU
      • page tables
      • TLB

(page 15)

RAM: virtual memory


(page 16)

RAM: virt -> phys mapping

  • MMU
    • Memory Management Unit
    • does the translation
  • TLB
    • Translation Lookaside Buffer
    • cache for the MMU translations
  • Page tables
    • index of which process (virtual) address is where in physical memory
    • often multi-level page tables
  • If an address is not in the TLB
    • hardware lookup by MMU (x86, m68k)
    • software lookup by OS (MIPS, Alpha?, PPC)

(page 17)

RAM: page faults

  • Если страницы нет в памяти
    • процессор выдает PAGE FAULT
    • OS получает ошибку и выполняет ее обработку
      • берет новую свободную страницу
      • читает ее с диска , если нужно
      • пишет в page table
      • разрешает программе выполняться дальше с прерванного места
    • процесс продолжается , как будто ничего и не было
      • прозрачность
      • тормоза
  • если в системе кончилась память
    • выделяется новая
    • даются ей права чтение-запись

page fault - очень медленный процесс , желательно . чтобы их было как можно меньше.

(page 18)

RAM: page replacement

  • Если памяти мало
    • Perfect page replacement
      • выбираем страницу , которая долго не будет используется
      • при таком подходе число page faults минимально
      • оптимально по скорости
      • надежно
    • Least Recently Used (LRU)
      • выбираем страницу , которая долго не использовалась
      • оптимально
      • плохо в некоторых ситуациях
        • streaming IO
        • working set just over memory size
      • высокий overhead
    • Least Frequently Used (LRU)
      • выбирается страница , которая используется наименее часто
      • медленно
        • eg. multi-pass compiler
      • high overhead
    • LRU approximations
      • evict any page which hasn't been used for a long time
      • simple
      • low overhead
      • good enough

(page 19)

RAM: LRU approximations

  • NRU
    • not recently used
    • very rough LRU approximation
    • idea: don't evict pages which were just used
  • NFU
    • not frequently used
    • keep pages which have been used often in memory
    • idea: don't evict pages which are used over and over again
  • Page aging
    • combines good points of NRU and NFU
    • relatively low overhead
    • used in Linux 2.0, FreeBSD and Linux 2.4
    • when a page is used, increase page->age
      • page->age += MAGIC_NUMBER
    • when a page is not used, decrease page->age
      • page->age -= ANOTHER_MAGIC_NUMBER
      • page->age = page->age / 2
    • remove page from memory when page->age reaches 0

(page 20)

RAM: other replacement tricks

  • Drop behind
    • with streaming IO, data is usually only used once
    • deactivate the data behind the readahead window
    • page is still in the inactive list if needed again soon
  • Idle swapout
    • for swapout, first look at long sleeping processes
    • less chance of evicting a used page from a running process
    • we swap out idle processes before eating too much from the cache
    • less overhead, you don't find recently accessed pages in a process that has been sleeping for 10 minutes

(page 21)


  • Hard disk
    • persistant storage
    • stored on disk
      • executable code
      • system configuration
      • program and user data
      • metadata (an index of what is where)
      • swapped out memory
    • big and cheap (2GB - 100GB)
    • 100.000 x slower than memory
    • "interesting" performance characteristics
      • high throughput (fast)
      • extremely long seek times (slow)
      • RAID and/or smart controllers make latency unpredictable

(page 22)

Disk: performance characteristics

    • disk consists of
      • spinning metal plates with oxide surface
      • disk arms with read/write head
    • latency
      • seek time
      • rotational delay
      • queue overhead
      • 5 - 15 milliseconds (100.000 x slower than RAM)
    • throughput
      • density
      • rotational speed
      • higher near edge of disk, less near the center
      • 5 - 40 MB / second (10 x slower than RAM)

(page 23)

Disk: performance optimisations

How to get disk performance good?
  • readahead
    • we read in the data before it is needed
    • the program doesn't have to wait
    • we waste some memory, possibly evicting useful data
      • adaptive readahead
  • reduce the amount of disk seeks
    • smart filesystem layout
    • metadata caching
    • I/O clustering
      • read large blocks of data at once
      • less seek time per MB transfered
  • don't access the disk
    • caching of data
    • smart page replacement algorithm (RAM)
    • read the data before it is needed
  • RAID

(page 24)

Disk: RAID

  • Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID)
    • data is spread out over multiple disks, often with parity
      • store the data on (for example) 4 disks
      • use an extra disk to store "extra" data
    • bigger than a single disk
    • more reliable
      • if a disk fails, we recalculate the "missing" data from the data we still have and the data on the extra disk
    • faster
      • you have multiple disks to read the data from
    • cheaper than a Single Large Expensive Disk
    • continues to work if a single disk fails
      • people can continue their work
      • no waiting for (old) data on backup tapes

(page 25)

HSM: beyond disk

  • Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM)
    • data silos (tapes + tape robots)
    • disks to cache the data from tape
    • used for very large amounts of data
      • > 1 TB of data, up to multiple PB (1Mi GB)
      • backups take too long
        • after a 4-day backup, you have backed up old data
        • waiting 4 days to restore the data is not an option
      • cheaper and more reliable than disk

  • HSM is used for
    • meteorological data
    • astronomical observations
    • particle accellerator measurements
    • big (multimedia) data banks

(page 26)

Too little, too slow

Подведем итоги
  • быстрая память быстра , но мала
  • память вообще либо мала , либо медленна
  • локализация ссылок улучшает производительность
  • программы могут быть оптимизированы за счет локализации
  • программисты могут увеличивать производительность
  • железо управляет как L1 , так и L2 cache
  • OS управляет RAM и disk
  • с помощью RAM можно минимизировать обращение к диску
  • у диска быстрый throughput и медленный latency
  • smart filesystem layout, I/O clustering and RAID maximise disk performance

(page 27)

Linux Memory Management

  • Linux VMM
    • different types of physical pages (zones)
    • virtual page use
      • page and swap cache
      • shared memory
      • buffer memory
    • 2.2 VM
      • do_try_to_free_pages
      • strong and weak points of 2.2 VM
    • needed changes in 2.4 VM
      • balanced page aging, multiqueue VM
      • optimised page flushing
    • plans for 2.5 / 2.6 VM
    • out of memory handling / QoS issues

(page 28)

Linux VM: physical zones

    • memory from 0 to 16MB
    • can be used for ISA DMA transfers
    • can be used for kernel data structures
    • can be used for user memory
    • memory from 16 to 900 MB
    • can be used for kernel data structures
    • can be used for user memory
    • memory > 900 MB
    • can be used for user memory
    • highmem pages need to be copied to/from normal memory for \
actions like swapin and swapout

On x86 the zones happen to be "inclusive", but this is not the case for \
some other architectures (eg. with NUMA-like setups).

(page 29)

Linux VM: virtual page use

    • mapped pages
      • mapped in process page tables
      • shrunk by swap_out()
      • placed in other cache
    • pagecache & swapcache
      • pages here can be mapped too
      • caches parts of files and/or swap space
      • shrunk by shrink_mmap()
      • in 2.2, cannot hold dirty pages
    • shared memory
      • SYSV or POSIX shared memory segments
      • processes can and unmap map these segments
      • swapped out with shm_swap()
    • buffer cache
      • cached disk data that doesn't fit in the page cache
      • buffer heads map the data to a block on disk
      • dirty file cache data (in 2.2 only)
      • shrunk by shrink_mmap()
    • kernel memory
      • cannot be swapped out
      • used for
        • task struct / kernel stack
        • page tables
        • slab cache

(page 30)

Linux VM 2.2: try_to_free_pages

  • do_try_to_free_pages()
    • first, free unused kernel memory
    • in a loop, until enough pages are freed
      • shrink_mmap
      • shm_swap
      • swap_out
    • one last shrink_mmap, if needed

  • swap_out()
    • walks the virtual memory of all processes
    • if it finds a page not accessed since last scan
      • swap out the page and exit

  • shrink_mmap()
    • walks the page and buffer cache pages
    • if it finds a page not accessed since last scan
      • if the page is dirty, queue it for IO
      • if the page is clean, free it and exit

You can read the functions in mm/vmscan.c and mm/filemap.c

(page 31)

Linux 2.2 VM: strong / weak points

  • strong points
    • simple
    • relatively low overhead for most situations
    • works well most of the time

  • weak points
    • doesn't take relative activity of different caches into account
      • eg. unused shared memory segments and heavily used page cache
    • simple NRU replacement makes us copy too many pages to/from highmem
    • accessed clean pages sometimes get evicted before old dirty pages
    • NRU replacement breaks when all pages were accessed (because \
we haven't scanned memory in a long time)
    • doesn't work well under wildly varying VM load
    • easily breaks down under very heavy VM load

(page 32)

Linux VM: changes in 2.4

  • balanced page aging
    • page aging
    • multiqueue VM
  • smarter page flushing
    • page_launder()
  • make VM more robust under heavy loads
  • drop-behind for streaming IO and file writes
    • not (yet) supports mmap and friends

Not yet in 2.4 as of september 2000
  • page->mapping->flush() callback
    • journaling, phase tree or soft update filesystems
    • page flushing for bufferless (network?) filesystems
  • pinned buffer reservations
    • for journaling, etc. filesystems
  • write throttling for everything
    • currently only works for generic_file_write and friends

(page 33)

Linux VM: 2.4 / 2.5 page aging

  • balanced page aging
    • mapping/unmapping pages takes overhead, so we want few inactive pages
    • however, more inactive pages results in better page replacement
    • the solution is a dynamic inactive target
  • separate page aging and page flushing
    • page aging is done the same on dirty and clean pages
    • the "lazy flush" optimisation is only done for old pages
  • page pages from all caches on the same queue
    • physical page based page aging
    • requires physical -> virtual reverse mappings
    • fixes balancing issues
    • big change, to be done for 2.5
  • do light background scanning
    • no half-hour old referenced bits lying around
    • better replacement with load spike after quiet period

(page 34)

Linux VM: multiqueue VM

  • multiple queues used to balance page aging and flushing
  • active
    • pages are in active use, page->age > 0 or mapped
    • page aging happens on these pages
  • inactive_dirty
    • pages not in active use, page->age == 0
    • pages that might be(come) reclaimable
      • dirty pages
      • buffer pages
      • pages with extra reference count
    • cleaned in page_launder(), moved to inactive_clean list
  • inactive_clean
    • pages not in active use, page->age == 0
    • pages which are certainly immediately reclaimable
    • can be reclaimed directly by __alloc_pages
    • keep data in memory as long as possible

(page 35)

Linux VM: balancing aging and flushing

  • static free memory target
    • free + inactive_clean > freepages.high
    • enforced by kswapd
    • if free memory is too low, allocations will pause
  • dynamic inactive memory target
    • free + inactive_clean + inactive_dirty > freepages.high + inactive_target
    • enforced by kswapd
  • page flush target
    • free + inactive_clean > inactive_dirty
    • enforced by bdflush / kflushd
  • memory_pressure / inactive_target
    • one-minute floating average of page replacements
    • in __alloc_pages and page_reclaim, memory_pressure++
    • in __free_pages_ok, memory_pressure--
    • memory_pressure is decayed every second
    • inactive_target is one second worth of memory pressure

(page 36)

Linux 2.4 VM: try_to_free_pages

  • do_try_to_free_pages()
    • work towards free target
      • kmem_cache_reap()
      • page_launder()
    • work towards free and inactive target
      • refill_inactive()

  • refill_inactive()
    • basically the old try_to_free_pages() with page aging
      • has the same balancing issues as 2.2
      • shrink_mmap() is gone (wooohooo)
      • in 2.5, replace with physical page based aging
    • moves pages to the inactive list instead of freeing them

(page 37)

Linux 2.4 VM: page_launder

  • moves clean, unmapped pages from inactive_dirty to inactive_clean list
  • flushes dirty pages to disk, but only if needed

  • pass 1
    • move accessed or mapped pages back to the active list
    • move clean, unmapped pages to inactive_clean list
    • free clean buffercache pages
  • if there is enough free memory after pass 1, stop
  • pass 2 (launder_loop, clean dirty pages)
    • start async IO on up to MAX_LAUNDER pages
    • start synchronous IO on a few pages, but only if we failed to free any page in pass 1

  • this function is so complex because
    • we do not want to start disk IO if it isn't needed
    • we do not want to wait for disk IO
    • we do not want to start too much disk IO at once

(page 38)

Linux VM: flush callback & pinned pages

  • page->mapping->flush(page)
    • give filesystems more freedom for own optimisations
      • IO clustering
      • allocate on flush / lazy allocate
    • advisory call, filesystem can write something else instead
      • write ordering of journaling or phase tree fs
      • not flush the page now because of online fs resizing, etc
    • pages no longer depend on the buffer head
      • allocate on flush
      • can use other data structures (kiobuf)
    • abstract away page flushing from VM subsystem

  • pinned reservations for journaling filesystems
    • sometimes need extra pages to finish a transaction
      • deadlock potential
    • having too many pinned pages screws up page replacement
      • write ordering constraints

(page 39)

Linux VM: plans for 2.5

  • physical page based aging & equal aging of all pages
  • improved IO clustering and readahead
  • anti-thrashing measures (process suspension?)
  • pagetable sharing
  • (maybe) page table swapping
  • large page sizes
  • NUMA scalability

(page 40)

Linux VM: plans for 2.5

  • physical page based aging
    • virtual scanning based page aging has some "artifacts"
    • aging all pages equally fixes the balancing issues
    • requires physical -> virtual reverse mappings

  • improved IO clustering and readahead
    • better IO clustering reduces disk seeks a lot
    • explicit IO clustering for swapout
    • readahead and read clustering on the VMA level
    • drop-behind for streaming mmap() and swap

  • anti-thrashing measures
    • the system only supports up to some limit of VM load
    • if more processes are running, the system slows to a halt
    • solution
      • temporarily suspend one or more of the processes
      • the VM subsystem can keep up with the remaining load
      • suspend / resume the processes in turn, for fairness

(page 41)

Linux VM: more plans for 2.5

  • pagetable handling improvements
    • at the moment, page tables are
      • unswappable
      • unfreeable (until process exit)
      • up to 3MB per process
    • we want to reduce this overhead
      • (COW) page table sharing
      • page table destruction / swapping

  • large page sizes
    • some architectures have "variable" page sizes
    • Linux needs to have some code changed to support this right

  • NUMA (and SMP) scalability
    • NOT about finer grained locks, that won't work
    • move currently global variables and structs to the per-node struct pgdat
    • look into using more (per-cpu?) local structures
    • look into making code paths lock-less

(page 42)

Linux VM: OOM / QoS

  • when the system goes OOM (out of memory), kill a process
    • don't kill system-critical programs
    • lose the minimal amount of work
    • recover the maximum amount of memory
    • never kill programs with direct hardware access

  • Linux overcommits memory, processes can reserve more memory than what's available
    • this is very efficient
    • but sometimes goes wrong
    • it might be good to give people a choice about this ;)

  • Quality of Service issues
    • fairness between users and/or groups of users
      • RSS guarantees
      • VM quotas
    • different users with different priorities
    • in case of overcommit, take user VM usage into account for OOM killing

(page 43)


Thanks go out to
  • DEC, from who I stole the "pyramid" picture
  • CMU, where I got the other picture
  • David Olivieri, who helped improve this slides
  • Linus Torvalds, for giving us lots of work to do

  • Linux-MM
  • VM Tutorial
  • Design Elements of the FreeBSD VM System
  • My home page, where you can download these slides
(page 44)
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