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Часть 3: Разработка TCP клиент-серверных систем

Следующие 7 разделов описывают процесс создания TCP-based сетевых сервисов. Мы разработаем различные приложения и рассмотрим выбор серверной архитектуры.

Раздел 10. Сервер и демон inetd

Although the simple TCP servers developed in Chapters 4 and 5 (Figures 4.2 and 5.4) are straightforward, they actually suffer a significant deficiency. Both of these servers work by servicing one client at a time. While they are working on one client, other clients can't connect.[1]

[1] Technically, they do connect, but the operating system queues them until the script calls accept (). No I/O can occur until the server has finished servicing the previous connection.

Connection-oriented servers must overlap their I/O by providing some sort of concurrency among the multiple sessions. This chapter discusses various techniques for doing so.

Standard Techniques for Concurrency

Over the years, network programmers have developed a number of standard techniques for maintaining concurrent I/O. The techniques range from simple tricks that add only a couple of lines of code to the basic server, to methods that more than double the size and complexity of the code.

Unfortunately, these techniques are hostage to the peculiarities of how the underlying operating system handles I/O, and this is notoriously variable from one platform to another. As a result, some of the techniques I describe here will only be available on UNIX systems.

Moving upward in complexity from the simplest to the most complex, the techniques are the forking server, the multithreaded server, and the multiplexed server.

Forking Server

The server spends its time in an accept() loop. Each time a new incoming connection is accepted, the server forks, creating an identical child process. The task of handling the child connection's I/O is handed off to the child, and the parent goes back to listening for new connections (Figure 10.1). When the child is finished handling the connection, it simply exits.

Figure 10.1. A forking server


In a forking server, the multitasking nature of the operating system allows parent and child to run simultaneously. At any point in time there is a single parent process and multiple child processes, each child dedicated to handling a different client connection.

This technique is available on platforms that implement fork(), all UNIX versions of Perl, and version 5.6 and higher on Win32 platforms. The Macintosh port of Perl does not currently support fork().

A special case of the multitasked server is the Inetd "super daemon," which can be used to write simple concurrent servers without worrying too much about the details. We look at Inetd at the end of this chapter.

Multithreaded Server

Next in complexity is multithreading. Conceptually similar to the previous solution, the server calls accept() in a tight loop. Each time accept() returns a connected socket, the server launches a new thread of execution to handle the client session. Threads are similar to processes, but threads share the same memory and other resources. When the thread is done, it exits. In this model, there are multiple simultaneous threads of execution, one handling the main accept() loop, and the others handling client sessions.

This technique is available in Perl versions 5.005 and higher, and only on platforms that support threads. The Windows version of Perl supports threads, as do many (but not all) UNIX versions. MacPerl does not currently support multithreading. We discuss multithreading in Chapter 11.

Multiplexed Server

The most complex technique uses the select() function to interweave communications sessions. This technique takes advantage of the fact that the network is slower than the CPU, and that most of the time in a network server is spent waiting for a socket to become ready for reading or writing.

In this technique, the server creates and maintains a pool of filehandles, one for the listen socket, and one for each connected client. Each time through the loop, the server checks the sockets using the select() function to ascertain whether any is ready for reading and writing. If so, the server handles the I/O for that socket and then goes back to waiting with select().

select() is available on all major Perl platforms. Unfortunately, the technique is also the trickiest to use correctly. We discuss multiplexing in Chapters 12 and 13.

Built on top of these basic techniques are a number of variations, including preforking, thread pools, and nonblocking I/O. There are also more esoteric methods for achieving concurrency, including signal-driven I/O, asynchronous I/O, and others. We don't cover those here; for further information on these techniques, see [Stevens 1998].

Running Example: A Psychotherapist Server

Our running example for this and the next two chapters uses the Chatbot::Eliza module, John Nolan's marvelous pure-Perl clone of Joseph Weizenbaum's classic psychotherapist simulation. Chatbot::Eliza works very simply. It accepts a line of input from the user, transforms it according to a clever set of transformational rules, and echoes it back to the user in the form of a question. The effect is a lot like talking to a particularly robotlike Freudian psychoanalyst.

The Chatbot::Eliza module is available on CPAN. It is simple to use. You load it, create a new Chatbot::Eliza object with the new() method, and then invoke the object's command_interface() method. This method conducts a conversation with the user, reading from standard input and writing to standard output. The lines of code in Figure 10.2 are all that are needed to run a psychotherapist session.

Figure 10.2. Command-line Eliza program


Lines 12: Load modules We load the Chatbot::Eliza module.

Line 3: Turn on autoflush We turn on autoflush mode for STDOUT so that, rather than be buffered, data is output immediately with each call to print(). Although this isn't necessary for the command-line version of the program, it is necessary for the server version.

Line 4: Create a new Chatbot::Eliza object We call Chatbot::Eliza->new() to create a new object named $bot.

Line 5: Enter Chatbot object's IO loop We now call the Chatbot object's command_interface() method. This starts a simple I/O loop, which prints out a prompt, accepts user input, transforms the input into a statement from the "psychiatrist," and then repeats.

Here's a transcript of a conversation with Eliza (yours will vary):

 Eliza:  Hello, I am a computer program.
 you:    I am a human being.
 Eliza:  How long have you been a human being?
 you:    About 39 years.
 Eliza:  That is interesting. Please continue.
 you:    It started when I was born...
 Eliza:  Why do you tell me you were born now?
 you:    Because you asked.
 Eliza:  We were discussing you -- not me.
 you:    bye
 Eliza:  Goodbye.  It was nice talking to you.

The psychotherapist application calls for a connection-oriented interface because the interaction between client and server is long-lived and because there is state associated with each connection. The Chatbot::Eliza object keeps track of the history of the conversation in order to construct its utterances based on the user's previous statements.

The Psychotherapist as a Forking Server

We are going to reimplement the psychotherapist program as a forking network server, but before we do so we must discuss issues surrounding the termination of child processes in UNIX-based forking servers. This discussion does not apply to servers running under the Microsoft Windows versions of Perl.


We've already used fork(): In Chapter 2 we used it in a toy example to distribute the load of a computation across two child processes (Figure 2.5), and in Chapter 5 we used it to avoid synchronization and deadlock problems in the script (Figure 5.8).

One difference between those examples and the forking server examples in this chapter is the relative longevity of the parent and the child processes. In the earlier examples, the parent process does not survive the demise of its children for any significant length of time. The parent exits soon after its children do.

In forking servers, however, the parent process is very long-lived. Web servers, for example, run for months at a time. The children, however, live only as long as a client connection, and a server may spawn thousands of children during its lifetime. Under this scenario, the issue of "zombie processes" becomes important.

Once fork() is called, parent and child processes are almost, but not quite, free to go their own ways. The UNIX system maintains a tenuous connection between the two processes. If the child exits before the parent does, the child process does not disappear, but instead remains in the system process table in a mummified form known as a "zombie." The zombie remains in the process table for the sole purpose of being able to deliver its exit status code to the parent process when and if the parent process asks for it using the wait() or waitpid() call, a process known as "reaping." This is a limited form of IPC that allows the parent to find out whether a process it launched exited successfully, and if not, why.

If a parent process forks a lot of children and does not reap them in a timely manner, zombie processes accumulate in the process table, ultimately creating a virtual Night of the Living Dead, in which the table fills up with defunct processes. Eventually, the parent process hits a system-imposed limitation on the number of subprocesses it can launch, and subsequent calls to fork() fail.

To avoid this eventuality, any program that calls fork() must be prepared to reap its children by calling wait() or waitpid() at regular intervals, preferably immediately after a child exits.

UNIX makes it convenient to call wait() or waitpid() at the appropriate time by providing the CHLD signal. The CHLD signal is sent to a parent process whenever the state of any of its children changes. Possible state changes include the child exiting (which is the event we're interested in) and the child being suspended by a STOP signal. The CHLD signal does not provide information beyond the bare-bones fact that some child's state changed. The parent must call wait() or waitpid() to determine which child was affected, and if so, what happened to it.

$pid = wait ()

This function waits for any child process to exit and then returns the PID of the terminated child. If no child is immediately ready for reaping, the call hangs (block) until there is one.

If you wish to determine whether the child exited normally or because of an error, you may examine the special $? variable, which contains the child's exit status code. A code of 0 indicates that the child exited normally. Anything else indicates an abnormal termination. See the perlvar POD page for information on how to interpret the contents of $?.

$pid = waitpid ($pid, $flags)

This version waits for a particular child to exit and returns its PID, placing the exit status code in $?. If the child named by $pid is not immediately available for reaping, waitpid() blocks until it is. To wait for any child to be available as wait() does, use a $pid argument of -1.

The behavior of waitpid() can be modified by the $flags argument. There are a number of handy constants defined in the :sys_wait_h group of the standard POSIX module. These constants can be bitwise ORed together to combine them. The most frequently used flag is WNOHANG, which, if present, puts waitpid() into nonblocking mode. waitpid() returns the PID of the child process if available; if no children are available, it returns -1 and waitpid() blocks waiting for them. Another occasionally useful flag is WUNTRACED, which tells waitpid() to return the PIDs of stopped children as well as terminated ones.

Reaping Children in the CHLD Handler

The standard way for Perl servers to reap their children is to install a handler for the CHLD signal. You'll see this fragment in many examples of server code:

$SIG{CHLD} = sub { wait(); }

The effect of this is to call wait() every time the server receives a CHLD signal, immediately reaping the child and ignoring its result code. This code works most of the time, but there are a number of unusual situations that will break it. One such event is when a child is stopped or restarted by a signal. In this case, the parent gets a CHLD signal, but no child has actually exited. The wait() call stalls indefinitely, bringing the server to a haltnot at all a desirable state of affairs.

Another event that can break this simple signal handler is the nearly simultaneous termination of two or more children. The UNIX signal mechanism can deal with only one signal of a particular type at a time. The two termination events are bundled into a single CHLD event and delivered to the server. Although two children need to be reaped, the server calls wait() only once, leaving an unreaped zombie. This "zombie leak" becomes noticeable after a sufficiently long period of time.

The last undesirable situation occurs when the parent process makes calls that spawn subprocesses, including the backtick operator (`), the system() function, and piped open()s. For these functions Perl takes care of calling wait() for you before returning to the main body of the code. On some platforms, however, extraneous CHLD signals leak through even though there's no unreaped child to wait for. The wait() call again hangs.

The solution to these three problems is to call waitpid() with a PID of -1 and a flag of WNOHANG. The first argument tells waitpid() to reap any available child. The second argument prevents the call from hanging if no children are available for reaping. To avoid leaking zombies, you should call waitpid() in a loop until it indicates, by returning a result code of -1, that there are no more children to reap.

Here's the idiom:

 $SIG{CHLD} = \&reaper;
 sub reaper {
    while ((my $kid = waitpid(-1,WNOHANG)) > 0) {
       warn "Reaped child with PID $kid\n";

In this case we print the PID of the reaped child for the purpose of debugging. In many cases you will ignore the child PID, but in others you'll want to examine the child PID and status code and perform some action in case of a child that exited abnormally. We'll see examples of this in later sections.

Psychotherapist Server with fork

We're now ready to rewrite the psychotherapist example as a forking server (Figure 10.3).

Figure 10.3. Psychotherapist as a forking server


Lines 15: Bring in modules We begin by loading the Chatbot::Eliza and IO::Socket modules, and importing the WNOHANG constant from the POSIX module. We also define the port our server will listen to, in this case 12000.

Lines 67: Define constants and variables We define the default port to bind to, and initialize a global variable, $quit to false. When this variable becomes true, the main server loop exits.

Lines 811: Install signal handlers We install a signal handler for CHLD events using a variant of the waitpid() idiom previously discussed.

$SIG{CHLD} = sub { while ( waitpid(-1,WNOHANG)>0 ) { } };

We want the server to clean up gracefully after interruption from the command line, so we create an INT handler. This handler just sets $quit to true and returns.

Lines 1219: Create listening socket We create a new listening socket by calling IO::Socket::INET->new() with the LocalPort and Listen arguments. We also specify a PROTO argument of "tcp" and a true value for Reuse, allowing this server to be killed and relaunched without the otherwise mandatory wait for the port to be freed.

In addition to these standard arguments, we declare a Timeout of 1 hour. As we did in the reverse echo server of Figure 5.4, this is done in order to make accept() interruptable by signals. We want accept() to return prematurely when interrupted by INT so that we can check the status of $quit.

Lines 2021: Accept incoming connections We now enter a while() loop. Each time through the loop we call accept() to get an IO::Socket object connected to a new client.

Lines 2227: Fork: child handles connection Once accept() returns, instead of talking directly to the connected socket, we immediately call fork() and save the result code in the variable $child. If $child is undefined, then the fork() failed for some reason and we die with an error message.

Otherwise, if the value of $child is equal to numeric 0, then we know we are inside the child process and will be responsible for handling the communications session. As the child, we will not call accept() again, so we close our copy of the listening socket. This closing is not strictly necessary, but it's always a good idea to tidy up unneeded resources, and it avoids the possibility of the child inadvertently trying to perform operations on the listen socket.

We now call a subroutine named interact(), passing it the connected socket object. interact() manages the Eliza conversation and returns when the user terminates the connection (by typing "bye" for example). After interact() returns, the child terminates by calling exit().

Lines 2829: Parent cleans up If $child was nonzero, then we are the parent process. In this case, we just close our copy of the connected socket and go back to the top of the loop to accept() another connection. While we are waiting for a new connection, the child is taking care of the old one.

Lines 3038: interact() subroutine The interact() subroutine is called by the child process to handle all interaction between the client and the server. The Chatbot::Eliza command_interface() method is hardwired to read from STDIN and write to STDOUT. But we want it to read and write to the socket instead.

This is actually an easy problem to finesse. When we loaded IO::Socket, it also brought in methods from its parent class, IO::Handle. Among these methods is fdopen(), which we looked at in Chapter 1 (The IO::Handle and IO::File Modules). The fdopen() method closes an existing filehandle and then reopens it using information from another filehandle that you give it. It works with any filehandle, including the standard three. We call fdopen() three times, once each for STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR. Each time we call fdopen(), we pass it the socket object and a symbolic access mode. STDIN is reopened for reading with a mode of <, while STDOUT and STDERR are each reopened for writing with a mode of >. Now, almost as if by magic, writing to STDOUT and STDERR send data flying down the connected socket, and reading from STDIN performs a read on the socket.

The remainder of this subroutine is identical to the command-line psychotherapist from Figure 10.2. We turn on autoflush mode so that data sent to STDOUT by Chatbot::Eliza is immediately visible at the remote end, create a new Chatbot::Eliza object, and call its command_interface() method.

With the server running, you may confirm that you can telnet to port 12000 and regale the psychiatrist simulation with your personal hang-ups and pet peeves. Without closing the previous session, open a new window and telnet to port 12000 again. You should be able to conduct multiple simultaneous sessions. Run the ps program to confirm that each active session creates a new copy of the server, and that when you close a session, the corresponding process disappears immediately without leaving a zombie. When you are done, kill the server with ^C.

The following is an example of the server in action:

% telnet localhost 12000
 Connected to localhost.
 Escape character is '^]'.
 Eliza:  How do you do. Please tell me your problem.
 you:    hey this really works!
 Eliza:  I'm not sure I understand you fully.
 you:    you are a server
 Eliza:  Perhaps you would like to be a server.
 you:    no
 Eliza:  Why not?
 you:    quit
 Eliza:  Goodbye. It was nice talking to you.
 Connection closed by foreign host.

Using the Psychotherapist Server on Windows Platforms

Although fork() works correctly on Windows systems, fdopen() on sockets does not. For Windows systems, the interact() subroutine from Figure 10.3 must be modified to avoid the fdopen() call. The easiest way to do this is to replace the call to command_interface() with a new version that accepts the input and output filehandles to use instead of hardwired STDIN and STDOUT. In the next chapter, Figure 11.2 develops a subclass of Chatbot::Eliza, called Chatbot::Eliza::Server, that does exactly that.

To run the forking server on Windows platforms, change the use Chatbot::Eliza line to:

use Chatbot::Eliza::Server;

and modify interact() to read like this:

sub interact {
     my $sock = shift;
     my $bot = Chatbot::Eliza::Server->>new;
     $bot->>command_interface ($sock, $sock);
     close $sock;

A Client Script for the Psychotherapist Server

Before we push onward with our discussion of forking servers, let's write a client that we can use to talk to the psychotherapist server. After all, we shouldn't have to be stuck with musty old telnet when we can use Perl! Seriously, though, this script illustrates the usefulness of sysread() and syswrite() for working with unbuffered byte streams.

At first, the script developed in Chapter 5 (Figure 5.8) would seem to fit the bill for the client side of the equation. But there's a problem. was designed for line-oriented communications, in which the server transmits complete lines terminated in CRLF. The psychotherapist server, however, is not entirely line oriented. For one thing, it terminates its lines with what Chatbot::Eliza thinks is appropriate (which happens to be the logical newline " \n " character). For another, the "you:" prompt that the server transmits after each utterance does not end with a newline. The combined effect of these problems is that when we point at the psychotherapist server's port, we see no output.

What we need is a more general bytestream-oriented client that reads and writes its data in arbitrary chunks as they become ready, rather than waiting for complete lines. As it turns out, very few modifications to are needed to turn it into this type of client.

Figure 10.4 shows the revised script, The significant changes are in the user_to_host() and host_to_user() subroutines. Instead of the line-oriented read and write calls of the earlier version, these subroutines now consist of tight loops using sysread() and syswrite(). For example, here is the code fragment from host-to-user() that reads from the socket and writes to STDOUT:

Figure 10.4. A bytestream-oriented gab client


syswrite(STDOUT,$data) while sysread($s,$data,BUFSIZE);

Similarly, the user_to_host() subroutine, which is responsible for copying user data to the socket, is modified to look like this:

syswrite($s,$data) while sysread(STDIN,$data,BUFSIZE)

The BUFSIZE parameter is relatively arbitrary. For performance it should be roughly as large as the largest chunk of text that can be emitted by the psychotherapist server, but it will work just fine if it's smaller or larger. In this case, I chose 1024 for the constant, which seems to work pretty well.

The significance of using sysread() here rather than read(), its buffered alternative, is that sysread() allows partial reads. If there are no BUFSIZE bytes ready to be read, sysread() returns whatever is available. read(), in contrast, blocks while waiting to satisfy the request, delaying the psychotherapist's responses indefinitely. The same argument doesn't apply to syswrite(), versus print(), however. Since IO::Socket objects are autoflushed by default, syswrite() and print() have exactly the same effect.

Notes on

After developing, I was interested in how it performed relative to the send-wait-read version of Figure 5.6 ( and the forking line-oriented version of Figure 5.7 ( To do this, I timed the three scripts while transmitting a large text file to a conventional echo server. This test allowed both the line-oriented scripts and the byte-stream script to function properly.

Relative to, I found an approximately 5-fold increase in speed, and relative to, a 1.5-fold increase. The big efficiency gain when switching from the single to the multitasking design was dramatic, and represents the fact that the multitasking design keeps the network pipe full and running in both directions simultaneously, while the send-wait-read design uses only half the bandwidth at any time, and waits to receive the entire transmission before sending a response.

Another interesting benchmark result is that when I tried replacing the built-in calls to syswrite() and sysread() in with their object-oriented wrappers, I found a 20 percent decrease in efficiency, reflecting Perl's method call overhead. This probably won't make a significant difference in most networking applications, which are dominated by network speeds, but is worth keeping in mind for those tight inner loops where efficiency is critical.

As an aside, while testing with, I discovered an apparent bug in the Eliza module's command_interface() method. When it reads a line of input from STDIN, it never checks for end of file. As a result, if you terminate the connection at the client side, command_interface() goes into a very unattractive infinite loop that wastes CPU time.

The easy solution is to replace the Chatbot::Eliza_testquit() method, which checks the input string for words like "quit" and "bye." By checking whether the string is undefined, _testquit() can detect end of file. Insert this definition somewhere near the bottom of the Eliza server:

sub Chatbot::Eliza::_testquit {
   my ($self,$string) = @_;
   return 1 unless defined $string; # test for EOF
   foreach (@{$self->{quit}}) { return 1 if $string =~ /\b$_\b/i };

The server will now detect and respond correctly to the end-of-file condition.

Daemonization on UNIX Systems

The forking psychotherapist server has a deficiency.[2] When the server is launched, it doesn't automatically go into the background but instead ties up a terminal where it can be brought down by an inadvertent tap on the interrupt key. Of course, the user launching it from the command line can always background the server, but that is inconvenient and error prone, since the server might be brought back into the foreground inadvertently.

[2] This discussion relies heavily on the UNIX process model, and will not translate to Macintosh or Windows systems. Windows NT and 2000 users can turn Perl scripts into background services using a utility called srvany.exe. See the section Background on Windows and Macintosh Systems later in this chapter.

Under UNIX, most network servers act as "daemons." When launched, they go into the background, and keep running until they are deliberately killed or the system itself is shut down. They have no access to a terminal or command window. Instead, if they want to issue status messages, they must log them to a file. The word "daemon" was chosen to convey the image of a sorcerer's magical servant who does his bidding invisibly. In this case, the server is the daemon, and network communications is the magic.

On launch, a daemon should put itself into the background automatically and close its standard input, output, and error handles. It should also completely dissociate itself from the "controlling terminal" (the terminal window or console from which the daemon was launched). This has two purposes. One is that the program (or a subprocess launched by it) will not be able to reopen the terminal device and inadvertently intermix its output with that of other programs. The second effect is that the daemon will not receive a HUP (hangup) signal when the user exits the command shell after launching the server.

Network daemons should also:

  1. Change their current working directory to the root directory. This normalizes the environment and avoids problems with unmounting the filesystem from which the daemon was started.

  2. Change their file creation mask to a known state (rather than inheriting it from the shell).

  3. Normalize the PATH environment variable.

  4. Write their process IDs to a file in /var/run or a similar location.

  5. Optionally, use syslog (or the Windows event logger) to write diagnostic messages to the system log file.

  6. Optionally, handle the HUP signal by reinitializing themselves or reloading their configuration files.

  7. Optionally, use the chroot() call to place themselves in a restricted part of the filesystem, and/or set their privileges to those of an unprivileged user on the system.


In this section, we develop a routine for autobackgrounding network daemons and performing tasks 1 through 4. In Chapter 16 we discuss techniques for implementing items 5 through 7.

Figure 10.5 lists the become_daemon() subroutine, which a server process should call very early during its initialization phase. This subroutine uses a standard UNIX trick for backgrounding and dissociating from the controlling terminal. It forks itself (line 2) and the parent process exits, leaving only the child in control.

Figure 10.5. The become_daemon() subroutine


The child process now starts a new process session by calling the setsid() function, provided by the POSIX module (line 4). A session is a set of processes that share the same terminal. At any given time only one member of the set has the privilege of reading and writing to the terminal and is said to be in the foreground, while other members of the group remain in the background (and if they try to do I/O to the terminal, are suspended until they are brought to the foreground). This system is used by command shells to implement job control.

A session group is related, but not identical, to a process group. A process group is the set of subprocesses that have been launched by a single parent, and is an integer corresponding to the PID of the group's shared ancestor. You can use the Perl getpgrp() function to fetch the process group for a particular process, and pass kill() the negative of a process group to send the same signal simultaneously to all members of the group. This is how the shell does it when sending a HUP signal to all its subprocesses just prior to exiting. A newly forked child belongs to the same session group and process group as its parent.

setsid() does several things. It creates both a new session and a new process group, and makes the current process the session leader. At the same time, it dissociates the current process from the controlling terminal. The effect is to make the child process completely independent of the shell. setsid() fails if the process is a session leader at the time the function is called (i.e., is in the foreground), but the earlier fork ensures that this is not the case.

After calling setsid(), we reopen the STDIN and STDOUT filehandles onto the "do nothing" special device, /dev/null, and make STDERR a copy of STDOUT (lines 57). This maneuver prevents output from the daemon from appearing on the terminal. It then calls chdir() to change the current working directory to the root filesystem, resets the file creation mask to 0, and sets the PATH environment variable to a small number of standard directories (line 10). We return the new process ID from the $$ global. Because we forked, the process ID is now different from its value when the subroutine was called, and returning the new PID explicitly in this way is a good way to remind ourselves of that fact.

There are a number of variations on the become_daemon() subroutine. Stevens [1998] recommends forking not once but twice, warning that otherwise it is possible for the first child to reacquire a controlling terminal by deliberately reopening the /dev/tty device. However, this event is unlikely, and few production servers do this.

Instead of reopening the standard filehandles onto /dev/null, you may want to simply close them:

close $_ foreach (\*STDIN,\*STDOUT,\*STDERR);

However, this strategy may confuse subprocesses that expect the standard filehandles to be open, so it is best avoided.

Finally, a few older UNIX systems, such as ULTRIX, do not have a working setsid(). On such systems, the call to setsid() returns a run-time error. On such systems, you can use the Proc::Daemon module, available on CPAN, which contains the appropriate workarounds.

PID Files

Another feature we can add at this time is a PID file for the psychotherapist server. By convention, servers and other system daemons write their process IDs into a file named something like /var/run/ Before exiting, the server removes the file. This allows the system administrator and other users to send signals to the daemon via this shortcut:

kill -TERM `cat /var/run/`

A clever daemon checks for the existence of this file during startup, and refuses to run if the file exists, which might indicate that the server is already running. Very clever daemons go one step further, and check that the process referred to by the PID file is still running. It is possible that a previous server crashed or was killed before it had a chance to remove the file. The open_pid_file() subroutine listed in Figure 10.6 implements this strategy.

Figure 10.6. open_pid_file() routine


Lines 13: Check whether old PID file exists open_pid_file() is called with the path to the PID file. Our first action is to apply the -e file test to the file to determine whether it already exists.

Lines 46: Check whether old PID file is valid If the PID file exists, we go on to check whether the process it indicates is still running. We use IO::File to open the old PID file and read the numeric PID from it. To determine if this process is still running, we use kill() to send signal number 0 to the indicated process. This special signal number 0 doesn't actually send a signal, but instead returns true if the indicated process (or process group) can receive signals. If kill() returns true, we know that the process is still running and exit with an error message.

Otherwise, if kill() returns false, then we know that the previous server process either exited uncleanly without cleaning up its PID file, or that it is running under a different user ID and the current process lacks the privileges to send the signal. We ignore this latter case, assuming that the server is always launched by the same user. If this assumption is false, then our attempt to unlink the old PID file in the next step will fail and no harm will be done.

Lines 79: Unlink old PID file We write a warning to standard error and attempt to unlink the old PID file, first checking with the -w file test operator that it is writable. If either the -w test or the unlink() fail, we abort.

Lines 1012: Create new PID file The last two steps are to create a new PID file and open it for writing. We call IO::File->new() with a combination of flags that creates the file and opens it, but only if it does not previously exist. This prevents the file from being clobbered in the event that the server is launched twice in quick succession, both instances check for the PID file and find it absent, and both try to create a new PID file at about the same time. If successful, we return the open filehandle to the caller.

open_pid_file() should be invoked before autobackgrounding the server. This gives it a chance to issue error messages before standard error is closed. The caller should then call become_daemon() to get the new process ID, and write that PID to the PID file using the filehandle returned by open_pid_file(). Here's the complete idiom:

use constant PID_FILE => '/var/run/';
 $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{INT} = sub { exit 0; }
 my $fh  = open_pid_file(PID_FILE);
 my $pid = become_daemon();
 print $fh $pid;
 close $fh;
 END { unlink PID_FILE if $pid == $$; }

By convention, the /var/run directory is used by many UNIX systems to write PID files for running daemons. Solaris systems use /etc or /usr/local/etc.

The END{} block guarantees that the server will remove the PID file before it exits. The file is unlinked only if the current process ID matches the process ID returned by become_daemon(). This prevents any of the server's children from inadvertently unlinking the file.

The reason for installing signal handlers for the TERM and INT signals is to ensure that the program exits normally when it receives these signals. Otherwise, the END{} block would not be executed and the PID file would remain around after the server had exited.

Figure 10.7 puts all these techniques together in a new and improved forking server, There should be no surprises in this code, with the minor exception that instead of placing the PID file inside the standard /var/run directory, the example uses /var/tmp/ /var/run is a privileged directory, and to write into it we would have to be running with root privileges. However, this carries security implications that are not discussed until Chapter 16. It is not a particularly good idea for a root process to write into a world-writable directory such as /var/tmp for reasons discussed in that chapter, but there's no problem doing so as an unprivileged user. This script also incorporates the fix to the Chatbot::Eliza::_testquit() subroutine discussed earlier.

Figure 10.7. The Eliza server (forking version) with daemon code


Another point is that we create the listen socket before calling become_daemon(). This gives us a chance to die with an error message before become_daemon() closes standard error. Chapter 16 discusses how daemons can log errors to a file or via the syslog system.

Starting Network Servers Automatically

Once a network server has been written, tested, and debugged, you may want it to start up automatically each time the machine is booted. On UNIX systems this is relatively simple once you learn the specifics of your operating system.

At boot time, UNIX (and Linux) systems run a series of shell scripts. Each shell script performs an aspect of system initialization, such as checking file systems, checking user quotas, mounting remote directories, and starting network services. You need only find a suitable shell script, add the command needed to start your Perl-based server, and you're done.

The only catch is that the location and organization of these shell scripts varies considerably among UNIX dialects. There are two general organizational styles in use. One style, derived from the BSD lineage, uses a series of scripts beginning with the characters rc, for example, rc.boot and rc.single. These files are usually located in either /etc or /etc/rc.d. On such systems, there is generally a boot script reserved for local customizations named rc.local. If you have such a system, then the easiest way to start a Perl script at boot time is to add a section to the bottom of rc.local, using as your example other sections in the script.

For example, on the BSD-based system that I use at home, the end of my rc.local script has several sections like this one:

# start time server
 if [ -x /usr/sbin/xntpd ]; then
   echo "Starting time server..."

This is a bit of Bourne shell-scripting language which says that if the file /usr/sbin/xntpd exists and is executable, then echo a message to the console and run the program.

To start our script at boot time, we would add a section like this one:

# start psychotherapist server
 if [ -x /usr/local/bin/ ]; then
   echo "Starting psychotherapist server..."

This assumes that has been installed into the /usr/local/bin directory. Before you reboot your system, you should try executing this fragment of the shell script a few times to make sure you've got it right.

The other boot script organizational style found on UNIX systems is derived from the AT&T family of UNIX. In this style, startup scripts are sorted into subdirectories with names like rc0.d, rc1.d, and so on. Depending on the operating system, these directories may be located in /etc, /etc/rc.d, or /sbin. Each subdirectory is named after a runlevel, which controls the level of service the system will provide. For example, in runlevel 1 (corresponding to directory rc1.d) the system may provide single-user services only, blocking all network logins, and in runlevel 3 (rc3.d) it may allow full network login, filesharing, and a host of other multiuser services.

You will need to determine what runlevel your system commonly runs at. This can be done by examining /etc/inittab for the initdefault entry, or by running the runlevel command if your system provides one.

The next step is to enter the rc*.d directory that corresponds to this runlevel. You will see a host of scripts with names that begin with either "S" or "K" for example, S15nfs.server and K20lp. The scripts that begin with "S" correspond to services that are started when the system enters that runlevel; those that begin with "K" are services that the system kills when it leaves the runlevel. On Solaris systems, S15nfs.server starts up NFS filesharing services, and K20lp shuts down line printing. The numbers in the script name are used to control the order in which the startup scripts are executed, since the boot system sorts the scripts alphabetically before invoking them.

Frequently, the scripts are just symbolic links to general-purpose shell scripts that can start and stop the service. The real script is located in a directory named init.d, located variously in /etc/init.d, /etc/rc.d/init.d, or /sbin/init.d. When the boot system wants to launch or kill the service, it follows the link to its location, and then invokes the script with the arguments 'start' or 'stop'.

On systems with AT&T-style boot scripts, the strategy again is to see how another service already does it, clone and rename its startup script, and then modify it to invoke your script at startup time.

Here is an extremely simple script that can be used on many systems to start and stop the psychotherapist daemon. Name it eliza, make it executable, and store it in /etc/init.d (or whatever is the proper location for such scripts on your system). Then create a link from /etc/r3.d/S20eliza to this script, again modifying the exact path as appropriate for your operating system.

 # psychotherapist startup script
 case "$1" in
       if [ -x /usr/local/bin/ ]; then
          echo -n "Starting psychotherapist: "
       if [ -e /var/tmp/ ]; then
          echo -n "Shutting down psychotherapist"
          kill -TERM `cat /var/tmp/`
       echo "usage: $0 {start|stop}"

Again, it's a good idea to test this script from the command line before committing it to your boot scripts directory.

One thing to watch for is that the boot scripts run as the superuser, so your network application also runs with superuser privileges. This is generally an undesirable feature. Chapter 14 describes how scripts started with superuser privileges can relinquish those privileges to become an ordinary user. Alternatively, you can use the su command to launch the script using the privileges of an ordinary user. In the two shell scripts mentioned, replace the calls to /usr/local/bin/ with:

su nobody -c /usr/local/bin/

This will run the server under the nobody account.

Nemeth [1995] has an excellent discussion of the boot process on a variety of popular UNIX systems.

The inetd daemon, discussed at length later in this chapter in the section Using the inetd Super Daemon, provides a convenient way to automatically launch servers that are used only occasionally.

Backgrounding on Windows and Macintosh Systems

Neither the Macintosh nor the Microsoft Windows have the same concept of background processes as UNIX. This section explains how to achieve daemonlike behavior for long-running network applications on these platforms.

On the Macintosh, the best that you can currently do is to have a network script started automatically at boot time by placing the Perl script file into the Startup Items folder in the System folder. At boot time, MacPerl will be launched and run the script. However, as soon as you exit MacPerl, the server will be terminated, along with any other Perl scripts that are running.

You can improve this situation esthetically by loading the Mac::Apps::Launch module within the script and immediately calling the Hide() function, using "MacPerl" as the name of the application to hide. This code fragment illustrates the idiom:

use Mac::Apps::Launch;
 Hide(MacPerl => 1) or warn $^E;

(Under MacPerl, the $^E global returns Macintosh-specific error information.) To show the application again, launch MacPerl, bringing it to the foreground.

Microsoft Windows offers a more generic way to turn applications into background daemons, using its system of "services." Services are available only on Windows NT and 2000 systems. To do this, you need two utilities: instsrv.exe and srvany.exe. These utilities are not part of the standard Windows NT/2000 distributions, but are add-ons provided by the Windows NT/2000 Resource Kits. There are two steps to the process. In the first step, you use instsrv.exe to define the name of the new service. In the second step, you use the registry editor to associate the newly defined service with the name and command-line arguments of the Perl script.

The first step is to define the new service using instsrv.exe. From the DOS command window, type the following:

% C:\rkit\instsrv.exe PSYCHOTHERAPIST C:\rkit\srvany.exe

Replace C:\rkit with the path of the actual instsrv.exe and srvany.exe files, and PSYCHOTHERAPIST with the name that you wish to use when referring to the network service. The next step is to edit the registry using the Registry Editor. The usual caveats and dire warnings apply to this process. Launch regedt32.exe and locate the following key:


Modify this as appropriate for the service name you selected earlier. Now you add a key named Parameters, and two subkeys named Application and AppParameters. Application contains the path to the Perl executable, and AppParameters contains the arguments passed to Perl, including the script name and any script arguments.

Click on the PSYCHOTHERAPIST key and choose Add Key from the Edit menu. When prompted, enter a key name of Parameters and leave the class field blank. Now select the newly created Parameters key and invoke Add Value from the Edit menu. When prompted, enter a value name of Application, a data type of REG_SZ (a null-terminated string), and a string containing the correct path to the Perl executable, such as C:\Perl\bin\perl5.6.0.exe.

Select the Parameters key once again and invoke Add Value. This time enter a value name of AppParameters, a data type of REG_SZ, and a value containing the complete path of the script and any arguments you wish to pass to it, for example C:\scripts\[3]

[3] Don't use the version of the server that autobackgrounds itself and dissociates from the session group, because these tricks are UNIX specific. Use the forking server from Figure 10.3 with the interact () subroutine modified for Windows systems.

Close the Registry Editor. You should now be able to go to the Services control panel and set it to start automatically at system startup time. From the list of NT/2000 services, select the psychotherapist server, and press the button labeled Startup. When prompted, change the startup type to Automatic, and set the LogOnAs field to the name of the user you wish the server to run as. A common choice is "System Acount." Also clear the checkbox labeled "Allow service to interact with users."

The Services control panel allows you to manually start and stop the server. If you prefer, you can use the DOS commands NET START PSYCHOTHERAPIST and NET STOP PSYCHOTHERAPIST to the same effect.

Using the inetd Super Daemon

Let's go back to Figure 10.3 and take a second look at the interact() function:

sub interact {
   my $sock = shift;
   STDIN->fdopen($sock,"<")  or die "Can't reopen STDIN: $!";
   STDOUT->fdopen($sock,">") or die "Can't reopen STDOUT: $!";
   STDERR->fdopen($sock,">") or die "Can't reopen STDERR: $!";
   my $bot = Chatbot::Eliza->new;

The psychotherapist daemon is pretty generic in its handling of incoming connections and forking. In fact, interact() is the only place where application-specific code appears.

Now consider this version of interact():

sub interact {
   my $sock = shift;
   STDIN->fdopen($sock,"<")  or die "Can't reopen STDIN: $!";
   STDOUT->fdopen($sock,">") or die "Can't reopen STDOUT: $!";
   STDERR->fdopen($sock,">") or die "Can't reopen STDERR: $!";
   exec "";

After reopening STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR onto the socket, we simply exec() the original command-line script from Figure 10.2. Assuming that is on the command path, Perl launches it and replaces the current process with the new one. The command-line version of runs, reading user input from STDIN and sending the psychotherapist's responses to STDOUT. But STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR are inherited from the parent process, so the program is actually reading and writing to the socket. We've converted a command-line program into a server application without changing a line of source code!

In fact, we can make this even more general by adding arguments to interact() that contain the name and command-line arguments of a command to execute:

sub interact {
   my ($sock,@command) = @>_;
   STDIN->fdopen($sock,"<") or die "Can't reopen STDIN: $!";
   STDOUT->fdopen($sock,">") or die "Can't reopen STDOUT: $!";
   STDERR->fdopen($sock,">") or die "Can't reopen STDERR: $!";
   exec @command;

Now any program that reads from STDIN and writes to STDOUT can be run as a server. For example, on UNIX systems, you could rig up a simple echo server just by passing /bin/cat as the argument to interact(). Since cat reads from STDIN and writes a copy to STDOUT, it will echo everything it reads from the socket back to the peer.

This simple way of creating network servers has not gone unnoticed by operating system designers. UNIX (and Linux) systems have a standard daemon called inetd, which is little more than a configurable version of this generic server capable of launching and running a variety of network services on demand.

inetd is launched at boot time. It reads a configuration file named /etc/inetd.conf, which is essentially a list of ports to monitor and programs to associate with each port. When a connection comes in to one of its monitored ports, inetd calls accept() to get a new connected socket, forks, remaps the three standard filehandles to the socket, and finally launches the appropriate program.

The advantage of this system is that instead of launching a dozen occasionally used services manually or at boot time, inetd launches them only when they are needed. Another nice feature of inetd is that it can be reconfigured on the fly by sending it a HUP signal. When such a signal arrives, it rereads its configuration file and reconfigures itself if needed. This allows you to add services without rebooting the machine.

Unfortunately, inetd is not standard on Win32 or Macintosh machines. For Windows, you can get inetd lookalikes at the following locations:

Many years ago I used an inetd lookalike for the Macintosh, which used Apple Events to simulate a true inetd daemon, but it no longer seems to be available on the Web.

Using inetd

With inetd we can turn the command-line psychotherapist program of Figure 10.2 into a server without changing a line of code. Just add the following line to the bottom of the /etc/inetd.conf configuration file:

12000 stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/local/bin/

You must have superuser access to edit this file. If there is no account named nobody, replace it with your login name (or another of your choosing). Adjust the path to the script to reflect its actual location (I suggest you use a version of the script that includes the _testquit() patch described earlier). When you're done editing the file, restart the inetd daemon by sending it a HUP signal. You can do this by finding its process ID (PID) using the ps command and then using the kill command to send the signal. For example:

% ps aux | grep inetd
 root      657  0.0  0.8  1220  552 ?       S   07:07   0:00 inetd
 lstein    914  0.0  0.5   948  352 pts/1   S   08:07   0:00 grep inetd
 % kill -HUP 657

Two shortcuts work on many Linux systems:

% kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`
 % killall -HUP inetd

Now you can use either the standard telnet program or the client developed earlier in this chapter to talk to the psychotherapist server.

Let's look at the inetd.conf entry in more detail. It's divided into seven fields delimited by whitespace (tabs or spaces):

12000 This is the service name or port number that the server will listen to. Be sure to check that your system isn't already using a port before you take it (you can use the netstat program for this purpose).

Some versions of inetd require you to use a symbolic service name in this field, such as eliza rather than 12000. On such systems, you must manually edit the file /etc/services, add the name and port number you desire, and then use that symbolic name in inetd.conf. For the psychotherapist daemon, an appropriate /etc/services line would be:

eliza 12000/tcp

We would then use eliza instead of the port number as the first field in inetd.conf.

stream This field specifies the server type, and can be either stream for connection-oriented services that send and receive data as continuous streams of data, or dgram for services that send and receive connectionless messages. Any program that reads STDIN and writes STDOUT is a stream-based service, so we use stream here.

tcp This specifies the communications protocol, and may be either tcp or udp (many systems also support more esoteric protocols, but we won't discuss them here). Stream-based services use tcp.

nowait This tells inetd what to do after launching the server program. It can be wait, to tell inetd to wait until the server is done before launching the program again to handle a new incoming connection, or nowait, which allows inetd to launch the program multiple times to handle several incoming connections at once. The most typical value for stream-based services is nowait, which makes inetd act as a forking server. If multiple clients connect simultaneously, inetd launches a copy of the program to deal with each one. Some versions of inetd allow you to put a ceiling on the number of processes that can run simultaneously.

/usr/local/bin/ This is the full path to the program. The seventh and subsequent fields are command-line arguments to pass to the script. This can be any number of space-delimited command-line arguments and switches. By convention, the first argument is the name of the program. You can use the actual script name, as shown here, or make up a different name. This value shows up in the script in the $0 variable. Other command-line arguments appear in the @ARGV array in the usual manner.

The main "gotcha" with inetd-launched programs is that stdio buffering may cause the data to flow unpredictably. For example, you might not see the psychotherapist's initial greeting until the program has output a few more lines of text. This is solved by turning on autoflush, as we did in Figure 10.2.

Using inetd in wait Mode

Using inetd in nowait mode is not as efficient as writing your own forking server. This is because inetd must launch your program each time it forks, and the Perl interpreter can take a second or two to launch, parse your script, and load and compile all the modules you require. In contrast, a forking server has already been through the parsing and compiling phases; therefore, the overhead of forking to handle a new connection is much less significant.

A nice compromise between convenience and performance is to use inetd in wait mode. In this mode it launches your server when the first incoming connection arrives, and waits for the server to finish. Your server will do everything an ordinary server does, including forking to handle new connections. The only difference is that it will not create the listening socket itself, but inherit it from one created by inetd. Since inetd duplicates the socket onto the three standard filehandles, you can recover it from any one of them, typically STDIN.

inetd thus nicely relieves you of the responsibility of launching the server by hand without incurring a performance penalty. In addition, you can write the server to exit under certain conditionsfor example, if it has been idle for a certain number of minutes, or after servicing a set number of connections. After it exits, inetd will relaunch it when it is next needed. This means that you need not keep an occasionally used server running all the time.

A new version of the psychotherapist server designed to be run from inetd in wait mode is given in Figure 10.8. The corresponding entry in /etc/inetd.conf is almost identical to the original, except that it uses wait in the fourth field and has a different script name in the sixth field:

Figure 10.8. inetd psychotherapist in wait mode


12000 stream tcp wait nobody /usr/local/bin/

In addition to inheriting its listening socket from inetd, this server differs from previous versions in having a one-minute timeout on the call to accept(). If no new connections arrive within the timeout period, the parent process exits. inetd will relaunch the server again if needed. The changes required to the basic forking server are small.

Lines 17: Define timeout values We recover the timeout from the command line, or default to one minute if no value is supplied. Notice that we no longer read the port number from the command line; it is supplied implicitly by inetd.

Lines 1013: Recover the listening socket We recover the listening socket from STDIN. First we check that we are indeed running under inetd by testing that STDIN is a socket using the -S file test. If STDIN passes this test, we turn it back into an IO::Socket object by calling IO::Socket's new_from_fd() method. This method, inherited from IO::Handle, is similar to fdopen() except that instead of reopening an existing handle on the specified filehandle, it creates a new handle that is a copy of the old one. In this case, we create a new IO::Socket object that is a copy of STDIN, opened for reading and writing with the "+<" mode.

Lines 1521: Call accept() with a timeout We now enter a standard accept() loop, except that the call to accept() is wrapped in an eval{} block. Within the eval, we create a local ALRM signal handler that calls die(), and use alarm() to set a timer that will go off after $timeout minutes have expired. We then call the listen socket's accept() method. If an incoming connection is received before the timeout expires, then the result from the eval{} block is the connected socket. Otherwise, the ALARM signal handler is called, and the eval{} block is aborted, returning an undefined value. In the latter case, we call exit(), terminating the whole server. Otherwise, we call alarm(0) to cancel the timeout.

Lines 2243: The remainder of the server is unchanged. We also include the Chatbot::Eliza::_testquit() workaround in order to avoid problems when the user closes the connection unexpectedly.

When I first wrote this program, I thought that I could simply use IO::Socket's built-in timeout mechanism, rather than roll my own ALRM-based timeout. However, there turned out to be a problem. With the built-in timeout activated, accept() returned undef both when the legitimate timeout occurred and when it was interrupted by the CHLD signal that accompanies every child process's termination. After some trial and error, I decided there was no easy way to distinguish between the two events, and went with the technique shown here.

inetd can also be used to launch UDP applications. In this case, when the program is launched, it finds STDIN already opened on an appropriate UDP socket. recv() and send() can then be used to communicate across the socket in the normal way. See Chapters 18 and 19 for more details.

Chapter 11. Multithreaded Applications

This chapter discusses network application development using Perl's lightweight thread API. Threads provide a program architecture that in many ways is easier to use than multiprocessing.

About Threads

Multithreading is quite different from multiprocessing. Instead of there being two or more processes, each with its own memory space, signal handlers, and global variables, multithreaded programs have a single process in which run several "threads of execution." Each thread runs independently; it can loop or perform I/O without worrying about the other threads that are running. However, all threads share global variables, filehandles, signal handlers, and other resources.

While this sharing of resources enables threads to interact in a much more intimate way than the separate processes created by fork(), it creates the possibility of resource contention. For example, if two threads try to modify a variable at the same time, the result may not be what you expect. For this reason, resource locking and control becomes an issue in threaded programs. Although multithreaded programming simplifies your programming in some ways, it complicates it in others.

The Thread module was introduced in Perl 5.005. To use it, you must run an operating system that supports threads (including most versions of UNIX and Microsoft Windows) and have compiled Perl with threading enabled. In Perl 5.005, you do this by running the Configure installation program with the option -Dusethreads. With Perl 5.6.0 and higher, the option becomes -Duse5005threads. No precompiled Perl binaries come with threading support activated.

Threads Are Experimental

Perl threads are an experimental feature. The 5.005 thread implementation has known bugs that can lead to mysterious crashes, particularly when running on machines with more than one CPU. Not all Perl modules are thread-safe; that is, using these modules in a multithreaded program will lead to crashes and/or incorrect results, and even some core Perl features are problematic. Although the thread implementation has improved in Perl 5.6 and higher, some fundamental design flaws remain in the system. In fact, the Perl thread documentation warns that multithreading should not be used in production systems.

The Perl developers are developing a completely new threading design that will be known as interpreter threads (ithreads) that will be part of Perl version 6, expected to be available in the summer of 2001. It promises to be more stable than the 5.005 implementation, but its API may be different from what is described here.

The Thread API

The thread API described here is the 5.005 version of threads, and not the interpreter threads currently under development.

The API threads, which is described in the Thread, Thread::Queue, Thread:: Semaphore, and attrs manual pages, seems simple but hides many complexities. Each program starts with a single thread, called the main thread. The main thread starts at the beginning of the program and runs to the end (or until exit() or die() is called).

To create a new thread, you call Thread->new(), passing it a reference to a subroutine to execute and an optional set of arguments. This creates a new concurrent thread, which immediately executes the indicated subroutine. When the subroutine is finished, the thread exits. For example, here's how you might launch a new thread to perform a time-consuming calculation:

my $thread = Thread->new(\&calculate_pi, precision => 190);

The new thread executes calculate_pi(), passing it the two arguments " precision " and " 190." If successful, the call immediately returns with a new Thread object, which the calling thread usually stashes somewhere. The Thread object can now call detach(), which frees the main thread from any responsibility for dealing with it.

Alternatively, the thread can remain in its default attached state, in which case the main thread (or any other thread) should at some point call the Thread object's join() method to retrieve the subroutine's return value. This is sometimes done just before exiting the program, or at the time the return value is needed. If the thread has not yet finished, join() blocks until it does. To continue with the previous example, at some point the main thread may wish to retrieve the value of pi computed by the calculate_pi() subroutine. It can do this by calling:

my $pi = $thread->join;

Unlike the case with parent and children processes where only a parent can wait() on its children, there is no strict familial relationship between threads. Any thread can call join() on any other thread (but a thread cannot join() itself).

For a thread to exit, it need only return() from its subroutine, or just let control fall naturally through to the bottom of the subroutine block. Threads should never call Perl's exit() function, because that would kill both the current thread and all other threads (usually not the intended effect!). Nor should any thread other than the main one try to install a signal handler. There's no way to ensure that a signal will be delivered to the thread you intend to receive it, and it's more than likely that Perl will crash.

A thread can also exit abnormally by calling die() with an error message. However, the effect of dying in a thread is not what you would expect. Instead of raising some sort of exception immediately, the effect of die() is postponed until the main thread tries to join() the thread that died. At that point, the die() takes effect, and the program terminates. If a non-main thread calls join() on a thread that has died, the effect is postponed until that thread itself is joined.

You can catch this type of postponed death and handle using eval(). The error message passed to die() will be available in the $@ global.

my $pi = eval {$thread->join} || warn "Got an error: $@";

A Simple Multithreaded Application

Here's a very simple multithreaded application. It spawns two new threads, each of which runs the hello() subroutine. hello() loops a number of times, printing out a message specified by the caller. The subroutine sleeps for a second each time through the loop (this is just for illustration purposes and is not needed to obtain thread concurrency). After spawning the two threads, the main thread waits for the two threads to terminate by calling join().

 use Thread;
 my $thread1 = Thread->new(\&hello, "I am thread 1",3);
 my $thread2 = Thread->new(\&hello, "I am thread 2",6);
 $_->join foreach ($thread1,$thread2);
 sub hello {
     my ($message,$loop) =@_;
     for (1..$loop) { print $message,"\n"; sleep 1; }

When you run this program, you'll see output like this:

% perl
 I am thread 1
 I am thread 2
 I am thread 1
 I am thread 2
 I am thread 1
 I am thread 2
 I am thread 2
 I am thread 2
 I am thread 2


The problem with threads appears as soon as two threads attempt to modify the same variable simultaneously. To illustrate the problem, consider this deceptively simple bit of code:

my $bytes_sent = 0;
 my $socket = IO::Socket->new(....);
 sub send_data {
    my $data = shift
    my $bytes = $socket->syswrite($data);
    $bytes_sent += $bytes;

The problem occurs in the last line of the subroutine, where the $bytes_sent variable is incremented. If there are multiple simultaneous connections running, then the following scenario can occur:

  1. Thread 1 fetches the value of $bytes_sent and prepares to increment it.

  2. A context switch occurs. Thread 1 is suspended and thread 2 takes control. It fetches the value of $bytes_sent and increments it.

  3. A context switch again occurs, suspending thread 2 and resuming thread 1. However, thread 1 is still holding the value of $bytes_sent it fetched from step 1. It increments the original value and stores it back into $bytes_sent, overwriting the changes made by thread 2.

This chain of events won't happen every time but will happen in a rare, nondeterministic fashion, leading to obscure bugs that are hard to track down.

The fix for this is to use the lock() call to lock the $bytes_sent variable before trying to use it. With this small modification, the example now works properly:

my $bytes_sent = 0;
 my $socket = IO::Socket->new(....);
 sub send_data {
    my $data = shift
    my $bytes = $socket->syswrite($data);
    $bytes_sent += $bytes;

lock() creates an "advisory" lock on a variable. An advisory lock prevents another thread from calling lock() to lock the variable until the thread that currently holds the lock has relinquished it. However, the lock doesn't prevent access to the variable, which can still be read and written even if the thread doesn't hold a lock on it. Locks are generally used to prevent two threads from trying to update the same variable at the same time.

If a variable is locked and another thread tries to lock it, that thread is suspended until such time as the lock is available. A lock remains in force until the lock goes out of scope, just like a local variable. In the preceding example, $bytes_sent is locked just before it's incremented, and the lock remains in force throughout the scope of the subroutine.

If a number of variables are changed at the same time, it is common to create an independent variable that does nothing but manage access to the variables. In the following example, the $ok_to_update variable serves as the lock for two related variables, $bytes_sent and $bytes_left:

my $ok_to_update;
 sub send_data {
    my $data = shift
    my $bytes = $socket->syswrite($data);
    $bytes_sent += $bytes;
    $bytes_left -= $bytes;

It is also possible to lock an entire subroutine using the notation lock(\&subroutine). When a subroutine is locked, only one thread is allowed to run it at one time. This is recommended only for subroutines that execute very quickly; otherwise, the multiple threads serialize on the subroutine like cars backed up at a traffic light, obliterating most of the advantages of threads in the first place.

Variables that are not shared, such as the local variables $data and $bytes in the preceding example, do not need to be locked. Nor do you need to lock object references, unless two or more threads share the object.

When using threads in combination with Perl objects, object methods often need to lock the object before changing it. Otherwise, two threads could try to modify the object simultaneously, leading to chaos. This object method, for example, is not thread safe, because two threads might try to modify the $self object simultaneously:

sub acknowledge { # NOT thread safe
     my $self = shift;
     print $self->{socket} "200 OK\n";

You can lock objects within object methods explicitly, as in the previous example:

sub acknowledge { # thread safe
     my $self = shift;
     print $self->{socket} "200 OK\n";

Since $self is a reference, you might wonder whether the call to lock() is locking the $self reference or the thing that $self points to. The answer is that lock() automatically follows references up one level (and one level only). The call to lock($self) is exactly equivalent to calling lock(%$self), assuming that $self is a hash reference.

Threading versions of Perl provide a new syntax for adding attributes to subroutines. With this syntax, the subroutine name is followed by a colon and a set of attributes:

sub acknowledge: locked method { # thread safe
     my $self = shift;
     print $self->{socket} "200 OK\n";

To create a locked method, use the attributes locked and method. If both attributes are present, as in the preceding example, then the first argument to the subroutine (the object reference) is locked on entry into the method and released on exit. If only locked is specified, then Perl locks the subroutine itself, as if you had specifically written lock(\&acknowledge). The key difference here is that when the attributes are set to locked method, it's possible for multiple threads to run the subroutine simultaneously so long as they're working with different objects. When a subroutine is marked locked only, then only one thread can gain access to the subroutine at a time, even if they're working with different objects.

Thread Module Functions and Methods

The thread API has several other core parts, including ways for threads to signal each other when a particular condition has become true. Here is a very brief synopsis of the thread API. More information is available in the perlthread manual page, and other features are explained in depth later when we use them.

$thread = Thread->new(\&subroutine [, @arguments]);

Creates a new thread of execution and returns a Thread object. The new thread immediately runs the subroutine given as the first argument, passing it the arguments listed in the optional second and subsequent arguments.

$return_value = $thread->join()

join() waits for the given thread to terminate. The return value is the result (if any) returned by the subroutine specified when the thread was created. If the thread is running, then join() blocks until it terminates there is no way to do a nonblocking join on a particular thread.


If you aren't interested in a thread's return value, you can call its detach() method. This makes it impossible to call join() later. The main advantage of detaching a thread is that it frees the main thread from the responsibility of joining the other threads later.

@threads = Thread->list()

This class method returns a list of Thread objects. The list includes those that are running as well as those that have terminated but are waiting to be joined.

$thread = Thread->self()

This class method returns the Thread object corresponding to the current thread.

$tid = $thread->tid()

Each thread is associated with a numeric identifier known as the thread ID (tid). There's no particular use for this identifier except perhaps as an index into an array or to incorporate into debugging messages. This tid can be retrieved with the tid() method.


The lock() function locks the scalar, array, or hash passed to it in such a way that no other thread can lock the variable until the first thread's lock goes out of scope. For container variables, such as arrays, locking the whole array (e.g., with lock(@connections)) is different from locking a component of the array (e.g., lock($connections[3]))).

You do not need to explicitly import the Thread module to use lock(). It is built into the core of all versions of Perl that support multithreading. On versions of Perl that don't support multithreading, lock() has no effect. This allows you to write thread-safe modules that will work equally well on threading and nonthreading versions of Perl.

The next five items are functions that must be imported explicitly from the Thread module:

use Thread qw(async yield cond_wait cond_signal cond_broadcast);

$thread = async {BLOCK}

The async() function is an alternative way to create a new Thread object. Instead of taking a code reference and its arguments like new(), it accepts a code block, which becomes the body of the new thread. The Thread object returned by async() can be join()ed, just like a thread created with new().


The yield() function is a way for a thread to hint to Perl that a particular spot might be a good place to do a thread context shift. Because of the differences in thread implementations on different operating systems, this may or may not have an effect. It is not usually necessary to call yield() to obtain concurrency, but it might help in some circumstances to distribute the time slices of execution more equitably among the threads.


cond_wait() waits on a variable it is signaled. The function takes a locked variable, releases the lock, and puts the thread to sleep until the variable is signalled by another thread calling cond_signal() or cond_broadcast(). The variable is relocked before cond_wait() returns.


cond_signal() signals $variable, restarting any threads that are waiting on it. If no threads are waiting, then the call does nothing. If multiple threads are waiting on the variable, one (and only one) of them is unblocked. Which one is awakened is indeterminate.


cond_broadcast() works like cond_signal(), except that all waiting threads are awakened. Each thread reacquires the lock in turn and executes the code following the cond_wait(). The order in which the waiting threads are awakened is indeterminate.

We will use cond_wait() and cond_broadcast() in Chapter 14, when we develop an adaptive prethreaded server.

Threads and Signals

If you plan to mix threads with signals, you must be aware that the integration of signal handling with threads is one of the more experimental parts of Perl's experimental threads implementation. The issue is that signals arrive at unpredictable times and may be delivered to any currently executing thread, leading to unpredictable results.

The Thread::Signal module is supposed to help with this by arranging for all signals to be delivered to a special thread that runs in parallel with the main thread. You don't have to do anything special. Just loading the module is sufficient to start the signal thread running:

use Thread::Signal;
However, you should be aware that Thread::Signal changes the semantics of signals so that they can no longer be used to interrupt long-running system calls. Hence, this trick will no longer work:
alarm (10);
 my $bytes =
   eval {
      local $SIG{ALARM} = sub { die };

In some cases, you can work around this limitation by replacing the eval{} section with a call to select(). We use this trick in Chapter 15.

In practice, Thread::Signal sometimes seems to make programs less stable rather than more so, depending on which version of Perl and which threading libraries you are using. My advice for experimenting with threading features is to first write the program without Thread::Signal and add it later if unexpected crashes or other odd behavior occurs.

A Multithreaded Psychiatrist Server

Despite the long introduction to threads, an actual multithreaded server is quite short. Here we develop a multithreaded version of the psychiatrist server (Figure 11.1).

Figure 11.1. Multithreaded psychiatrist server


Lines 15: Load modules We begin by loading IO::Socket and the Thread module. We also bring in a specialized version of Chatbot::Eliza in which the command_interface() method has been rewritten to work well in a multithreaded environment (Figure 11.2).

Figure 11.2. The Chatbot::Eliza::Server class


Lines 612: Create listening socket As in the previous examples, we create a new listening socket with IO::Socket::INET->new(). If a listening socket can't be created, we die with the error message IO::Socket leaves in $.

Lines 1215: Accept loop We now enter the server's main loop. Each time through the loop we call accept(), yielding a new socket connected to the incoming client. We launch a new thread to handle the connection by calling Thread->new() with a reference to the interact() subroutine and the connected socket as its single argument. We then go back to waiting on accept().

Notice that there is no need to close the listen or accept socket, as we did in the forking server examples. This is because duplicate socket handles are never created.

Lines 1631: The interact() subroutine This subroutine handles the conversation with the user and runs in a separate thread. Since the main server never checks the return value of the connection threads it launches, there's no need to keep this status information; so we begin by detaching ourselves from the main thread.

We next create a new Chatbot::Eliza::Server object and invoke its command_interface() method. Unlike the previous examples, this subclass does not read and write to STDIN and STDOUT but to a pair of filehandles passed in the argument list. The first argument is a filehandle to read the user's remarks from, and the second is a filehandle to write the psychotherapist's responses to. In this case, the two filehandles are both the connected socket. We let command_interface() do its thing, then close the socket.The thread terminates when the subroutine ends.

The Chatbot::Eliza::Server Class

The reason for subclassing Chatbot::Eliza is simple. The class's command_interface() method is hardwired to use STDIN and STDOUT. In the forking server examples, we were able to trick Chatbot::Eliza into reading and writing to the connected socket by reopening standard input and output on the socket filehandle. This worked because each child process had its own copies of STDIN and STDOUT and we could alter them without affecting other children that might be running concurrently. In the multithreaded example, however, this trick won't work because there is only a single copy of the STDIN and STDOUT filehandles shared among all the threads. Therefore, command_interface() must be rewritten to read and write to filehandles that are passed to it at runtime.

Figure 11.2 shows the code necessary to achieve this. The module inherits from Chatbot::Eliza via the @ISA array. It then redefines the command_interface() method.

To create command_interface(), I simply duplicated the original Chatbot::Eliza code and added the new filehandle argument to all print and read statements (I also removed some extraneous debugging code). To remain compatible with the original version of the module, the filehandles used for reading and writing will default to STDIN and STDOUT, if not otherwise specified.

A Multithreaded Client

To go along with the multithreaded psychiatrist server, this section develops a multithreaded client named (Figure 11.3). It is similar to the byte stream-oriented forking client in Chapter 10 (Figure 10.4); but instead of forking a child process to read from the remote server, the read loop is done inside a thread running the do_read() subroutine.

Figure 11.3. Threaded concurrent client


The other major difference between this client and the previous version is the termination process. In both clients, when do_write() detects that standard input has been closed, the subroutine closes the transmission half of the socket by calling shutdown(1). This sends an end of file to the server, causing it to close its side of the socket, and this event propagates back to the do_read() thread.

So far so good, but what happens when the server is the one to initiate the disconnection? The do_read() thread detects the end-of-file condition and exits. However, the do_write() loop running in the main thread is usually blocked waiting for data from standard input and will not be notified of anything untoward until it tries to write a line of text to the socket and triggers a PIPE signal. In the forking client, we finessed this by having the CHLD handler call exit(). In the threading example, there is no CHLD signal to catch, and so the easiest course of action is just to have the host_to_user() thread call exit().

Chapter 12. Multiplexed Applications

The forking and threading techniques discussed in the last two chapters allow a program to handle multiple concurrent connections. The last general technique that we cover is I/O multiplexing. Multiplexing doesn't take advantage of any operating system tricks to achieve the illusion of concurrency. Instead, multiplexed applications handle all connections in one main loop. For example, a server that is currently servicing ten clients reads from each connected socket in turn, handles the request, and then services the next client.

The big problem with interleaving I/O in this way is the risk of blocking. If you try to read from a socket that doesn't have data ready, the read() and sysread() calls will block until new data is received. When you're serving multiple connections, this is unacceptable because it causes all the connections to stall until the connection you're waiting on becomes ready. Another potential problem is that if the client on the other end isn't ready to read, then calls to syswrite() or print() will also block. The performance of the server is held hostage to the performance of the slowest client.

The key to multiplexing is a built-in function called select() and its object-oriented equivalent, the IO::Select module. With select() you can check whether an I/O operation on a filehandle will block before performing the operation. This chapter discusses how to use these facilities.

A Multiplexed Client

Before addressing the details of how select() works, let's rewrite our "gab" client to use multiplexing., like its previous incarnations, accepts lines from standard input, transmits them to a remote server, and then relays the response from the server to standard output. Figure 12.1 shows the code.

Figure 12.1. A multiplexed client


Lines 19: Load modules and process command-line arguments We turn on strict type checking and load the IO::Select and IO::Socket modules. We read the host and port to connect to from the command line, or if a host is not specified, we assume the echo service on the local host.

Line 10: Create a new connected socket We create a socket connected to the specified peer by calling IO::Socket::INET->new() with the one-argument shortcut form.

Lines 1113: Create a new IO::Select set We will multiplex our reads on standard input and on the socket. This means that we will read from standard input only when the user has some data for us and read from the socket only when there's server data to be read.

To do this, we create a new IO::Select object by calling IO::Select->new(). An IO::Select object holds one or more filehandles that can be monitored for their readiness to do I/O. After creating the select object, we add STDIN and the socket by calling the select object's add() method.

Lines 1417: Main I/O loop We now enter a while() loop. Each time through, we call the select object's can_read() method to return the list of handles ready for reading. This list may contain the socket handle, STDIN, or both. Our task is to loop through the list of ready handles and take the appropriate action for each. If STDIN is ready for reading, we copy data from it to the socket. If the socket is ready, we copy data from it to STDOUT.

Lines 1824: Handle data on STDIN If STDIN is ready to be read, we use sysread() to read up to 2K bytes of data into a string variable named $buffer. If sysread() returns a positive value, we write a copy of what we received to the socket. Otherwise, we have encountered an end of file on standard input. We shutdown() the write half of the socket, sending the remote server an end of file.

Lines 2532: Handle data on the socket If there is data to be read from the connected socket, then we call sysread() on the socket to read up to 2K bytes. If the read is successful, we immediately print it to STDOUT. Otherwise, the remote host has closed the connection, so we write a message to that effect and exit.

You can use to talk to a variety of network servers, including those that are line oriented and those that produce less predictable output. Because this script doesn't rely on either forking or threading, it runs on practically all operating systems where Perl is available, including the Macintosh.

The IO::Select Module

Perl versions 5.003 and higher come with an object-oriented wrapper class called IO::Select. You create an IO::Select object, add to it the handles you wish to monitor, and then call its can_read(), can_write(), or has_exceptions() methods to wait for one or more of the object's handles to become ready for I/O.

$select = IO::Select->new([@handles])

The IO::Select new() class method creates a new IO::Select object. It can be called with a list of handles, in which case they will be added to the set that IO::Select monitors, or it can be called with an empty argument list, in which case the monitor set will be initially empty.

The handle list can be composed of any type of filehandle including IO::Handle objects, globs, and glob references. You may also add and remove handles after the object is created.


This adds the list of handles to the monitored set and returns the number of unique handles successfully added. If you try to add the same filehandle multiple times, the redundant entries are ignored.


This removes the list of filehandles from the monitored set. IO::Select indexes its handles by file number, so you can refer to the handle one way when you add it (e.g., STDOUT) and another way when you remove it (e.g., \*STDOUT).

$value = $select->exists($handle)

$count = $select->count

These are utility routines. The exists() method returns a true value if the handle is currently a member of the monitored set. The count() method returns the number of handles contained in the IO::Select set.

The can_read(), can_write(), and has_exceptions() methods monitor the handle list for changes in status.

@readable = $select->can_read([$timeout])

@writable = $select->can_write([$timeout])

@exceptional = $select->has_exception([$timeout])

The can_read(), can_write(), and has_exception() methods each call select() on your behalf, returning an array of filehandles that are ready for reading or writing or have exceptional conditions pending. The call blocks until one of the handles in the IO::Select object becomes ready, or until the optional timeout given by $timeout is reached. In the latter case, the call returns an empty list. The timeout is expressed in seconds, and can be fractional.

Any of these methods can return an empty list if the process is interrupted by a signal. Therefore, always check the returned list for filehandles, even if you have provided no timeout.

If you wish to select for readers and writers simultaneously, use the select() method.

($rout,$wout,$eout) = IO::Select->select($readers, $writers, $except [,$timeout])

select() is a class method that waits on multiple IO::Select sets simultaneously. $readers, $writers, and $except are IO::Select objects or undef, and $timeout is an optional time-out period in seconds. When any handle in any of the sets becomes ready for I/O, select() returns a three-element list, each element an array reference containing the handles that are ready for reading or writing, or that have exceptional conditions. If select() times out or is interrupted by a signal before any handles become ready, the method returns an empty list.

Exceptional conditions on sockets are not what this term may imply. An exceptional condition occurs when a TCP socket receives urgent data (we talk about how to generate and handle urgent data in Chapter 17). An I/O error on a socket does not generate an exceptional condition, but instead makes the socket both readable and writable. The nature of the error can then be detected by performing a read or write on the socket and checking the $! variable.

IO::Select->select() can be used to put the current process to sleep for a fractional period of seconds. Simply call the method using undef for all three IO::Select sets and the number of seconds you wish to sleep. This code fragment causes the program to pause for 0.25 seconds:


As with sleep(), select() returns prematurely if it is interrupted by a signal. Also don't count on getting a pause of exactly 250 milliseconds, because select() is limited by the underlying resolution of the system clock, which might not provide millisecond resolution. To get a version of sleep that has microsecond resolution, use the Time::HiRes module, available from CPAN.

The Built-in select() Function

The built-in select() function is the Perl primitive that IO::Select uses internally. It is called with four arguments, like this:

$nready = select($readers,$writers,$exceptions,$timeout);

Sadly, select()'s argument-passing scheme is archaic and unPerlish, in volving complex manipulation of bit vectors. You may see it in older scripts, but IO::Select is both easier to use and less prone to error. However, you might want to use select() to achieve a fractional sleep without importing IO::Select:


Don't confuse the four-argument version of select() with the one-argument version discussed in Chapter 1. The latter is used to select the default filehandle used with print().

The perlfunc manual pages give full details on the built-in select() function.

When Is a Filehandle Ready for I/O?

To use select() to its best advantage, it's important to understand the rules for a handle's readiness for I/O. Some of the rules apply equally to ordinary filehandles, pipes, and sockets; others are specific to sockets. Filehandles, pipes, and sockets are all ready for reading when:

  1. The filehandle has pending data. If there is at least 1 byte of data in the file-handle's input buffer (the receive buffer in the case of sockets), then select() indicates that the filehandle is ready for reading. sysread() on the filehandle will not block and returns the number of bytes read.

For sockets, this rule can be modified by setting the value of the receive buffer's "low water mark" as described in the next section.

  1. There is an end of file on the filehandle. select() indicates that a filehandle is ready for reading if the next read returns an end of file. The next call to sysread() will return numeric 0 without blocking. This occurs in normal filehandles when the end of the file is reached, and in TCP sockets when the remote host closes the connection.

  2. There is a pending error on the filehandle. Any I/O error on the filehandle also causes select() to indicate that it is ready for reading. sysread() returns undef and sets $! to the error code.

In addition, select() indicates that a socket is ready for reading when:

  1. There is an incoming connection on a listen socket. select() indicates that a listen socket is ready for reading if there is a pending incoming connection. accept() returns the connected socket without blocking.

  2. There is an incoming datagram on a UDP socket. A socket is ready for reading if it uses the UDP protocol and there is an incoming datagram waiting to be read. The recv() function returns the datagram without blocking. We discuss UDP in Chapter 18.

Filehandles, pipes, and sockets are all ready for writing when:

  1. There is room in the output buffer for new data. If there is at least 1 byte of free space in the filehandle's output buffer (the send buffer in the case of sockets), then syswrite() of a single byte will succeed without blocking. Calling syswrite() with more than 1 byte may still block, however, if the amount of data to write exceeds the amount of free space. On sockets, this behavior can be adjusted by setting the send buffer's low water mark.

If the filehandle is marked as nonblocking, then syswrite() always succeeds without blocking and returns the number of bytes actually written. We discuss nonblocking I/O in Chapter 13.

  1. There is a pending error on the filehandle. If there is an I/O error on the filehandle, then select() indicates that it is ready for writing. syswrite() will not block, but returns undef as its function result. $! contains the error code.

In addition, sockets are ready for writing when:

  1. The peer has closed its side of the connection. If the socket is connected and the remote end has closed or shutdown() its end of the connection, then select() indicates that the socket is ready for writing. The next syswrite() attempt will generate a PIPE exception. If you ignore or handle PIPE signals, then syswrite() returns undef and $! is equal to EPIPE. Local pipes also behave in this way.

  2. A nonblocking connect has been initiated, and the attempt completes. When a TCP socket is nonblocking and you attempt to connect it, the call to connect() returns immediately and the connection attempt continues in the background. When the connect attempt eventually completes (either successfully or with an error), select() indicates that the socket is ready for writing. This is discussed in more detail in Chapter 13.

Exceptional conditions apply only to sockets. There is only one common exception, which occurs when a connected TCP socket has urgent data to be read. We discuss how urgent data works in Chapter 17.

Combining select() with Standard I/O

When using select() to multiplex I/O, you must be extremely careful not to mix it with functions that use stdio buffering. The reason is that the stdio library maintains its own I/O buffers independent of the buffers used by the operating system. select() doesn't know about these buffers; as a result it may indicate that there's no more data to be read from a filehandle, when in fact there is data remaining in the buffer. This will lead to confusion and frustration.

In multiplexed programs you should avoid the <> operator, print(), and read(), as well as the built-in getline() function and the IO::Handle->getline() method. Instead, you should use the low-level sysread() and syswrite() calls exclusively. This makes it difficult to do line-oriented I/O. However, Chapter 13 develops some modules that overcome this limitation.

Adjusting the Low Water Marks

On some versions of UNIX, you can adjust when a socket is ready for reading or writing by changing the low water marks on the socket's send and/or receive buffers. The receive buffer's low water mark indicates the amount of data that must be available before select() will indicate that it is ready for reading and sysread() can be called without blocking. The low water mark is 1 byte by default, but you can change this by calling setsockopt() with the SO_RECVLOWAT option. You might want to adjust this if you are expecting transmissions of a fixed size from the peer and don't want to bother processing partial messages.

When writing to a socket, the low water mark indicates how many bytes of data can be written to the socket with syswrite() without blocking. The default is 1 byte, but it can be changed by calling setsockopt() with the SO_SNDLOWAT option.

Changing a socket's low water marks is nonportable. It works on most versions of UNIX but fails on Windows and Macintosh machines. In addition, the Linux kernel (up through version 2.4) allows the receive buffer's low water mark to be set, but not the send buffer's.

A Multiplexed Psychiatrist Server

In this section we develop a version of the Chatbot::Eliza server that uses multiplexing. It illustrates how a typical multiplexed server works. The basic strategy for a multiplexed server follows this general outline:

  1. Create a listen socket.

  2. Create an IO::Select set and add the listen socket to the list of sockets to be monitored for reading.

  3. Enter a select() loop.

  4. When the select() loop returns, examine the list of sockets ready for reading. If the listen socket is among them, call accept() and add the resulting connected socket to the IO::Select set.

  5. If other sockets are ready for reading, perform I/O on them.

  6. As client connections finish, remove them from the IO::Select set.

This version of the Eliza server illustrates how this works in practice.

The Main Server Program

The new server is called It is broken into two parts, the main part, shown in Figure 12.2, and a module that subclasses Chatbot::Eliza called Chatbot::Eliza::Polite.

Figure 12.2. Multiplexed psychiatrist server


Compared to the previous versions of this server, the major design change is the need to break up the Chatbot::Eliza object's command_interface() method. The reason is that command_interface() has its own I/O loop, which doesn't relinquish connection until the conversation with the client is done. We can't allow this, because it would lock out other clients.

Instead, we again subclass Chatbot::Eliza to create a "polite" version, which adds three new methods named welcome(), one_line(), and done(). The first method returns a string containing the greeting that the user sees when he or she first connects. The second takes a line of user input, transforms it, and returns the string containing the psychiatrist's response, along with a new prompt for the user. done() returns a true value if the user's previous line consisted of one of the quit phrases such as "bye," "goodbye," or "exit."

Another change is necessary to keep track of multiple Chatbot::Eliza instances. Because each object maintains an internal record of the user's utterances, we have to associate each connected socket with a unique Eliza object. We do this by creating a global hash named %SESSIONS in which the indexes are the socket objects and the values are the associated Chatbot::Eliza objects. When can_read() returns a socket that is ready for I/O, we use %SESSIONS to look up the corresponding Chatbot::Eliza object.

We'll walk through the main part first.

Lines 16: Load modules We bring in IO::Socket, IO::Select, and Chatbot::Eliza::Polite. We also declare the %SESSIONS hash for mapping IO::Socket instances to Chatbot objects.

Lines 712: Create listen socket We create a listen socket on our default port.

Lines 1315: Add listen socket to IO:: Select object We create a new IO::Select object and add the listen socket to it.

Lines 1618: Main select() loop We now enter the main loop. Each time through the loop, we call the IO::Select object's can_read() method. This blocks indefinitely until the listen socket becomes ready for accept() or a connected socket (none of which have yet been added) becomes ready for reading.

Line 18: Loop through ready handles When can_read() returns, its result is a list of handles that are ready for reading. It's now our job to loop through this list and figure out what to do with each one.

Lines 1924: Handle the listen socket If the handle is the listen socket, then we call its accept() method, returning a new connected socket. We create a new Chatbot::Eliza::Polite object to handle the connection and add the socket and the Chatbot object to the %SESSIONS hash. By indexing the hash with the unique name of the socket object, we can recover the corresponding Chatbot object whenever we need to do I/O on that particular socket.

After creating the Chatbot object, we invoke its welcome() method. This returns a welcome message that we syswrite() to the newly connected client. After this is done, we add the connected socket to the IO::Select object by calling IO::Select->add(). The connected socket will now be monitored for incoming data the next time through the loop.

Lines 2527: Handle I/O on connected socket If a handle is ready for reading, but it is not the listen socket, then it must be a connected socket accepted during a previous iteration of the loop. We recover the corresponding Chatbot object from the %SESSIONS hash. If the lookup is unsuccessful (which logically shouldn't happen), we just ignore the socket and go on to the next ready socket.

Otherwise, we want to read a line of input from the client. Reading a line of input from the user is actually a bit of a nuisance because Perl's line-oriented reads, including the socket's getline() method, use stdio buffering and are thus incompatible with calls to select().

We'll see in the next chapter how to roll our own line-reading function that is compatible with select(), but in this case we punt on the issue by doing a byte-oriented sysread() of up to 1,024 characters and treating that as if it were a full line. This is usually the case if the user is interactively typing messages, so it's good enough for this server.

Lines 2832: Send response to client sysread() returns either the number of bytes read, or 0 on end of file. Because the call is unbuffered, the number of bytes returned may be greater than 0 but less than the number we requested.

If $bytes is positive, then we have data to process. We clean the data up and pass it to the Eliza object's one_line() method, which takes a line of user input and returns a response. We call syswrite() to send this response back to the client. If $bytes is 0 or undef, then we treat it as an end of file and allow the next section of code to close the session.

Lines 3338: Handle session termination The last part of the loop is responsible for closing down sessions.

A session should be closed when either of two things occur. First, a result code of 0 from sysread() signifies that the client has closed its end of the connection. Second, the user may enter one of several termination phrases that Eliza recognizes, such as "bye," "quit," or "goodbye." In this case, Eliza's done() method returns true.

We check for both eventualities. In either case, we remove the socket from the list of handles being monitored by the IO::Select object, close it, and remove it from the %SESSIONS hash.

Note that we treat a return code of undef from sysread(), which indicates an I/O error of some sort, in the same way as an end of file. This is often sufficient, but a server that was processing mission-critical data would want to distinguish between a client that deliberately shut down the connection and an error. In this case, you could pass $bytes to defined() to distinguish the two possibilities.

The Eliza::Chatbot::Polite Module

Figure 12.3 shows the code for Eliza::Chatbot::Polite. Like the earlier modification for threads, this module was created by cutting and pasting from the original Eliza::Chatbot source code.

Figure 12.3. Multiplexed psychiatrist server


Lines 13: Module setup We load the Chatbot::Eliza module and declare the current package to be its subclass by placing the name of the parent in the @ISA array.

Lines 414: The welcome() method The welcome() method is copied from the top part of the old command_interface() method. It sets the two prompts (the one printed before the psychiatrist's utterances and the one printed in front of the user's inputs) to reasonable defaults and then returns a greeting randomly selected from an internally defined list. The user prompt is appended to this string.

Lines 1534: The one_line() method The one_line() method takes a string as input and returns a response. We start by checking the user input for one of the quit phrases. If there is a quit phrase, then we generate an exiting remark from a random list of final phrases, set an internal flag that the user is done, and return the reply. Otherwise, we invoke our inherited transform() method to turn the user's input into a suitably cryptic utterance and return the response along with the next prompt.

Lines 3536: The done() method In this method we simply check the internal exit flag set in one_line() and return true if the user wants to exit.

Problems with the Psychiatrist Server

You can run this version of the server, telnet to it (or use one of the gab clients developed in this or previous chapters), and have a nice conversation. While one session is open, you can open new sessions and verify that they correctly maintain the thread of the conversation.

Unfortunately, this server is not quite correct. It starts to display problems as soon as you try to use it noninteractively, for example, by running one of the clients in batch mode with standard input redirected from a file. The responses may appear garbled or contain embedded newlines. The reason for this is that we incorrectly assume that sysread() will return a full line of text each time it's called. In fact, sysread() is not line oriented and just happens to behave that way when used with a client that transmits data in line-length chunks. If the client is not behaving this way, then sysread() may return a small chunk of data that's shorter than a line or may return data that contains multiple newlines.

An obvious solution, since we must avoid the <> operator, is to write our own readline() routine. When called, it buffers calls to sysread(), returning only the section of the buffer up to the first newline. If a newline isn't seen at first, readline() calls sysread() as many times as needed.

However, this solution just moves the problem about because only the first call to sysread() is guaranteed not to block. A poorly written or malicious client could hang the entire server by sending a single byte of data that wasn't a newline. Our readline() routine would read the byte, call sysread() again in an attempt to get to the newline, and block indefinitely. We could work around this by calling select() again within readline() or by putting a timeout on the read using the idiom described in Chapter 2's section Timing Out Slow System Calls.

However, there's a related problem in the multiplexed server that's not so easily fixed. What happens if a client connects to the server, sends us a lot of data, but never reads what we send back? Eventually the socket buffer at the client's side of the connection fills up, causing further TCP transmissions to stall. This in turn propagates back to us via TCP's flow control and eventually causes our server to block in syswrite(). This makes all current sessions hang, and prevents the server from accepting incoming connections.

To solve these problems we must use nonblocking I/O. The next chapter presents two useful modules. One, called IO::Getline, provides a wrapper around filehandles that allows you to perform line-oriented reads safely in conjunction with select(). The other, IO::SessionSet, adds the ability to buffer partial writes and solves the problem of the server stalling on a blocked write.

Win32 Issues

Another problem arises when using multiplexed applications on Microsoft Windows platforms. When I originally developed the scripts in these chapters, I tested them on Windows98 using ActiveState Perl, and everything seemed to work fine. Later, however, I discovered that the script (Figure 12.1) was consuming a large amount of CPU time, even when it was apparently doing nothing but waiting for keyboard input.

When I tracked down this problem, I learned that the Win32 port of Perl does not support select() on non-socket filehandles, including STDIN and STDOUT. So client-side scripts that multiplex across STDIN do not wait for the filehandle to be ready, but just loop. This problem affects the scripts in Figure 13.1 and 13.7. The IO: Poll call is affected as well (Chapter 16), and Figure 16.1 will exhibit the same problem.

Multiplexing across sockets works just fine on Win32 platforms, and so all the server examples work as expected. The Macintosh port of Perl has no problem with select().

Chapter 13. Nonblocking I/O

By default, on most operating systems I/O is blocking. If a request to read or write some data can't be satisfied immediately, the operating system puts the program to sleep until the call completes or generates an error. For most programming tasks, this does not cause a problem, because disk drives, terminal windows, and other I/O devices are relatively fast, at least in human terms. As we saw in the last chapter, however, blocking presents a problem for client/server programming because a single blocked network call can make the whole program hang while other requests wait.

To mitigate the effect of blocking in read or write calls, one can either have several concurrent threads of execution, as with forking and multithreading servers, or use select() to determine which filehandles are ready for I/O. The latter strategy presents a problem, however, because a socket or other filehandle may still block on syswrite() if you attempt to write more data than it is ready to accept. At this point the write attempt blocks and the program stalls. To avoid this, you may use nonblocking I/O.

This chapter describes how to set up and use nonblocking I/O. In addition to avoiding blocking during reads and writes, nonblocking I/O can also be used to avoid long waits during the connect() call. As we will see, nonblocking I/O avoids the problems associated with managing threads and processes but introduces its own complexities.

Creating Nonblocking I/O Handles

You can make a Perl filehandle nonblocking when you first open it, or change its nonblocking status at any time thereafter. As implied by the name, a filehandle that is nonblocking never blocks on read or write operations, but instead generates an error message. Nonblocking filehandles can be safely operated only on using the sysread() and syswrite() functions. Because of the buffering issues, combining nonblocking handles with the stdio routines used by the higher-level functions is guaranteed to lead to tears of frustration.

A nonblocking handle always returns immediately from sysread() or syswrite(). If the call can be satisfied without blocking, it returns the number of bytes read or written. If the call would block, it returns undef and sets $! to the error code EWOULDBLOCK (also known as EAGAIN). The string form of EWOULDBLOCK appears variously as "operation in progress" or "resource temporarily unavailable." sysread() and syswrite() can, as always, encounter other I/O errors as well. The EWOULDBLOCK constant may be imported from the Errno module.

The other distinctive feature of a nonblocking handle is that it enables partial writes. With an ordinary blocking handle, syswrite() does not return until the entire request has been satisfied. With nonblocking handles, however, this behavior is changed such that if some but not all of a write request can be satisfied immediately, syswrite() writes as much of the data as it can and then returns the number of bytes sent. Recall that partial reads from sysread() are always possible, regardless of the blocking status of the handle.

Creating Nonblocking Handles: Function Interface

Perl provides both low-level and object-oriented interfaces for creating and working with nonblocking handles. We will look at the low-level interface first, and then show how the API is cleaned up in the object-oriented versions.

$result = sysopen (FILEHANDLE,$filename,$mode [,$perms])

The sysopen() call, introduced in Chapter 2, allows you to mark a filehandle as nonblocking when it is opened. The idiom is to add the O_NONBLOCK flag to the flags passed in the $mode argument. For example, to open device /dev/tape0 for nonblocking writes, you might call:

use Fcntl;
 sysopen (TAPE,'/dev/tape0',O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK);

sysopen() works only with local files and cannot be used to open pipes or sockets. Therefore, unless you are dealing with slow local devices such as tape drives, you'll probably never create a nonblocking filehandle in this way. More typically, you'll take a handle that has been opened with socket() or open() and mark it as nonblocking after the fact. This is what the fcntl() function can do.

$result = fcntl($handle, $command, $operand)

To put a previously opened filehandle or socket into nonblocking mode, use fcntl(). The fcntl() function is actually a catchall utility for many low-level handle operations. In addition to altering a handle's flags, you can lock and unlock it, duplicate it, and perform more esoteric options. We will see some of these applications in Chapter 14.

The call takes three arguments. The first two arguments are a previously opened handle and a numeric constant specifying a command to perform on the handle. The third argument is a numeric parameter to pass to the command. Some commands don't need additional data, in which case passing a third argument of 0 will do. If successful, fcntl() returns a true value. Otherwise, it sets $! and returns undef.

The Fcntl module provides constants for all the fcntl() commands. The two commands relevant to nonblocking handles are F_GETFL and F_SETFL, which are used to retrieve and modify a handle's flags after creation. When you call fcntl() with a command of F_GETFL, it returns a bitmask containing the handle's current flags. Call fcntl() with the F_SETFL command to change the handle's flags to the value set in $operand. You will want $operand to include the O_NONBLOCK flag. The result code will indicate success or failure in changing the flags.

There is a subtlety to using fcntl() to set the nonblocking status of a filehandle. Because nonblocking behavior is just one of several options that can be set in the flag bitmap, you should call F_GETFL first to find out what options are already set, set the O_NONBLOCK bit using a bitwise OR, and then call F_SETFL to apply the modified flags to the handle.

Here's a small subroutine named blocking() that illustrates this. The routine's first argument is a handle, and its optional second argument is a Boolean value that can be used to turn blocking behavior on or off. If called without a second argument, the subroutine returns true if the handle is blocking; otherwise, it returns false:

use Fcntl;
 sub blocking {
    my ($handle,$blocking) = @_;
    die "Can't fcntl(F_GETFL)" unless my $flags =
    my $current = ($flags & O_NONBLOCK) == 0;
    if (defined $blocking) {
       $flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK     if $nonblocking;
       $flags |=  O_NONBLOCK unless $blocking;
       die "Can't fcntl(F_SETFL)" unless fcntl($handle,F_SETFL,$flags);
    return $current;

Notice that sockets start blocking by default. To make them nonblocking, you need to call blocking() with a 0 argument.

warn "making socket nonblocking";

The Perl perlfunc POD pages contain more information on the fcntl() function.

Creating Nonblocking Handles: Object-Oriented Interfacye

If you are using the object-oriented IO::Socket or IO::File modules, then setting nonblocking mode is as easy as calling its blocking() method.

$blocking_status = $handle->blocking([$boolean])

Called without an argument, blocking() returns the current status of blocking I/O for the handle. A true value indicates that the handle is in normal blocking mode; a false value indicates that nonblocking I/O is active. You can change the blocking status of a handle by providing a Boolean value to blocking(). A false value makes the socket nonblocking; a true argument restores the normal blocking behavior.

Remember that socket objects start blocking by default. To make a socket nonblocking, you must call blocking() with a false argument:


Using Nonblocking Handles

As soon as you use nonblocking filehandles, things become a bit more complex because of the several possible outcomes of calling sysread() and syswrite().

sysread() on Nonblocking Filehandles

When you use sysread() with a nonblocking filehandle, the following outcomes are possible:

  1. If you request N bytes of data and at least N are available, then sysread() fills the scalar buffer you provide with N bytes and returns the number of bytes read.

  2. If you request N bytes of data and fewer bytes are available (but at least 1), then sysread() fills the scalar buffer with the available bytes and returns the number read.

  3. If you request N bytes of data and no bytes are available, then sysread() returns undef and sets $! to EWOULDBLOCK.

  4. At the end of file, sysread() returns numeric 0.

  5. For all other error conditions, sysread() returns undef and sets $! to the appropriate error code.

When reading from nonblocking handles, you must correctly distinguish the end-of-file condition from EWOULDBLOCK. The first will return numeric 0 from sysread(), and the latter will return undef. Code to read from a nonblocking socket should look something like this:

my $rc = sysread(SOCK,$data,$bytes);
 if (defined $rc) { # non-error
    if ($rc > 0) {  # read successful
       # handle a successful read
    } else {        # end of file
       close SOCK;
       # handle end of file
 } elsif ($! == EWOULDBLOCK) { # got a would block error
    # handle blocking, probably just by trying again
 } else {
    # unexpected error
    die "sysread() error: $!";

This code fragment calls sysread() and stores its result code into the variable $rc. We first check whether the result code is defined. If so, we know that the call was successful. A positive result code indicates some number of bytes was read, while a numeric 0 flags the end-of-file condition. We handle both cases in whatever way is appropriate for the application.

If the result code is undefined, then some error occurred and the specific error code can be found in $!. We first check whether $! is numerically equal to EWOULDBLOCK, and if so handle the error. In most cases, we just jump back to the top of the program's main loop and try the read again later. In the case of other errors, we die with an error message.

syswrite() on Nonblocking Filehandles

The following outcomes are possible when using syswrite() with nonblocking filehandles:

  1. A complete write If you try to write N bytes of data and the filehandle can accept them all, it will do so and return the count as its function result.

  2. A partial write If you try to write N bytes of data and the filehandle can only accept fewer (but at least 1), it will write as much as it can to the handle's send buffer and return the number of bytes actually written.

  3. A write that would block If you try to write N bytes of data and the filehandle cannot accept any, then syswrite() will return immediately with a function result of undef and set $! to EWOULDBLOCK.

  4. A write error On other errors, syswrite() will return undef and set $! to the appropriate error code. The most typical write error is EPIPE, indicating that the remote host has stopped reading.

The tricky part of writing to a nonblocking socket is handling partial writes. You must remember where the write left off and try to send the rest of the data later. Here's the skeleton of the code you might use to deal with this:

my $rc = syswrite(SOCK,$data);
 if ($rc > 0) {  # some data written
    substr($data,0,$rc) = ' '; # truncate buffer
 } elsif ($! == EWOULDBLOCK) {   # would block, not an error
   # handle blocking, probably just by trying again later.
 } else {
   die "error on syswrite(): $!";

We call syswrite() to write out the contents of the scalar variable $data and check the call's result code. If at least one byte was written, then we truncate the variable using this trick:

substr($data,0,$rc) = ' ';

substr() is one of several Perl functions that can be used on the left side of an assignment statement. Everything from the beginning of the number of bytes written is replaced with an empty string, leaving the variable containing just the data that wasn't written. In the case in which syswrite() was able to write the entire contents of the variable, this substr() expression leaves $data empty.

If the result code is 0 or undef, then we again compare the error code to EWOULDBLOCK and take appropriate action, typically returning to the program's main loop and trying the write again later. On other errors, we die with an error message.

This code fragment needs to be executed repeatedly until $data is entirely written. You could just put a loop around the whole thing:

while (length $data > 0) {
    my $rc = syswrite(SOCK,$data);
    # ... etc....

However, this is not terribly efficient because repeated writes to the same socket may just result in the same EWOULDBLOCK error. It's best to incorporate the syswrite() call into a select() loop and to do other work while waiting for the socket to become ready to accept more data. The next section shows how to do this.

Using Nonblocking Handles with Line-Oriented I/O

As explained in Chapter 12, it's dangerous to mix line-oriented reads with select() because the select call doesn't know about the contents of the stdio buffers. Another problem is a line-oriented read blocks if there isn't a complete line to read; as soon as any I/O operation blocks, a multiplexed program stalls.

What we would like to do is to change the semantics of the getline() call so that we can distinguish among three distinct conditions:

  1. A complete line was successfully read from the filehandle.

  2. The filehandle has an EOF or an error.

  3. The filehandle does not yet have a complete line to read.

The standard Perl <> operator and getline() functions handle conditions 1 and 2 well, but they block on condition 3. Our goal is to change this behavior so that getline() returns immediately if a complete line isn't ready for reading but distinguishes this event from an I/O error.

The IO::Getline module that we develop here is a wrapper around a filehandle or IO::Handle object. It has a constructor named new() and a single object method named getline().

$wrapped = IO::Getline->new ($filehandle)

This creates a new nonblocking getline wrapper. new() takes a single argument, either a filehandle or member of the IO::Handle hierarchy, and returns a new object.

$result = $wrapped->getline($data)

The getline() method reads a line of text from the wrapped filehandle and places it into $data, returning a result code that indicates the success or failure of the operation.

$error = $wrapped->error

This returns the last I/O error on the wrapper, or 0 if no error has been encountered.


This returns the object to a known state, discarding any partially buffered data.

$fh = $wrapped->handle

This returns the filehandle used to construct the wrapper.

Notice that getline() acts more like read() or sysread() than the traditional <> operator. Instead of returning the read line directly, it copies the line into the $data argument and returns a result code. Table 13.1 gives the possible result codes from getline().

Table 13.1. Result Codes from the IO::Getline getline() Method
Outcome of Operation Result Code
Full line read Length of line
End of file 0
Operation would block 0E0
Other I/O errors undef

getline() returns the length of the line (including the newline) if it successfully read a line of text, 0 if it encountered the end of file, and undef on other errors. However, there is an additional result code returned when getline() detects that the operation would block. In this case, the method returns the string 0E0.

As described in Chapter 8, when evaluated in a numeric context, 0E0 acts like 0 (it is treated as the floating point number 0. 0E0). However, when used in a logical context, 0E0 is true. You can interpret this result code as meaning "Zero but true." In other words, "no error yet; try again later."

In addition to the getline() method, you can call any method of the wrapped filehandle object. IO::Getline simply passes the method call to the underlying object. This lets you call methods such as sysread() and close() directly on the getline object.

Using IO::Getline

IO::Getline is designed to be used in conjunction with select(). Because it never blocks, you can't use it simply as a plug-in replacement for the <> operator.

To illustrate the intended use of IO::Getline, Figure 13.1 shows a small program that combines select() with IO::Getline to read from STDIN in a line-oriented way. We load the IO::Getline and IO::Select modules and create an IO::Select set containing the STDIN filehandle. We then call IO::Getline->new() to create a new nonblocking getline object wrapped around STDIN.

Figure 13.1. Reading from STDIN with IO::Getline


We now enter a select loop. Each time through the loop we call the select object's can_read() method, which returns true when STDIN has data to read from.

Rather than read from STDIN with <>, we call the getline object's getline() method to read the line into $data. getline() may return a false value, in which case we exit the loop because we have reached the end of file. Or it may return a true result. If the result code is greater than 0, then we have a line to print, so we copy it to standard output. Otherwise, we know that a complete line hasn't yet been read, so we go back to the top of the select loop.

At the end of the loop, we call the wrapper's error() method to see if the loop terminated abnormally. If so, we die with an error message that contains the error code.

IO::Getline objects can also be used in blocking fashion. To do this is simply a matter of calling the object's blocking() method. The method is automatically passed down to the underlying filehandle:

stdin->blocking(1);  # turn blocking behavior back on

We use this module in more substantial programs in Chapter 17's TCP Urgent Data section, and in Chapter 18's The UDP Protocol section.

The IO::Getline Module

The IO::Getline module (Figure 13.2) illustrates the general technique for buffering partial reads from a nonblocking filehandle.

Figure 13.2. The IO::Getline module


Lines 19: Set up module We load the IO::Handle and Carp modules and bring in the EWOULDBLOCK error code from Errno. Another constant sets the size of the chunks that we will sysread() from the underlying filehandle. The Carp module provides error messages that indicate the location of the error from the caller's point of view, and is therefore preferred for use inside modules.

Lines 1022: The new() method This is the constructor for new objects. We take the handle passed to us from the caller, mark it nonblocking, and incorporate it into a new blessed hash under the handle field. In addition, we define an internal area for buffering incoming data, stored in the buffer field, an index to use when searching for the end-of-line sequence stored in the index field, and two flags. The eof flag is set when we encounter an end-of-file condition, while error is set when we get an error.

Lines 2330: The AUTOLOAD method AUTOLOAD is a subroutine that Perl invokes automatically when the caller tries to invoke a method that isn't defined in the module. We define this as a courtesy. The code just passes on the method call and arguments to the wrapped filehandle and returns an error if the method call fails.

Line 31: The handle() accessor This method returns the wrapped filehandle if the caller wishes to gain low-level access to it.

Line 32: The error() accessor If an error occurs during a getline() operation, this method returns its error number.

Lines 3337: The flush() method The flush() method returns the object to a known state, emptying any partially buffered lines in the buffer field and setting index to 0.

Lines 3877: The getline() method This is the interesting part of the module. At the time of entry, $_[0] (the first argument in the @_ array of subroutine arguments) contains the scalar variable that will receive the read line. To change the variable in the caller's code, we refer to $_[0] directly rather than copy it into a local variable in the usual way.

Because we operate in a buffered way, we must be prepared to report to the caller conditions that occurred earlier. We start by checking our eof and error flags. If we encountered the EOF on the last call, we return numeric 0. Otherwise, if there was an error, we return undef.

There may already be a complete line in our internal buffer left over from a previous read. We use Perl's built-in index() function to find the next end-of-line sequence in the buffer, returning its position. Instead of hard coding the newline character, we use the current contents of the $/ global. In addition, we can optimize the search somewhat by remembering where we left off the previous time. This information will be stored in the index field. We store the result of index() into a local variable, $i.

Lines 4959: Read more data and handle errors If the end-of-line sequence isn't in our buffered data, then $i will be -1. In this case, we need to read more data from the filehandle and try again. We remember in index where the line-end search left off the previous time, and invoke sysread(), using arguments that cause the newly read data to be appended to the end of the buffer.

If sysread() returns undef, it may be for any of a variety of reasons. Because it is nonblocking, one possibility is that we got an EWOULDBLOCK error. In this case, we cannot return a complete line at the current time, so we return 0E0 to the caller.

Otherwise, we've encountered some other kind of I/O error. In this case, we return whatever is left in the buffer, even if it isn't a complete line. This is identical to the behavior of the <> operator, which returns a partial line on an error. We set our error flag and return the length of the result. Note that the caller won't actually see this undef result until the next call to getline().

Lines 5459: Handle EOF We take a similar strategy on EOF. In this case the sysread() result code is defined by 0. We return what we have left in the buffer, remember the condition in our eof flag, and return the size of the buffer contents.

Lines 6577: Try for the end of line again If we get to this point, then sysread() appended one or more new bytes of data to our buffer. We now call index() again to see if an end-of-line sequence has appeared. If not, we remember where we stopped the search the last time and return 0E0 to the caller.

Otherwise, we've found the end of line. We copy everything from the beginning of the buffer up through and including the end-of-line sequence into the caller's scalar, and then delete the part of the buffer we've used. We reset the index field to 0 and return the length of the line.

A Generic Nonblocking I/O Module

The IO::Getline module solves the problem of mixing select() with line-oriented I/O, but it doesn't help with the other problems of nonblocking I/O, such as partial writes. In this section we develop a more general solution to the problem of nonblocking I/O. The two modules developed here are called IO::SessionSet and IO::SessionData. The IO::SessionData class is a wrapper around an IO::Socket and has read() and write() methods that use IO::Socket syntax. However, the class enhances the basic socket by knowing how to manage partial writes and the EWOULDBLOCK error message.

The IO::SessionSet class is analogous to IO::Select. It manages multiple IO::SessionData objects and allows you to multiplex among them. In addition to its IO::Select-like features, IO::SessionSet automatically calls accept() for listening sockets and adds the connected socket to the pool of managed handles. The code for these modules is regrettably complex. This is typical for applications that use nonblocking I/O because of the many exceptions and error conditions that must be handled.

Before plunging into the guts of the modules, let's look at a simple application that uses them.

A Nonblocking Echo Server

Figure 13.3 shows the code for a simple echo server that uses IO::SessionSet. This server simply echoes back all the data sent to it.[1]

[1] This server does not reverse lines, as previous echo server examples did, because it is byte stream rather than line-oriented. We discuss a line-oriented example in the next section.

Figure 13.3. An echo server that uses IO::SessionSet


Lines 14: Load modules We begin by loading IO::SessionSet. IO::SessionSet loads IO::SessionData automatically.

Lines 59: Create listen socket We create a listen socket in the normal way, dying in case of error.

Line 10: Create new IO::SessionSet object We create an IO::SessionSet object by calling IO::SessionSet->new(), using the listen socket as its argument. This tells IO::SessionSet to perform an automatic accept() on the socket whenever a new client tries to connect.

Lines 1113: Main loop The rest of the server is about a dozen lines of code. The body of the server is an infinite loop. Each time through the loop, we call the IO::SessionSet object's wait() method, which returns a list of handles that are ready for reading. It is roughly equivalent to IO::Select's can_read() method, but returns a list of IO::SessionData objects rather than raw IO::Socket objects.

wait() handles the listening socket completely internally. If an incoming connection is detected, wait() calls the listen socket's accept() method, turns the returned connected socket into a new IO::SessionData object, and adds the object to its list of monitored sockets. This new session object is now returned to the caller along with any other IO::SessionData objects that are ready for I/O.

Internally, wait() also finishes partial writes that may have occurred during previous iterations of the loop. If no sessions are ready for reading, wait() blocks indefinitely.

Lines 1421: Handle sessions We now loop through each of the SessionData objects returned by wait() and handle each object in turn.

For each session object, we call its read() method, which returns up to 4K bytes of data into a local variable. If read() returns a true value, we immediately send the data to the session's write() method, writing it back to the client.

If read() returns a false value, we treat it as an end of file. We close the session by calling its close() method and continue looping.

Although IO::SessionData->read() looks and acts much like IO::Socket->read(), there is a crucial difference. Whereas the IO::Socket method will return either the number of bytes read or undef on failure, IO::SessionData->read() can also return 0E0 if the call would block, in the same way as the Getline module's getline() method.

In the main loop of Figure 13.3, we first test the result code in a logical if() statement. In this context, an EWOULDBLOCK result code is treated as a true value, telling us that no error occurred. Then, before we call write(), we treat the result code as a byte count and look to see whether it is greater than 0. In this case, 0E0 is used in a numeric context and so evaluates to a byte count of 0. We skip the write and try to read from the object later.

The IO::SessionData->write() method has the same syntax as IO::Socket->write(). The method sends as much of the data as it can, and buffers whatever data is leftover from partial writes. The remainder of the queued data is written out automatically during subsequent calls to wait().

The write() method returns the number of bytes written on success, 0E0 if the operation would block, or undef on error. Since the vast majority of I/O errors encountered during writes are unrecoverable, write() also automatically closes the IO::SessionData object and removes it from the session set when it encounters an error. (If you don't like this, you can subclass IO::SessionData and override the method that does this.) Check $! to learn which specific error occurred.

Because it's possible that there is buffered outgoing data in the session at the time we call its close() method, the effect of close() may be delayed. Subsequent calls to wait() will attempt to send the remaining queued data in the SessionData object and only close the socket when the outgoing buffer is empty. However, even if there is buffered data left, close() immediately removes the session from the IO::SessionSet so that it is never returned.

Another important difference between IO::Socket and IO::SessionData is that IO::SessionData objects are not filehandles. You cannot directly call sysread() or syswrite() using a SessionData object as the target. You must always go through the read() and write() method calls.

A Nonblocking Line-Oriented Server

IO::SessionSet cannot itself handle line-oriented reads, but a subclass named IO::LineBufferedSet provides this ability. Figure 13.4 shows yet another iteration of the Eliza psychoanalyst server, rewritten to use this class.

Figure 13.4. A psychiatrist server using IO::LineBufferedSet


Lines 114: Initialize script The script begins in much the way other members of the family do. The major difference is that we import the IO::LineBufferedSet module and create a new session set using this class.

Lines 1517: Main loop The main loop starts with a call to the session set's wait() method. This returns a list of SessionData objects that are ready for reading. Some of them are SessionData objects that we have seen on previous iterations of the loop; others are new sessions that were created when wait() called accept() on a new incoming connection.

Lines 1823: Create new Chatbot objects We distinguish between new and old sessions by consulting the %SESSIONS hash.

If this is a new incoming connection, then it lacks an entry in %SESSIONS, in which case we create a fresh Chatbot::Eliza::Polite object and store it into %SESSIONS indexed by the SessionData object. We call Eliza's welcome() method to get the greeting and pass it to the SessionData object's write() method, queuing the message to be written to the client.

Lines 2430: Handle old sessions If %SESSIONS indicates that this is a session we have seen before, then we retrieve the corresponding Eliza object.

We read a line of input by calling the SessionData's getline() method. This method acts like the IO::Getline->getline() method that we developed earlier, returning a result code that indicates the number of bytes read and placing the data into its scalar argument.

If the number of bytes read is positive, then we got a complete line. We remove the terminal newline, pass the user input to the Eliza object's one_line() method, and hand the result off to the session object's write() method.

Line 31: Close defunct sessions If getline() returns a false value, then it indicates that the client has closed its end of the connection. We call the current session's close() method, removing it from the list of sessions monitored by the IO::LineBufferedSet object. We do the same in the case that the user terminated the session by typing "goodbye" or another exit word.

Just like IO::SessionData->read(), IO::LineBufferedSet->getline() returns 0 in case of end of file, 0E0 if the read would block, and undef for various error conditions.

Notice that we never explicitly check for the 0E0 result code on the reads. If getline() is unsuccessful, it returns a false value (0 for end of file and undef for an error). "Would block" is treated as a true value that just happens to result in a read of 0 bytes. The easiest strategy is to do nothing in this case and just go back to waiting for IO in IO::SessionSet->wait().

Similarly, we don't check the result code from write(), because the SessionData object handles blocked write calls by queuing the data in an internal buffer and writing it bit by bit whenever the socket can accept it.

When IO::SessionData->read() is used in the way shown in these two examples, it is unlikely that it will ever return 0E0. This is because IO::SessionSet->wait uses select() to ensure there will be at least 1 byte to read from any SessionData object it returns. The exception to this rule occurs when the SessionData object has just been created as the result of an incoming connection. In this case, there may very well be no data to read from it immediately. This is why we skip the getline() attempt when dealing with a new session (lines 1923).

If you were to call the read() method several times without an intervening IO::SessionSet->wait(), the "would block" condition might very well occur. It is good practice to check that read() or getline() returns a positive byte count before trying to work with the data returned.

The IO::SessionData Module

Now that you've seen what these two modules do, we'll see how they work, starting with IO::SessionData.[2]

[2] These modules use many object-oriented tricks and other Perl idioms. If you find the code hard to follow, look at the implementation of the client in Chapter 16 ( Figure 16.1). Although it uses IO::Poll rather than IO::Select, this code handles the problems of nonblocking I/O using the same strategy as the more general modules presented here.

IO::SessionData is a wrapper around a single IO::Socket object. In addition to the socket, it maintains an internal buffer called the outbuffer, which holds data that has been queued for sending but has not yet been sent across the socket. Other internal data includes a pointer to the SessionSet that manages the current SessionData object, a write-only flag, and some variables that manage what happens when the outgoing buffer fills up. IO::SessionData calls the associated SessionSet to tell it when it is ready to accept new data from the remote socket and when it has outgoing data to write.

Because the outgoing data is buffered, there is a risk of the outbuffer ballooning if the remote side stops reading data for an extended period. IO::SessionData deals with this problem by defining a choke method that is called whenever the outbuffer exceeds its limit, and called again when the buffer returns to an acceptable size.

choke() is application specific. In some applications it might be appropriate to discard the extra buffered data, while in others the program might want to terminate the connection to the remote host. IO::SessionData allows the application to determine what choke() does by setting a callback subroutine that is invoked when outbuffer fills up. If no callback is set, then choke()'s default action is to flag the session so that it will no longer accept incoming data. When the write buffer returns to a reasonable size, the session is allowed to accept incoming data again. This is appropriate for many server applications in which the server reads some data from the session, processes it, and writes information back to the session.

IO::SessionData also allows you to create write-only sessions. This is designed to allow you to wrap write-only filehandles like STDOUT inside an IO::SessionData and use it in a nonblocking fashion. At the end of this chapter we give an example of how this works.

To summarize, the public API for IO::Session Data is as follows:

$bytes = $session->read($scalar,$length[$offset])

Like sysread(), except that on EWOULDBLOCK errors, it returns 0E0.

$bytes = $session->write($scalar)

Like syswrite(), except that on EWOULDBLOCK errors, it returns 0E0.

$bytes = $session->pending

Returns the number of unsent bytes pending in outbuffer.

$bytes = $session->write_limit([$limit])

Gets or sets the write limit, which is the maximum number of unsent bytes that can be queued in outbuffer.

$coderef = $session->set_choke([$coderef])

Gets or sets a coded reference to be invoked when outbuffer exceeds the write limit. The code will also be invoked when outbuffer returns to an allowed size.

$result = $session->close()

Closes the session, forbidding further reads. The actual filehandle will not be closed until all pending output data is written.

$fh = $session->handle()

Returns the underlying file handle.

$session_set = $session->session

Returns the associated IO::SessionSet.

Figure 13.5 gives the code for IO::SessionData.

Figure 13.5. The IO::SessionData module code


Lines 17: Initialize module We begin by importing the EWOULDBLOCK constant from Errno and loading code from the IO::SessionSet module. We also define a constant default value for the maximum size of the outgoing buffer.

Lines 1129: The new() method The new() method constructs a new IO::SessionData object. This method is intended to be called from IO::SessionSet, not directly.

The new() method takes three arguments: the IO::SessionSet that's managing it, an IO::Handle object (typically an IO::Socket), and an optional flag that indicates whether the handle is to be treated as write-only. This last feature makes it possible to manage one-way filehandles such as STDOUT.

We put the handle into nonblocking mode by calling its blocking() method with an argument of 0 and set up our state variables in a hash reference. This reference is now blessed with the bless() function. The effect is that the reference is turned into an object that can invoke any of our methods. When our methods are invoked, the blessed reference is returned to us as the first argument. By convention, our methods store the returned object in a variable named $self.

Unless the handle is marked write-only, we now call our internal readable() method with a true argument to tell the associated IO::SessionSet that the handle is ready for reading. The object is returned to the caller.

Lines 3046: The handle(), sessions(), pending(), and write_limit() methods The next part of the module consists of a series of methods that provide access to the object's internal state. The handle() method returns the stored filehandle object; the sessions() method returns the associated IO::SessionSet object; pending() returns the number of bytes that are queued to be written; and write_limit() gets or sets the size limit on the outbuffer.

The code for write_limit() may look a bit cryptic, but it is a common Perl idiom for getting or setting a state variable in a Perl object. If the method is called with no arguments, then it returns the value of the write_limit state variable. Otherwise it uses the passed argument to update the value of write_limit.

Lines 4751: The set_choke() method The set_choke() method retrieves or sets the callback subroutine that is invoked whenever the outgoing buffer exceeds its limit. The structure of this method is identical to write_limit().

We expect to get a code reference as the argument, and a more careful implementation of this method would check that this is the case.

Lines 5260: The write() method, queuing data Now we come to the more interesting part of the module. The write() method is responsible for sending data over the handle. If part or all of the data can't be sent immediately, then it is queued in outbuffer for a later attempt.

write() can be called with just a single argument that contains data to be written, as in $session->write($data), or called with no arguments, as in $session->write(). In the latter case, the method tries to send any queued data it has from previous attempts.

We begin by recovering the object from the subroutine stack and sanity checking that the filehandle and outbuffer are defined. If these checks pass, and if the caller asked for more data to be queued for output, we append the new data to outbuffer. Notice that outbuffer is allowed to grow as large as the data to be passed to write(). The write limit only comes into play when marking the IO::SessionData object as ready for reading or writing additional data.

Lines 6179: The write() method, writing data The next section of the write() method tries to do I/O. If data is pending in the outbuffer, then we call syswrite() with the handle and the contents of outbuffer and save the result code. However, before calling syswrite(), we localize $SIG{PIPE} and set it to IGNORE. This prevents the program from getting a fatal signal if the filehandle is closed prematurely. After the method exits, the PIPE handler is automatically restored to its previous state so that this adjustment does not interfere with user code.

If syswrite() returns a defined result code, then it was at least partially successful, and the result code holds the number of bytes written. We use substr() to truncate the outbuffer by the number of bytes written. This might leave outbuffer empty if all bytes were written, or might leave it containing the unwritten remainder if syswrite() reported a partial write.

Otherwise, the result code is undef, indicating an error of some sort. We check the error code stored in $! and take appropriate action.

If the error code is EWOULDBLOCK, then we return 0E0. Otherwise, some other type of write error occurred, most likely a pipe error. We deal with this situation by deferring to an internal method named bail_out(). In the current implementation, bail_out() simply closes the handle and returns undef. To get more sophisticated behavior (such as logging or taking different actions depending on the error), create a subclass of IO::SessionData and override bail_out().

If we happen to be called when outbuffer is empty and there is no data to queue, then we just return 0E0. This won't ordinarily happen.

Finally, before we exit, we call an internal method named adjust_state(). This synchronizes the IO::SessionData object with the IO::SessionSet object that manages it. We finish by returning our result code.

Lines 8090: The read() method In contrast, the read() method is short. This method has the same syntax as Perl's built-in read() and sysread() functions. It is, in fact, a simple wrapper around sysread() that intercepts the result code and returns 0E0 on an EWOULDBLOCK error.

The only tricky feature is that we reference elements in the subroutine argument list directly (as $_[0], $_[1], etc.) rather than copy them into local variables. This allows us to pass these values directly to sysread() so that it can modify the caller's data buffer in place.

Lines 91102: The close() method The close() method is responsible for closing our filehandle and cleaning up. There's a slight twist here because of the potential for pending data in the outgoing write buffer, in which case we can't close the filehandle immediately, but only mark it so that the true close happens after all pending data is written.

We call the pending() method to determine if there is still data in the write buffer. If not, then we immediately close the filehandle and alert the IO::SessionSet that manages this session to delete the object from its list. Otherwise, we flag this session as no longer readable by calling the readable() method with a false argument (we will see more of readable() later) and set a delayed close flag named closing.

Lines 103116: The adjust_state() method The next method, adjust_state(), is the way the session communicates with its associated IO::SessionSet.

We begin by calling two internal methods that are named writable() and readable(), which alert the IO::SessionSet that the session is ready to write data and read data, respectively. Our first step is to examine the outgoing buffer by calling the pending() method. If there is data there, we call our writable() method with a true flag to indicate that we have data to write.

Our second step is to call the choke() method if a nonzero write_limit has been defined. We pass choke() a true flag if the write buffer limit has been exceeded. The default choke() action is to disallow further reading on us by setting readable() to false.

Finally, if the closing flag is set, we attempt to close the session by invoking the close() method. This may actually close the session, or may just result in deferring the closing if there is pending outgoing data.

Lines 117130: The choke() method The next method is choke(), which is called when the amount of data in the outgoing buffer exceeds write_limit or when the amount of data in the buffer has shrunk to below the limit.

We begin by looking for a callback code reference. If one is defined, we invoke it, passing it a reference to the current SessionData object and a flag indicating whether the session should be choked or released from choke.

If no callback is defined, we simply call the session's readable() method with a false flag to disallow further input on this session until the write buffer is again an acceptable length.

Lines 131145: The readable() and writable() methods The next two methods are readable() and writable(). They are front ends to the IO::SessionSet object's activate() method. As we will see in the next section, the first argument to activate() is the current IO::SessionData object; the second is one of the strings "read" or "write"; and the third is a flag indicating whether the indicated type of I/O should be activated or inactivated.

The only detail here is that if our session is flagged write only, then readable() does not try to activate it.

Lines 146157: The bail_out() method The final method in the module is bail_out(), which is called when a write error occurs. In this implementation, bail_out() drops all buffered outgoing data and closes the session. The reason for dropping pending data is so that the close will occur immediately, rather than wait indefinitely for a write that we know is likely to fail.

bail_out() receives a copy of the error code that occurred during the unsuccessful write. The current implementation of this method ignores it, but you might wish to use the error code if you subclass IO::SessionData.

That's a lot of code! But we're not finished yet. The IO::SessionData module is only half of the picture. The other half is the IO::SessionSet module, which manages a set of nonblocking sessions.

The IO::SessionSet Module

IO::SessionSet is responsible for managing a set of IO::SessionData objects. It calls select() for sessions that are ready for I/O, calls accept() on the behalf of listening sockets, and arranges to call the write() method for each session with pending outgoing data.

The API for IO::SessionSet is straightforward, as follows.

$set = IO::SessionSet->new([$listen])

Creates a new IO::SessionSet. If a listen socket is provided in $listen, then the module automatically accepts incoming connections.

$session = $set->add($handle[,$writeonly])

Adds the filehandle to the list of handles monitored by the SessionSet. If the optional $writeonly flag is true, then the handle is treated as a write-only filehandle. This is suitable for STDOUT and other output-only filehandles. add() wraps the filehandle in an IO::SessionData object and returns the object as its result.


Deletes the filehandle or IO::SessionData object from the monitored set.

@sessions = $set->wait([$timeout])

select()s over the set of monitored filehandles and returns the corresponding sessions that are ready for reading. Incoming connections on the listen socket, if provided, are handled automatically, as are queued writes. If $timeout is provided, wait() returns an empty list if the timeout expires before any handles are ready for reading.

@sessions = $set->sessions()

Returns all the IO::SessionData objects that have been registered with this set.

Figure 13.6 lists IO::SessionSet.

Figure 13.6. IO::SessionSet


Lines 17: Initialize module We begin by bringing in the necessary modules and by defining a global variable, $DEBUG, that may be set to enable verbose debugging. This facility was invaluable to me while I was developing this module, and you may be interested in activating it to see what exactly the module is doing.

To activate debugging, simply place the statement $IO::SessionSet::DEBUG=1 at the top of your program.

Lines 827: The new() constructor The new() method is the constructor for this class. We define three state variables, each of which is a key in a blessed hash. One, named sessions, holds the set of sessions. The other two, readers and writers, hold IO::Select objects that will be used to select handles for reading and writing, respectively.

If the new() method was called with a listening IO::Socket object, then we store the socket in a fourth state variable and call IO::Select's add() method to add the listen socket to the list of handles to be monitored for reading. This allows us to make calls to accept() behind the scenes.

Lines 2830: The sessions() method The sessions() method returns the list of IO::SessionData objects that have been registered with this module. Because this class needs to interconvert between IO::SessionData objects and the underlying handles that they wrap around, the session state variable is actually a hash in which the keys are IO::Handle objects (typically sockets) and the values are the corresponding IO::SessionData wrappers. sessions() returns the values of the hash.

Lines 3139: The add() method The add() method is called to add a handle to the monitored set. It takes a filehandle and an optional write-only flag.

We call IO::SessionData->new() to create a new session object, and add the handle and its newly created session object to the list of handles the IO::SessionSet monitors. We then return the session object as our function result.

This method has one subtle feature. Because we want to be able to subclass IO::SessionData in the future, add() doesn't hard code the session class name. Instead it creates the session indirectly via an internal method named SessionDataClass(). This method returns the string that will be used as the session object class, in this case "IO::SessionData." To make IO::SessionSet use a different wrapper, subclass IO::SessionSet and override (redefine) the SessionDataClass() method. We use this feature in the line-oriented version of this module discussed in the next section.

Lines 4052: The delete() method Next comes the delete() method, which removes a session from the list of monitored objects. In the interests of flexibility, this method accepts either an IO::SessionData object to delete or an IO::Handle. We call two internal methods, to_handle() and to_session(), to convert our argument into a handle or a session, respectively. We then remove all references to the handle and session from our internal data structures.

Lines 5361: The to_handle() method The to_handle() method accepts either an IO::SessionData object or an IO::Handle object. To distinguish these possibilities, we use Perl's built-in isa() method to determine whether the argument is a subclass of IO::SessionData. If this returns true, we call the object's handle() method to fetch its underlying filehandle and return it.

If isa() returns false, we test whether the argument is a filehandle by testing the return value of fileno(), and if so, return the argument unmodified. If neither test succeeds, we throw up our hands in despair and return undef.

Lines 6270: The to_session() method The to_session() method performs the inverse function. We check to see whether the argument is an IO::Session, and if so, return it unchanged. Otherwise, we test the argument with fileno(), and if it looks like a filehandle, we use it to index into our sessions hash, fetching the IO::Session object that corresponds to the handle.

Lines 7192: The activate() method The activate() method is responsible for adding a handle to the appropriate IO::Select object when the handle's corresponding IO::SessionData object indicates that it wants to do I/O. The method can also be used to deactivate an active handle.

Our first argument is either an IO::SessionData object or a filehandle, so we begin with a call to to_handle() to turn the argumentwhatever it isinto a filehandle. Our second argument is either of the strings "read" or "write." If it's "read," we operate on the readers IO::Select object. Otherwise, we operate on the writers object. The appropriate IO::Select object gets copied into a local variable.

Depending on whether the caller wants to activate or inactivate the handle, we either add or delete the filehandle to the IO::Select set. In either case, we return the previous activation setting for the filehandle.

Lines 93110: The wait() method: handle pending writes Finally we get to the guts of the module, the wait() method. Our job is to call IO::Select->select() for the handles whose sessions have declared them ready for I/O, to call write() for those sessions that have queued outgoing data, and to call accept() on the listening handle if the IO::Select object indicates that it is ready for reading. Any other filehandles that are ready for reading are used to look up the corresponding IO::SessionData objects and returned to the caller.

The first part of this subroutine calls IO::Select->select(), returning a two-element list of readers and writers that are ready for I/O. Our next task is to handle the writers with queued data. We now loop through each of the writable handles, finding its corresponding session and calling the session object's write() method to syswrite() as much pending data as it can. The IO::SessionData->write() method, as you recall, will remove itself from the list of writable handles when its outgoing buffer is empty.

Lines 111127: The wait() method: handle pending reads The next part of wait() deals with each of the readable filehandles returned by IO::Select->select(). If one of the readable filehandles is the listen socket, we call its accept() method to get a new connected socket and add this socket to our session set by invoking the add() method. The resulting IO::SessionData object is added to the list of readable sessions that we return to the caller.

If, on the other hand, the readable handle corresponds to any of the other handles, we look up its corresponding session and add it to the list of sessions to be returned to the caller.

Lines 128132: The SessionDataClass() method The last method is SessionDataClass(), which returns the name of the SessionData class that the add() method will create when it adds a filehandle to the session set. In this module, SessionDataClass() returns the string "IO::SessionData."

There's a small but subtle semantic inconsistency in IO::SessionSet->wait(). The new session that is created when an incoming connection comes in is returned to the caller regardless of whether it actually has data to read. This gives the caller a chance to write outgoing data to the handlefor example, to print a welcome banner when the client connects.

If the caller invokes the new session object's read() method, it may have nothing to return. However, because the socket is nonblocking, this doesn't pose a practical problem. The read() method will return 0E0, and the caller should ignore the read and try again later.

The IO::LineBufferedSet and IO::LineBufferedSessionData Classes

With some additional effort we can subclass the IO::SessionSet and IO::SessionData classes to make them handle line-oriented I/O, creating the IO::LineBufferedSet and IO::LineBufferedSessionData classes. IO::LineBuffered Set is backwards compatible with IO::SessionSet. You can treat the session objects it returns in a byte streamoriented way, calling read() to retrieve arbitrary chunks of data. However, you can also use it in a line-oriented way, calling getline() to read data one line at a time.

IO::LineBufferedSet implements the following modified methods:

$set = IO::LineBufferedSet->new([$listen])

Creates a new IO::LineBufferedSet object. As in IO::SessionSet->new(), optional listen socket will be monitored for incoming connections.

@sessions = $set->wait([$timeout])

As in IO::SessionSet->wait(), select() accesses the monitored filehandles and returns those sessions that are ready for reading. However, the returned sessions are IO::LineBufferedSessionData objects that support line-oriented I/O.

IO::LineBufferedSessionData provides all the methods of IO::SessionData, plus one:

$bytes = $session->getline($data)

Reads a line of data from the associated filehandle, placing it in $data and returning the length of the line. On end of file, it returns 0. On EWOULDBLOCK, it returns 0E0. On other I/O errors, it returns undef.

The code for these modules is essentially an elaboration of the simpler IO::Getline module that we discussed earlier in this chapter. Because it doesn't add much to what we have already learned, we won't walk through the code in detail. Appendix A shows the full code listing for these two modules.

As IO::Getline did, IO::LineBufferedSessionData uses a strategy of maintaining an internal buffer of data to hold partial lines. When its getline() method is called, we look here first for a full line of text. If one is found, then getline() returns it. Otherwise, getline() calls sysread() to add data to the end of the buffer and tries again.

However, maintaining this internal buffer leads to the same problem that standard I/O has when used in conjunction with select(). The select() call may indicate that there is no new data to read from a handle when in fact there is a full line of text saved in the buffer. This means that we must modify our select() strategy slightly. This is done by IO::LineBufferedSet, a subclass of IO::SessionSet modified to work correctly with IO::LineBufferedSessionData. IO::LineBufferedSet overrides its parent's wait() method to look like this:

sub wait {
   my $self = shift;
   # look for old buffered data first
   my @sessions = grep {$_->has_buffered_data} $self->sessions;
   return @sessions if @sessions;
   return $self->SUPER::wait(@_);

The wait() method calls sessions() to return the list of session objects being monitored. It now filters this list by calling a new has_buffered_data() method, which returns true if the getline() method's internal data buffer contains one or more complete lines to read.

If there are sessions with whole lines to read, wait() returns them immediately. Otherwise, it falls back to the inherited version of wait() (by invoking its superclass's method, SUPER::wait()), which checks select() to see if any of the low-level filehandles has new data to read.

Using IO::SessionSet with Nonsocket Handles

To finish this section, we'll look at one last application of the IO::SessionSet module, a nonblocking version of the gab client. This works like the clients of the previous chapter but uses no forking or threading tricks to interweave input and output.

This client illustrates how to deal with handles that are unidirectional, like STDIN and STDOUT, and how to use the choke() callback to keep the size of the internal write buffer from growing without limit. The code is shown in Figure 13.7.

Figure 13.7. The script


Lines 18: Initialize script and process the command-line arguments We begin by bringing in the appropriate modules. To see status messages from IO::SessionSet as it manages the flow of data, try setting $IO::SessionSet::DEBUG to a true value.

Lines 913: Create IO::Socket and IO::SessionSet objects We create an IO::Socket::INET object connected to the indicated host and port, and invoke IO::SessionSet->new() to create a new SessionSet object. Unlike the previous examples, there's no listening socket for IO::SessionSet to monitor, so we don't pass any arguments to new().

We now add the connected socket to the session set by calling its add() method and do the same for the STDIN and STDOUT filehandles. Each of these calls returns an IO::SessionData object, which we store for later use.

When we add STDOUT to the session set, we use a true second argument, indicating that STDOUT is write only. This prevents the session set object from placing STDOUT on the list of handles it monitors for reading.

Lines 1421: Set up choke() callbacks The next two statements set up customized callbacks for the choke() method. The first call to set_choke() installs a callback that disables reading from the socket when the STDOUT buffer is full. The second call installs a callback that disables reading from STDIN when the socket's output buffer is full. This behavior is more appropriate than IO::SessionSet's default, which works best when reading and writing to the same filehandle.

The callbacks themselves are anonymous subroutines. Each one is called by choke() with two arguments consisting of the current IO::SessionSet object and a flag indicating whether the session should be choked or unchoked.

Lines 2224: Begin main loop We enter the main I/O loop. In contrast with previous iterations of the gab client, we cannot quit immediately when we receive an EOF condition when reading from the connected socket. This is because we might still have queued data sitting in the socket or the STDOUT session waiting for the filehandle to be ready for writing.

Instead we quit only after all queued data bound for STDOUT and the socket has cleared and IO::SessionSet has removed them from the monitored set. We determine this by calling $set->sessions. If this returns undef, then all queued data has been dealt with and the corresponding sessions have been removed from the SessionSet.

Line 25: Invoke wait() We invoke $set->wait() in order to wait for sessions to become ready for reading. This also handles pending writes. When wait() returns, we store the sessions that are ready for reading in an array.

Lines 2636: Do I/O on sessions We loop over all the sessions that are ready for reading. If the socket is among them, we read some data from it and write to standard output. If we get an EOF during the read, we close() the socket, as well as the standard input and standard output filehandles. This flags the module that we will perform no further I/O on any of these objects. However, the underlying filehandles will not be closed until subsequent calls to wait() have transmitted all queued data.

Notice that the idiom for writing to $stdout is:

$stdout->write($data) if $bytes > 0;

This is because $connection->read() may return 0E0 to indicate an EWOULDBLOCK error. In this case, $data won't contain new data and we shouldn't bother to write it. The numeric comparison handles this situation.

Lines 3743: Copy from standard input to the socket If the ready handle returned by wait() is the $stdin IO::SessionData object, then we attempt to read some data from it and write the retrieved data to the socket.

If read() returns a false result, however, this indicates that STDIN has been closed. We proceed by calling the socket's shutdown() method to close the write side of the connection. This causes the remote server to see an end-of-file condition and shut down its side of the socket, causing $connection->read() to return a false result on a subsequent iteration of the loop. This is a similar strategy to previous versions of this client.

This version of gab is 45 lines long, compared with 28 lines for the forking version of Figure 10.3 and 27 lines for the multithreaded version of Figure 11.3. This might not seem to be a large increase in complexity, but it is supported by another 300 lines of code in the IO::SessionData and IO::SessionSet modules! This increase in size and complexity is typical of what happens when moving from a blocking, multithreaded, or multitasking architecture to a nonblocking single-threaded design.

Nonblocking Connects and Accepts

The remainder of this chapter deals with nonblocking connects and accepts. In addition to read and write operations, sockets can block under two other circumstances: during a call to connect() when the remote host is slow to respond and during calls to accept() while waiting for incoming connections.

connect() may block indefinitely under a variety of conditions, most typically when the remote host is down or a broken router makes it unreachable. In these cases, connect() blocks indefinitely until the error is corrected. Less often, the remote server is overtaxed by incoming requests and is slow to call accept(). In both cases, you can use a nonblocking connect() to limit the time that connect() will block. In addition, you can initiate multiple connects simultaneously and handle each one as it completes.

accept() is typically used in a blocking mode by servers waiting for incoming connections. However, for servers that need to do some background processing between calls to accept(), you can use nonblocking accept() to limit the time the server spends blocked in the accept() call.

The IO::Socket Timeout Parameter

If you are just interested in timing out a connect() or accept() call after a certain period has elapsed, the object-oriented IO::Socket modules provide a simple way to do this. When you create a new IO::Socket object, you can provide it with a Timeout parameter indicating the number of seconds you are willing to block. Internally, IO::Socket uses nonblocking I/O to implement these timeouts.

For outgoing connections, the connect() occurs automatically during object creation, so in the case of a timeout, the IO::Socket new() method returns undef. The following example attempts to connect to port 80 of the host, giving it up to 10 seconds for the connect(). If the connection completes during the time frame, then the connected IO::Socket object is returned and saved in $sock. Otherwise, we die with the error message stored in $@. For reasons that will become clear later, the error message for timeouts is "IO::Socket::INET:Operation now in progress."

$sock = IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => '',
                          Timeout  => 10);
 $sock or die $@;

The timeout for accepts is applied by IO::Socket at the time that accept() is called. The following bit of code creates a listening socket with a timeout of 5 seconds and then enters a loop awaiting incoming connections. Because of the timeout, accept() waits at most 5 seconds for an incoming connection, returning either the connected socket object, if one is available, or undef. In the latter case, the loop prints a warning and returns to the top of the loop. Otherwise, it processes the connected socket as usual.

$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalPort => 8000,
                                Listen    => 20,
                                Reuse     => 1,
                                Timeout   => 5 );
 while (1) {
    my $connected = $sock->accept();
    unless ($connected) {
       warn "timeout! ($@)\n";
    # otherwise process connected socket

If accept() times out before returning a connection, $@ will contain "IO::Socket::INET: Operation now in progress."

Nonblocking Connect()

In this section we look at how IO::Socket implements timeouts on the connect() call. This will help you understand how to use nonblocking connect() in more sophisticated applications.

To accomplish a nonblocking connect using the IO::Socket module, you need to create an IO::Socket object without allowing it to connect automatically, put it into nonblocking mode, and then make the connect() call manually. This code fragment illustrates the idiom:

use IO::Socket;
 use IO::Select;
 my $TIMEOUT = 10;  # ten second timeout
 my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'tcp',
                                  Type  => SOCK_STREAM) or die $@;
 $sock->blocking(0);  # nonblocking mode
 my $addr = sockaddr_in(80,inet_aton(''));
 my $result = $sock->connect($addr);

Because we're going to do the connect manually, we don't pass PeerAddr or PeerHost arguments to the IO::Socket new() method, either of which would trigger a connection attempt. Instead we provide Proto and Type arguments to ensure that a TCP socket is created. If the socket was created successfully, we put it into nonblocking mode by passing a false argument to the blocking() method. We now need to connect it explicitly by passing it to the connect() function. Because connect() doesn't accept any of the naming shortcuts that the object-oriented new() method does, we must explicitly create a packed Internet address structure using the sockaddr_in() and inet_aton() functions discussed in Chapter 3 and use that as the second argument to connect().

Recall that connect() will return a result code indicating whether the connection was successful. In a few cases, such as when connecting to the loopback address, a nonblocking connect succeeds immediately and returns a true result. In most cases, however, the call returns a variety of nonzero result codes. The most likely result is EINPROGRESS, which indicates simply that the nonblocking connect is in progress and should be checked periodically for completion. However, various failure codes are also possible; ECONNREFUSED, for instance, indicates that the remote host has refused the connection.

If the connect() is immediately successful, we can proceed to use the socket without further ado. Otherwise, we check the result code. If it is anything other than EINPROGRESS, the connect was unsuccessful and we die:

unless ($result) { # potential failure
    die "Can't connect: $!" unless $! == EINPROGRESS;

Otherwise, if the result code indicates EINPROGRESS, the connect is still in progress. We now have to wait until the connection completes. Recall from Chapter 12 that select() will indicate that a socket is marked as writable immediately after a nonblocking connect completes. We take advantage of this feature by creating a new IO::Select object, adding the socket to it, and calling its can_write() method with a timeout. If the socket completes its connect before the timeout, can_write() returns a one-element list containing the socket. Otherwise, it returns an empty list and we die with an error message:

   my $s = IO::Select->new($sock);
    die "timeout!" unless $s->can_write($TIMEOUT);

If can_write() returns the socket, we know that the connect has completed, but we don't know whether the connection was actually successful. It is possible for a nonblocking connect to return a delayed error such as ECONNREFUSED. We can determine whether the connect was successful by calling the socket object's connected() method, which returns true if the socket is currently connected and false otherwise:

   unless ($sock->connected) {
      $! = $sock->sockopt(SO_ERROR);
      die "Can't connect: $!"

If the result from connected() is false, then we probably want to know why the connect failed. However, we can't simply check the contents of $!, because that will contain the error message from the most recent system call, not the delayed error. To get this information, we call the socket's sockopt() method with an argument of SO_ERROR to recover the socket's delayed error. This returns a standard numeric error code, which we assign to $!. Now when we die with an error message, the magical behavior of $! ensures that the error code will be displayed as a human-readable message when used in a string context.

At the end of this block, we have a connected socket. We turn its blocking mode back on and proceed to work with it as usual:

 # handle IO on the socket, etc.

Figure 13.8 shows the complete code fragment in the form of a subroutine named connect_with_timeout(). You can call it like this:

Figure 13.8. A subroutine to connect() with a timeout


my $socket = connect_with_timeout($host,$port,$timeout);

If you examine the source code for IO::Socket, you will see that a very similar technique is used to implement the Timeout option.

Multiple Simultaneous Connects

An elaboration on the idiom used to make a nonblocking connect with a timeout can be used to initiate multiple connections in parallel. This can dramatically improve the performance of certain applications.

Consider a Web browser application. The sequence of events when a browser fetches an HTML page is that it parses the page looking for embedded images. Each image is associated with a separate URL, and each potentially lives on a different Web server, some of which may be slower to respond than others. If the client were to take the naive approach of connecting to each server individually, downloading the image, and then proceeding to the next server, the slowest server to respond would delay all subsequent operations. Instead, by initiating multiple connection attempts in parallel, the program can handle the servers in the order in which they respond. Coupled with concurrent data-transfer and page-rendering processes, this technique allows Web browsers to begin rendering the page as soon as the HTML is downloaded.

A Simple HTTP Client

To illustrate this, this section will develop a small Web client application on top of the HTTP protocol. This is not nearly as sophisticated as the functionality provided by the LWP library (Chapter 9), but it has the ability to perform its fetches in parallel, something that LWP cannot (yet) do.

Because it isn't fancy, we won't do any rendering or browsing, but instead just retrieve a series of URLs specified on the command line and store copies to disk. You might use this application to mirror a set of pages locally. The program has the following structure:

  1. Parse URLs specified on the command line, retrieving the hostnames and port numbers.

  2. Create a set of nonblocking IO::Socket handles.

  3. Initiate nonblocking connects to each of the handles and deal with any immediate errors.

  4. Add each handle to an IO::Select set that will be monitored for writing, and select() across them until one or more becomes ready for writing.

  5. Send the request for the appropriate Web document and add the handle to an IO::Select set that will be monitored for reading.

  6. Read the document data from each of the handles in a select() loop, and write the data to local files as the sockets become ready for reading.

In practice, steps 4, 5, and 6 can be combined in a single select() loop to increase parallelism even further.

The script is basically an elaboration of the script that we developed in Chapter 5 (Figure 5.5). In addition to the nonblocking connects and the parallel downloads, we improve on the first version by storing each retrieved document in a directory hierarchy based on its URL. For example, the URL will be stored in the current directory in the file

In addition to generating the appropriate GET request, we will perform minimal parsing of the returned HTTP header to determine whether the request was successful. A typical response looks like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 17:00:41 GMT
 Server: Apache/1.3.6 (UNIX)
 Last-Modified: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 04:28:15 GMT
 Connection: close
 Content-Type: text/html
 <html> <head> <title>Presto Home Page</title>
 <h1>Welcome to Presto</h1>

The important part of the response is the topmost line, which indicates the success or the failure status of the request. The line begins with a protocol version code, in this case HTTP/1.1, followed by the status code and the status message.

The status code is a three-digit integer indicating the outcome of the request. As described in Chapter 9, there are a large number of status codes, but the one that we care about is 200, which indicates that the request was successful and the requested document follows. If the client sees a 200 status code, it will read to the end of the header and copy the document body to disk. Otherwise, it treats the response as an error. We will not attempt to process redirects or other fancy HTTP features.

The script, dubbed, comes in two parts. The main script reads URLs from the command line and runs the select() loop. A helper module, named HTTPFetch, is used to track the status of each URL fetch. It creates the outgoing connection, reads and parses the HTTP header, and copies the returned document to disk. We'll look at the main script first (see Figure 13.9).

Figure 13.9. The web_fetch script uses nonblocking connects to parallelize URL fetches


Lines 16: Initialize script We begin by bringing in the IO::Socket, IO::Select, and HTTPFetch modules. We also declare a global hash named %CONNECTIONS, which will be responsible for maintaining the correspondence between sockets and HTTPFetch objects.

Lines 79: Create IO::Select objects We now create two IO::Select sets, one for monitoring sockets for reading and the other for monitoring sockets for writing.

Lines 1015: Create the HTTPFetch connection objects In the next section of the code, we read a set of URLs from the command line. For each one, we create a new HTTPFetch object by calling HTTPFetch->new() with the URL to fetch.

Behind the scenes, HTTPFetch->new() does a lot. It parses the URL, creates a TCP socket, and initiates a nonblocking connection to the corresponding Web server host. If any of these steps fail, new() returns undef and we skip to the next URL. Otherwise, new() returns a new HTTPFetch object.

Each HTTPFetch object has a method called socket() that returns its underlying IO::Socket. We will monitor this socket for the completion of the nonblocking connect. We add the socket to the $writers IO::Select set, and remember the association between the socket and the HTTPFetch object in the %CONNECTIONS array.

Line 16: Start the select loop The remainder of the script is a select() loop. Each time through the loop, we call IO::Select->select() on the $readers and $writers select sets. Initially $readers is empty, but it becomes populated as each of the sockets completes its connection.

Lines 1722: Handle sockets that are ready for writing We first deal with the sockets that are ready for writing. This comprises those sockets that have either completed their connections or have tried and failed. We index into %CONNECTIONS to retrieve the corresponding HTTPFetch object and invoke the object's send_request() method.

This method checks first to see that its socket is connected, and if so, submits the appropriate GET request. If the request was submitted successfully, send_request() returns a true result, and we add the socket to the list of sockets to be monitored for reading. In either case, we don't need to write to the socket again, so we remove it from the $writers select set.

Lines 2330: Handle sockets that are ready for reading The next section handles readable sockets. These correspond to HTTPFetch sessions that have successfully completed their connections and submitted their requests to the server.

Again, we use the socket as an index to recover the HTTPFetch object and call its read() method. Internally, read() takes care of reading the header and body and copying the body data to a local file. This is done in such a way that the read never blocks, preventing one slow Web server from holding all the rest up.

The read() call returns a true value if it successfully read from the socket, or false in case of a read error or an end of file. In the latter case, we're done with the socket, so we remove it from $readers set and delete the socket from the %CONNECTIONS array.

Line 31: Finish up The loop is done when no more handles remain in the $readers or $writers sets. We check for this by calling the select objects' count() methods.

The HTTPFetch Module

We turn now to the HTTPFetch module, which is responsible for most of this program's functionality (Figure 13.10).

Figure 13.10. The HTTPFetch module


Lines 17: Load modules We begin by bringing in the IO::Socket, IO::File, and Carp modules. We also import the EINPROGRESS constant from the Errno module and load the File::Path and File::Basename modules. These import the mkpath() and dirname() functions, which we use to create the path to the local copy of the downloaded file.

Lines 831: The new() constructor The new() method creates the HTTPFetch object. Its single argument is the URL to fetch. We begin by parsing the URL into its host, port, and path parts using an internal routine named parse_url(). If the URL can't be parsed, we call an internal method called error(), which sends an error message to STDERR and returns undef.

If the URL was successfully parsed, then we call our connect() method to initiate the nonblocking connect. If an error occurs at this point, we again issue an error message and return undef.

The next task is to turn the URL path into a local filename. In this implementation, we create a local path based on the remote hostname and remote path. The local path is stored relative to the current working directory. In the case of a URL that ends in a slash, we set the local filename to index.html, simulating what Web servers normally do. This local filename ultimately becomes an instance variable named localpath.

We now stash the original URL, the socket object, and the local filename into a blessed hash. We also set up an instance variable named status, which will keep track of the state of the connection. The status starts out at "waiting." After the completion of the nonblocking connect, it will be set to "reading header," and then to "reading body" after the HTTP header is received.

Line 32: The socket() accessor The socket() method is a public routine that returns the HTTPFetch object's socket.

Lines 3341: The parse_url() method The parse_url() method breaks an HTTP URL into its components in two steps, first splitting the host:port and path parts, and then splitting the host:port part into its two components. It returns a three-element list containing the host, port number, and path.

Lines 4255: The connect() method The connect() method initiates a nonblocking connect in the manner described earlier. We create an unconnected IO::Socket object, set its blocking status to false, and call its connect() method with the desired destination address. If connect() indicates immediate success, or if connect() returns undef but $! is equal to EINPROGRESS, we return the socket. Otherwise, some error has occurred and we return false.

Lines 5668: The send_request() method The send_request() method is called when the socket has become writable, either because it has completed the nonblocking connect or because an error occurred and the connection failed.

We first test the status instance variable and die if it isn't the expected "waiting" statethis would represent a programming error, not that this could ever happen ;-). If the test passes, we check that the socket is connected. If not, we recover the delayed error, stash it into $!, and return an error message to the caller.

Otherwise the connection has completed successfully. We put the socket back into blocking mode and attempt to write an appropriate GET request to the Web server. In the event of a write error, we issue an error message and return undef. Otherwise, we can conclude that the request was sent successfully and set the status variable to "reading header."

Lines 6974: The read() method The read() method is called when the HTTPFetch object's socket has become ready for reading, indicating that the server has begun to send the HTTP response. We look at the contents of the status variable. If it is "reading header," we call the read_header() method. Otherwise, we call read_body().

Lines 7593: The read_header() method The read_header() method is a bit complicated because we have to read until we reach the two CRLF pairs that end the header. We can't use the <> operator, because that might block and would definitely interfere with the calls to select() in the main program.

We call sysread() on the socket, requesting a 1,024-byte chunk. We might get the whole chunk in a single operation, or we might get a partial read and have to read again later when the socket is ready. In either case, we append what we get to the end of our internal header instance variable and use rindex() to see whether we have the CRLF pair. rindex() returns the index of a search string in a larger string, beginning from the rightmost position.

If we haven't gotten the full header yet, we just return. The main loop will give us another chance to read from the socket the next time select() indicates that it is ready. Otherwise, we parse out the topmost line, recovering the HTTP status code and message. If the status code indicates that an HTTP error of some sort occurred, we call error() and return undef. Otherwise, we're going to advance to the "reading body" state. However, we need to deal with the fact that the last sysread() might have read beyond the header and gotten some of the document itself. We know where the header ends, so we simply extract the document data using substr() and call write_local() to write the beginning of the document to the local file. write_local() will be called repeatedly during subsequent steps to write the rest of the document to the local file.

We set status to "reading body" and return.

Lines 94100: The read_body() method The read_body() method is remarkably simple. We call sysread() to read data from the server in 1,024-byte chunks and pass this on to write_local() to copy the document data to the local file. In case of an error during the read or write, we return undef. We also return undef when sysread() returns 0 bytes, indicating EOF.

Lines 101111: The write_local() method This method is responsible for writing a chunk of data to the local file. The file is opened only when needed. We check the HTTPFetch object for an instance variable named localfh. If it is undefined, then we call the mkpath() function to create the required parent directories, if needed, and IO::File->new() to open the file indicated by localpath. If the file can't be opened, then we exit with an error. Otherwise, we call syswrite() to write the data to the file, and stash the filehandle into localfh for future use.

Lines 112118: The error() method This method uses carp() to write the indicated error message to standard error. For convenience, we precede the error message with the URL that HTTPFetch is responsible for.

To test the effect of parallelizing connects, I compared this program against a version of the script that performs its fetches in a serial loop. When fetching the home pages of three popular Web servers (,, and over several trials, I observed a speedup of approximately threefold.

Nonblocking accept()

Aside from its use in implementing timeouts, nonblocking accept() is infrequently used. One application of nonblocking accept() is in a server that must listen on multiple ports. In this case, the server creates multiple listening sockets and select()s across them. select() indicates that the socket is ready for reading if accept() can be called without blocking.

This code fragment indicates the idiom. It creates three sockets, bound to ports 80, 8000, and 8080, respectively (these ports are typically used by Web servers):

my $sock80 = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalPort => 80,
                                     Listen    => 20,
                                     Reuse     => 1);
 my $sock8000 = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalPort => 8000,
                                       Listen    => 20,
                                       Reuse     => 1);
 my $sock8080 = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalPort => 8080,
                                       Listen    => 20,
                                       Reuse     => 1);

Each socket is marked nonblocking and added to an IO::Select set:

foreach ($sock80,$sock8000,$sock8080) {
 my $listeners = IO::Select->new($sock80,$sock8000,$sock8080);

The main loop calls the IO::Select can_read() method, returning the list of sockets that are ready to accept(). We call each ready socket's accept() method, and handle the connected socket that is returned by turning on blocking again and passing it to some routine that handles the connection.

It is possible for accept() to return undef and an error code of EWOULDBLOCK even if select() indicates that it is readable. This can happen if the remote host terminated the connection between the time that select() returned and accept() was called. In this case, we simply skip back to the top of the loop and try again later.

while (1) {
   my @ready = $listeners->can_read;
   foreach (@ready) {
     next unless my $connected = $_->accept();

Chapter 14. Bulletproofing Servers

In Chapter 10 we developed subroutines that perform some of the startup time tasks that are common among production servers in the UNIX environment, including disconnecting from the controlling terminal, autobackgrounding, and writing a copy of the server's PID to a run-time file. Together, these help to make network servers more manageable.

Because of their position as a gateway to entry to the host, network daemons are particularly prone to opening security holes. There is much more that we can do to make network daemons bullet-proof. In addition to the techniques already discussed, a production server often implements one or more of the following useful features:

  1. Log status messages to the system error log.

  2. Change its UID to that of an unprivileged user.

  3. Activate taint checking.

  4. Use the chroot() call to isolate itself in a safe subdirectory.

  5. Handle the HUP signal by reinitializing itself.

We cover these techniques in this chapter and talk more generally about security problems with network daemons and how to avoid introducing them into your scripts.

Most of the techniques discussed here are UNIX-specific. However, users of the Windows and Macintosh ports should read the subsection Direct Logging to a File in the first part of this chapter and the Taint Mode section, which discusses security issues that are common to all platforms.

Using the System Log

Because network daemons are detached from standard error, warnings and diagnostics have nowhere to go unless the daemon explicitly writes the messages to a log file. However, there are issues involved with this, such as where to write the log file and how to synchronize log messages from the several children of a forked server. Fortunately, the UNIX operating system provides a robust and flexible logging system known as syslog that solves these problems.

Syslog is run by a daemon known as syslogd and configured via a system file called /etc/syslog.conf. Some systems have two logging daemons, one for kernel messages and one for all others.

The syslog system receives messages from two main sources: the operating system kernel itself and from user-space programs such as daemons. Incoming messages are distributed according to rules defined in /etc/syslog.conf to a set of files and/or devices. Messages are typically written to a growing set of files in the directories /var/log or /var/adm or echoed to the system text console. The syslog daemon is also able to send messages remotely via the network to another host for logging and can receive remote messages for logging locally.

A short excerpt from a log file on my laptop machine looks like this:

Aug 18 08:46:51 pesto dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to
          port 67
 Aug 18 08:46:51 pesto dhclient: DHCPACK from
 Aug 18 08:46:51 pesto dhclient: bound to - renewal in
          129600 seconds.
 Aug 18 11:46:51 pesto cardmgr[32]: executing: './serial start ttyS2'
 Aug 18 08:51:25 pesto sendmail[11142]: gethostbyaddr() failed for

 Aug 18 08:51:27 pesto sendmail[11142]: IAA11142: from=lstein, 
          size=667904, class=0
 Aug 18 11:51:36 pesto xntpd[207]: synchronized to, stratum=4
 Aug 18 11:51:30 pesto xntpd[207]: time reset (step) -6.315089 s

Here we see messages from four daemons. Each message consists of a time stamp, the name of the host the daemon is running on (pesto), the name and optional PID of the daemon, and a one-line log status message.

The syslog system is a standard part of all common UNIX and Linux distributions. Windows NT/2000 has a similar facility known as the Event Log, but it is less straightforward to use because its log files use a binary format. However, the Win32::EventLog module, available from CPAN, makes it possible for Perl scripts to read and write NT event logs. Alternatively, the free NTsyslog package is a Windows interface to the UNIX syslog service. It is available at

About UNIX Syslog

To send an entry to the syslog system, a daemon must provide syslogd with a message containing three pieces of information: a facility, a priority, and a message text.

A Facility

The "facility" describes the type of program that is sending the message. The facility is used to sort the message into one or more log files or other destinations. Syslog defines these facilities:

  • authuser authorization messages

  • authprivprivileged user authorization messages

  • cronmessages from the cron daemon

  • daemonmessages from miscellaneous system daemons

  • ftpmessages from the FTP daemon

  • kernkernel messages

  • local0-local7facilities reserved for local use

  • lprmessages from the printer system

  • mailmessages from the mail system

  • newsmessages from the news system

  • sysloginternal syslog messages

  • uucpmessages from the uucp system

  • usermessages from miscellaneous user programs

Network daemons generally use the daemon facility or one of the local0 through local7 facilities.

A Priority

Each syslog message is associated with a priority, which indicates its urgency. The syslog daemon can sort messages by priority as well as by facility, with the intent that urgent messages get flagged for immediate attention. The following priorities exist:

  • emerg>an emergency; system is unusable

  • alertaction must be taken immediately

  • crita critical condition

  • erran error

  • warninga warning

  • noticea normal but significant condition

  • infonormal informational message

  • debugdebugging message

The interpretation of the various priorities is subjective. The main dividing line is between warning, which indicates something amiss, and notice, which is issued during normal operations.

Message Text

Each message to syslog also carries a human-readable text message describing the problem. For best readability in the log file, messages should not contain embedded newlines, tabs, or control characters (a single newline at the end of the message is OK).

The syslog daemon can accept messages from either of two sources: local programs via a UNIX domain socket (Chapter 22) and remote programs via an Internet domain socket using UDP (Chapter 18). The former strategy is more efficient, but the latter is more flexible, because it allows several hosts on the local area network to log to the same logging host. The syslog daemon may need to be configured explicitly to accept remote connections; remote logging has been a source of security breaches in the past.


You can send messages to the syslog daemon from within Perl using the Sys::Syslog module, a standard part of the Perl distribution.[1] When you use Sys::Syslog, it imports the following four functions:

[1] Prior to Perl 5.6, this module required the header file in order to run, but this file did not come with the distribution and had be generated manually using the h2ph tool (described in Chapter 17 under Implementing sockatmark ()). You should upgrade to 5.6 or higher before trying to use Sys::Syslog.

openlog ($identity, $options, $facility)

openlog() initializes Sys::Syslog and sets options for subsequent messages. You will generally call it near the beginning of the program. The three arguments are the server identity, which will be prepended to each log entry, a set of options, which controls the way the log entry is formatted, and a facility, which is selected from one of the facilities just listed.

The openlog() options consist of a space- or comma-separated list of the following key words:

  • conswrite directly to the system console if the message can't be sent to the syslogd

  • ndelayopen connection to syslogd immediately, rather than waiting for the first message to be logged

  • pidinclude the process ID of the program in the log entry

  • nowaitdo not wait for log message to be delivered; return immediately

For example, to log entries under the name of " eliza," with PIDs printed and a facility of local0, we would call openlog() this way:


The return value will be true if Sys::Syslog was successfully initialized.

$bytes = syslog ($priority, $format, @args)

After calling openlog(), you will call syslog() to send log messages to the daemon. $priority is one of the log priorities just listed. $format is a sprintf() -style format string, and the remaining arguments, if any, are passed to sprintf() for interpolation into the format.

The syntax of the format string is identical to the format strings used by printf() and sprintf() with the exception that the %m format sequence will be automatically replaced with the value of $! and does not need an argument. The POD documentation for sprintf() explains the syntax of the format string.

For example, this sends a message to the system log using the err priority:

syslog('err',"Couldn't open %s for writing: %m",$file);

This results in a log entry like the following:

Jun 2 17:10:49 pesto eliza[14555]:
                Couldn't open /var/run/ for writing: 
                  Permission denied

If successful, syslog() returns the number of bytes written. Otherwise, it returns undef.


This function severs the connection to syslogd and tidies up. Call it when you are through sending log messages. It is not strictly necessary to call closelog() before exiting.


The setlogsock() function controls whether Sys::Syslog will connect to the syslog daemon via an Internet domain socket or via a local UNIX domain socket. The $socktype argument may be either "inet," the default, or "unix." You may need to call this function with the "unix" argument if your version of syslogd is not configured to allow network messages.

setlogsock() is not imported by default. You must import it along with the default Sys::Syslog functions in this manner:

use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock);

For best results, call setlogsock() before the first call to openlog() or syslog().

In addition to these four subroutines, there is a fifth one called setlogmask(), which allows you to set a mask on outgoing messages so that only those of a certain priority will be sent to syslogd. Unfortunately, this function requires you to translate priority names into numeric bitmasks, which makes it difficult to use.

There is also an internal variable named $Sys::Syslog::host, which controls the name of the host that the module will log to in "inet" mode. By default, this is set to the name of the local host. If you wish to log to a remote host, you may set this variable manually before calling openlog(). However, because this variable is undocumented, use it at your own risk.

Adding Logging to the Psychotherapist Server

We can now add logging to the psychotherapist server from Chapter 10, Figure 10.6. The various functions for autobackgrounding the server and managing the PID file are beginning to get a little unwieldy in the main script file, so let's put them in a separate module called Daemon, along with some new helper functions for writing to the syslog. As long as we're at it, we might as well create a new init_daemon() function that rolls the autobackgrounding, PID file management, and syslog opening into one convenient package. The code for Daemon is shown in Figure 14.1.

Figure 14.1. The Daemon module


Lines 112: Module initialization We load the Sys::Syslog module, along with POSIX, Carp, IO::File, and File::Basename. The latter will be used to generate the program name used for logging error messages. The rest of this section exports five functions: init_server(), log_debug(), log_notice(), log_warn(), and log_die(). init_server() autobackgrounds the daemon, opens syslog, and does other run-time initialization. log_debug() and its brethren will write log messages to the syslog at the indicated priority.

Lines 1315: Define constants We choose a default path for the PID file and a log facility of local0.

Lines 1624: init_server() subroutine The init_server() subroutine performs server initialization. We get a path for the PID file from the subroutine argument list, or if no path is provided, we generate one internally. We then call open_pid_file() to open a new PID file for writing, or abort if the server is already running.

Provided everything is successful so far, we autobackground by calling become_daemon() and write the current PID to the PID file. At this point, we callinit_log() to initialize the syslog system. We then return the current PID to the main program.

Lines 2537: become_daemon() subroutine This is almost the same subroutine we looked at in Chapter 10, Figure 10.4. It autobackgrounds the server, closes the three standard filehandles, and detaches from the controlling TTY. The only new feature is that the subroutine now installs the CHLD signal handler for us, rather than relying on the main program to do so. The CHLD handler is a subroutine named reap_child().

Lines 3842 init_log() subroutine This subroutine is responsible for initializing the syslog connection. We begin by setting the connection type to a local UNIX-domain socket; this may be more portable than the default "inet" type of connection. We recover the program's base filename and use it in a call to openlog().

Lines 4355: log_* subroutines Rather than use the syslog() call directly, we define four shortcut functions called log_debug(), log_notice(), log_warn(), and log_die(). Each function takes one or more string arguments in the manner of warn(), reformats them, and calls syslog() to log the message at the appropriate priority. log_die() is slightly different. It logs the message at the crit level and then calls die() to exit the program.

The _msg() subroutine is used internally to format the log messages. It follows the conventions of warn() and die(). The arguments are first concatenated using the current value of the output record separator variable, $ \, to create the error message. If the message does not end in a newline, we append the phrase " at $filename line $line " to it, where the two variables are the filename and line number of the line of the calling code derived from the built-in caller() function.

Lines 5659: getpidfilename() subroutine This subroutine returns a default name for the PID file, where we store the PID of the server while it is running. We invoke basename to remove the directory and " .pl " extension from the script, and concatenate it with the PIDPATH directory.

Lines 6071: open_pid_file() subroutine This subroutine is identical to the original version that we developed in Chapter 10, Figure 10.5.

Lines 7274: reap_child() subroutine This is the now-familiar CHLD handler that calls waitpid() until all children have been reaped.

Line 75: END{} block The package's END{} block unlinks the PID file automatically when the server exits. Since the server forks, we have to be careful to remove the file only if its current PID matches the PID saved during server initialization.

With the Daemon module done, we can simplify the psychotherapist daemon code and add event logging at the same time Figure 14.2).

Figure 14.2. Psychotherapist daemon with logging


Lines 16: Load modules We load the Chatbot::Eliza and IO::Socket modules, as well as the new Daemon module. We also define the default port to listen on.

Lines 78: Install signal handlers We install a signal handler for the TERM and INT signals, which causes the server to shut down normally. This gives the Daemon module time to unlink the PID file in its END{} block.

Note that we no longer install a CHLD handler, because this is now done in the init_server() subroutine.

Lines 915: Open listening socket and initialize server We open a listening TCP socket on the port indicated on the command line and die on failure. We then call init_server() to initialize logging and autobackground, and store the returned PID into a global variable. Once this subroutine returns, we are in the background and can no longer write to standard error.

Line 16: Log startup message We call log_notice() to write an informational message to the system log.

Lines 1728: Accept loop We now enter the server's accept loop. As in previous iterations of this server, we accept an incoming connection and fork a new process to handle it. A new feature, however, is that we log each new incoming connection using this fragment of code:

my $host = $connection->peerhost;
 log_notice("Accepting a connection from %s\n",$host);

We call the connected IO::Socket object's peerhost() method to return the dotted-quad form of the remote host's IP address and send syslog a message indicating that we've accepted a connection from that host. Later, after the child process finishes processing the connection with interact(), using a similar idiom we log a message indicating that the connection is complete.

The other change from the original version of the server is that we indicate a failure of the fork() call by invoking log_die() to log a critical message and terminate the process.

Lines 2942: The interact() and _testquit() subroutines These are identical to the subroutines introduced in Chapter 10.

Lines 4345: END{} block At shutdown time, we log an informational message indicating that the server is exiting. As in the earlier versions, we must be careful to check that the process ID matches the parent's. Otherwise, each child process will invoke this code as well and generate confusing log messages. The Daemon module's END{} block takes care of unlinking the PID file.

When we run this program, we see log entries just like the following:

Jun 2 23:12:36 pesto [14893]: 
       Server accepting connections on port 12005
 Jun 2 23:12:42 pesto [14897]: 
       Accepting a connection from
 Jun 2 23:12:48 pesto[14897]: 
       Connection from finished
 Jun 2 23:12:49 pesto[14899]: 
       Accepting a connection from
 Jun 2 23:13:02 pesto[14901]: 
       Accepting a connection from
 Jun 2 23:13:19 pesto[14899]: 
       Connection from finished
 Jun 2 23:13:26 pesto[14801]: 
       Connection from finished
 Jun 2 23:13:39 pesto[14893]: 
       Server exiting normally

Notice that the log messages indicating that the server is starting and stopping are logged with the parent's PID, while the messages about individual connections are logged with various child PIDs.

Logging with warn() and die()

Although we now have a way to log error messages explicitly to the system log, we're still stuck with the fact that error messages issued with warn() and die() vanish without a trace. Fortunately, Perl provides a mechanism to overload warn() and die() with custom functions. This allows us to arrange for warn() to call log_warn() and die() to call log_die().

Two special keys in the %SIG array give us access to the warn() and die() handlers. If $SIG{__WARN__} and/or $SIG{__DIE__} are set to code references, then that code will be invoked whenever warn() or die() is called instead of the default routines. The change requires just a small addition to Daemon's init_log() subroutine, as follows:

$SIG{__WARN__} = \&log_warn;
 $SIG{__DIE__} = \&log_die;

With this change in place, we no longer have to remember to invoke log_notice() or log_die() to write messages to the log. Instead, we can use the familiar warn() function to send nonfatal warnings to the system log and die() to log a fatal message and terminate the program.

The log_warn() and log_die() routines do not change. The fact that log_die() itself calls die() does not cause infinite recursion. Perl is smart enough to detect that log_die() is called within a $SIG{__DIE__} handler and to use the built-in version of die() in this context.

An interesting thing happens when I install the $SIG{__WARN__} and $SIG{__DIE__} handlers on the psychotherapist example (see Figure 15.2). Messages like this began to appear in the system log whenever a client application exits:

Jun 13 06:22:11 pesto[8933]: 
          Can't access 'DESTROY' field in object of class Chatbot::Eliza

This represents a warning from Perl regarding a missing DESTROY subroutine in the Chatbot::Eliza object. The fix is trivial; I just add a dummy DESTROY definition to the bottom of the server script file:

sub Chatbot::Eliza::DESTROY { }

I hadn't been aware of this warning in the earlier incarnations of the server because the standard error was closed and the diagnostic was lost. This illustrates the perils of not logging everything!

Using the Event Log on Win32 Platforms

The Win32::EventLog module for Windows NT/2000 provides similar functionality to Sys::Syslog. Just three method calls provide the core logging API that network daemons need.

$log = Win32::EventLog->new($sourcename [,$servername])

The new() class method opens an event log on a local or remote machine. The $sourcename argument indicates the name of the log which must be one of the standard names "Application," "System," or "Security." The optional $servername argument specifies the name of a remote server in the standard Windows network format (e.g.,\\SERVER9). If $servername is provided, new() attempts to open the specified log file on the remote machine. Otherwise, it opens the local log file. If successful, new() returns a Win32::EventLog object to use for logging messages.

$result = $log->Report(\%data);

report() writes an entry to the selected log file. Its argument is a hash reference containing the keys EventType, Category, EventID, Data, and Strings.

EventType indicates the type and severity of the error. It should be one of the following constants:

  • EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPEan informational message

  • EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPEa nonfatal error

  • EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPEa fatal error

  • EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESSa "success" audit event, usually written to the Security log

  • EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILUREa "failure" audit event, usually written to the Security log

Category is application-specific. It can be any numeric value you choose. The Event Viewer application can sort and filter log entries on the basis of thecategory field.

EventID is an application-specific ID for the event. It can be used to identify aparticular error message numerically.

Data contains raw data associated with the log entry. It is generally used by compiled programs to store exception data. You can safely leave it blank.

Strings contains one or more human-readable strings to be associated with the log entry. The error message goes to this field. You can separate the message into multiple smaller strings by separating each string by a NULL character (\0).


The Close() method closes and cleans up the EventLog object.

This example writes an informational message to the Application log on the local machine.

use Win32::EventLog;
 my $log = Win32::EventLog->new('Application') or die "Can't log: $!";
 $log->Report({ EventType => EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,
                Category => 1,
                EventID  => 1,
                Data   => undef,
                Strings  => "Server listening on port 12345"

Direct Logging to a File

A simple alternative to logging with syslog or the Windows EventLog is to do the logging yourself by writing directly to a file. This is the preferred solution for applications that do heavy logging, such as Web servers, which would otherwise overload the logging system.

Logging directly to a file is simply a matter of opening the file for appending and turning on autoflush mode for the filehandle. The last step is important because otherwise the output from spawned children may intermingle in the log file. The other issue is handling multiple servers that might want to log to the same file. If they all try to write at once, the messages might become intermingled. We will avoid this by using advisory file locks created with the built-in flock() function.

The syntax of flock() is simple:

$boolean = flock(FILEHANDLE,$how);

The first argument is a filehandle open on the file you wish to lock, and the second is a numeric constant indicating the locking operation you wish to perform (Table 14.1).

Table 14.1. Arguments to flock()
Operation Description
LOCK_EX An exclusive lock
LOCK_SH A shared lock
LOCK_UN Unlock the file

Shared locks created with LOCK_SH can be held by several processes simultaneously and are used when there are multiple readers on a file. LOCK_EX is the type of lock we will use, because it can only be held by a single process at a time and is suitable for locking a file that you wish to write to. These three constants can be imported from the Fcntl module using the :flock tag.

We rewrite the log_debug(), log_notice(), and log_warn() functions to write suitably formatted messages to the filehandle. As an added frill, we'll make these functions respect an internally defined $PRIORITY package variable so that only those messages that equal or exceed the priority are written to the log. This allows you to log verbosely during development and debugging but restricts logging to error messages after deployment.

An example of this scheme is shown in Figure 14.3, which defines a small module called LogFile. Here is a synopsis of its use:

Figure 14.3. Logging to a file


 use LogFile;
 init_log('/usr/local/logs/mylog.log') or die "Can't log!";
 log_debug("This low-priority debugging statement will not be
 log_notice("This will appear in the log file.\n");
 log_warn("This will appear in the log file as well.\n");
 die "This is an overridden function.\n";

After loading LogFile, we call init_log() and pass it the pathname of the log file to use. We then call log_priority with an argument of NOTICE, to suppress all messages of a lower priority. We then log some messages at different priorities, and finally die() to demonstrate that warn() and die() have been overridden. After running this test program, the log file shows the following entries:

Wed Jun 7 09:09:52 2000 [notice] This will appear in the log file.
 Wed Jun 7 09:09:52 2000 [warning] This will appear in the log file 
             as well.
 Wed Jun 7 09:09:52 2000 [critical] This is an overridden function.

Let's walk through the module.

Lines 110: Module initialization We load IO::File and other utility packages and define the current module's exported functions.

Lines 1114: Constant definitions We define numeric constants for priorities named DEBUG, NOTICE, WARNING, and CRITICAL.

Line 15: Globals The package maintains two global variables. $PRIORITY is the current priority threshold. Only messages with priorities greater than or equal to $PRIORITY will be logged. $fh contains the filehandle opened on the log file. It will also be used for locking. A consequence of this design decision is that a process can open only one log file at a time.

Lines 1624: init_log() init_log() is called with the pathname of the desired log file. We attempt to open the file for appending. If successful, we turn on autoflush mode, set the priority threshold to DEBUG, and replace warn() and die() with our own log_warn() and log_die() routines.

Lines 2528: log_priority() This function gets and sets the $PRIORITY global, controlling the threshold for logging messages of a given priority.

Lines 2936: _msg() This is similar to the _msg() function defined earlier, except that it now has the responsibility for adding a time stamp and a priority label to each log entry.

Lines 3742: _log() This is an internal subroutine for writing messages to the log file. We are called with a single argument containing the message to write. After locking the log file by calling flock() with an argument of LOCK_EX, we print() the message to the filehandle and then release our lock by calling flock() again with an argument of LOCK_UN.

Lines 4359: log_debug(), log_notice(), log_warn(), log_die() Each of these functions accepts an error message in the manner of warn() or die(). If $PRIORITY is higher than the priority of the message, we do nothing. Otherwise, we call _msg() to format the message and pass the result to _log() for writing to the log file. log_die() does the additional step of calling the real die() in order to terminate the program abnormally.

Setting User Privileges

It is sometimes necessary to run a network application with root (superuser) privileges. Common reasons for doing this include the following:

  • To open a socket on a privileged port, you want the application to bind a well-known port in the reserved 11023 range, for example the HTTP (Web) port number 80. On UNIX systems the application must be running as root to dothis.

  • To open a log or PID file, you want to create a log or PID file in a privileged location, such as /var/run. The application must be running as root to create the file and open it for writing.

Even though a particular network application must start as root in order to open privileged ports or files, it generally isn't desirable to remain running as root. Because of their accessibility to the outside, network servers are extremely vulnerable to exploitation by untrusted individuals. Even minor bugs, if exploited in the proper way, can lead to security breaches. For example, the server can be fooled into executing system commands on the untrusted user's behalf or inadvertently passing information about the system back to the remote user.

The severity of these breaches increases dramatically if the server is running as root. Now the remote user can exploit the server to run system commands with root privileges or to read and write files that the nonprivileged user would not ordinarily have access to, such as the system password file.

In general, it is a good idea to relinquish root privileges as soon as possible, and at the very least before processing any incoming data. Once the socket or file in question is opened, the application can relinquish its privileges, becoming an ordinary user. However, the socket or filehandle opened during initialization will continue to be functional.

Changing the User and Group IDs

Perl provides four special variables that control the user and group IDs of the current process:

  • < The numeric real user ID (UID) of this process

  • $( The numeric real group ID (GID) of this process

  • $> The numeric effective user ID (EUID) of this process

  • $) The numeric effective group ID (EGID) of this process

By changing the effective user ID stored in the $> (effective user ID) variable, a program running with root privileges can temporarily change its identity to that of a different user, perform some operations under this assumed identity, and later change back to root. Changing both the real UID stored in $< and the effective UID stored in $> makes the effects permanent. Once a program has relinquished its root privileges by changing both $< and $>, it cannot regain root status. This is preferred from a security standpoint, because it prevents intruders from exploiting bugs in the program to gain root status.

Programs that run with the permission of an unprivileged user cannot, in general, change the value of either $< or $>. The exception to this is when the script file has its setuid bit set: The program runs with the EUID of the user that owns the script file and the real UID of the user that launched it. In this case, the program is allowed to swap the effective and real UIDs with this type of assignment:

($<,$>) = ($>,$<);

This allows setuid programs to switch back and forth between the real UIDs and EUIDs. A setuid program may relinquish its ability to switch between real UIDs and EUIDs by doing a simple assignment of its EUID to its real UID. Then the program is no longer allowed to change its EUID:

$< = $>;

The previous discussion of swapping the real and effective UIDs is valid only for UNIX variants that support the setreuid() C library call. In addition, the setuid bit is only effective when Perl has been configured to recognize and honor it.

There is a similar distinction between real and effective group IDs. The root user is free to change the effective group ID to anything it pleases. Anything it does thereafter will take place with the privileges of the effective GID. An unprivileged user cannot, in general, change the effective group ID. However, setgid programs, which take on the effective group of their group ownership by virtue of the setgid permission bit being set, can swap their real and effective group IDs.

Most modern UNIX systems also support the idea of supplementary groups, which are groups to which the user has privileges, but which are not the user's primary group. On such systems, when you retrieve the value of $( or $), you get a space-delimited string of numeric GIDs. The first GID is the user's real or effective primary group, and the remainder are the supplementary groups.

Changing group IDs in Perl can be slightly tricky. To change the process's real primary group, assign a single number (not a list) to the $( variable. To change the effective group ID, assign a single number to $). To change the list of supplementary groups as well, assign a space-separated list of group IDs to $). The first number will become the new effective GID, and the remainder, if any, will become the supplementary groups. You may force the list of supplementary groups to an empty list by repeating the effective GID twice, as in:

$) = '501 501';

Running the Psychotherapist Server as Root

As a practical example of using root privileges in a network daemon, let's rewrite the psychotherapist server to perform several operations that require root access:

  1. Instead of creating its PID file in a world-writable directory, it will write its process ID into a file located in /var/run, which on most systems is only writable by the root user.

  2. By default, the server will now try to open a socket bound to port 1002, which is in the privileged range.

  3. After opening the socket and the PID file, the server will set its EUID and GID to those of an unprivileged user, nobody and nogroup by default.

  4. After accepting an incoming connection and forking, but before processing any incoming data, the server will permanently relinquish its root privileges by setting its real UID to the effective UID.

Our design entails the addition of a new subroutine to Daemon, and a few minor changes elsewhere. Figure 14.4 shows the new code.

Figure 14.4. Changes to Daemon to support changing user privileges


Lines 112: init_server() subroutine We modify init_server() so that it now takes three optional arguments: the name of the PID file, user name, and the group names to run as. We create the PID file, initialize logging, and go into the background as before. If the caller has provided both user and group names, we call the new change_privileges() subroutine. We then return the new PID as before. We also change the PIDPATH constant to write the PID file into the privileged /var/run directory rather than world-writable /usr/tmp.

Lines 1320: change_privileges() subroutine This subroutine accepts user and group names (not numbers) and attempts to change our effective privileges to match them. We begin by calling getpwnam() and getgrnam() to get the numeric UID and GID for the provided user and group names. If either of these calls fails, we die with an error message (these errors will appear in the System log, thanks to the init_log() subroutine).

We first change the real and effective group IDs by setting $( and $). The list of supplementary groups is set to empty using the idiom described earlier, preventing the server from inheriting supplementary groups from the user that launched it. We then change the effective UID of the process by assigning the specified UID to $> >.

It is important to change the group membership before changing the effective UID, because a process is allowed to change group membership only when it is running with root privileges. Also notice that we do not change the real UID here. This allows the process to regain root privileges if it needs to do so.

Line 2124: END {} block The END{} block is responsible for unlinking the PID file. However, the PID file was created when the server was running as root. To unlink the file, we need to regain those privileges, which we do by setting the effective UID to the value of the real UID.

If it happens that the server is not launched as root, these various privilege-changing manipulations will fail. We do not check for these failures explicitly, because the other operations that require root access, such as opening the privileged port, will abort server startup first.

To take advantage of the new code in Daemon, the main server script must be modified very slightly. Three changes are required.

  1. New USER and GROUP constants At the top of the file, we change the PORT constant to 1002 and the PIDFILE constant to a file located in /var/run. We then define two new constants, USER and GROUP, which contain names of the user and group that the server will run as. These must correspond to valid entries in your /etc/passwd and /etc/group fileschange them as necessary for your system.

    use constant PORT      => 1002;
     use constant PIDFILE   => '/var/run/';
     use constant USER      => 'nobody';
     use constant GROUP     => 'nogroup';
  2. Pass USER and GROUP to init_server() After opening the listening socket, we call init_server() using its new three-argument form, passing it the PID filename and the values of the USER and GROUP constants.

    my $pid = init_server(PIDFILE,USER,GROUP);
  3. Children set real UID to effective UID before processing connections This is the most important modification. After accepting an incoming connection and forking, but before reading any data from the connected socket, the child process sets the real UID to the effective UID, thereby permanently relinquishing its ability to regain root privileges.

    while (my $connection = $listen_socket->accept) {
       my $host = $connection->peerhost;
       log_die("Can't fork: $!") unless defined (my $child = fork());
       if ($child == 0) {
         $< = $>; # set real UID to effective UID
         log_notice("Accepting a connection from $host\n");

If we try to launch the modified server as an unprivileged user, it fails with an error message when it is unable to open the reserved port. If we log in as the superuser and then launch the server, it successfully opens the port and create the PID file (which will be owned by the root user and group). If we run the ps command after launching the server, we see that the main server and its children run as nobody:

nobody 2279 1.0 6.6 5320 4172 S 10:07 0:00 /usr/bin/perl
 nobody 2284 0.5 6.7 5368 4212 S 10:07 0:00 /usr/bin/perl
 nobody 2297 1.0 6.7 5372 4220 S 10:08 0:00 /usr/bin/perl

The risk of the server's inadvertently damaging your system while running as root is now restricted to those files, directories, and commands that the nobody user has access to.

Taint Mode

Consider a hypothetical network server whose job includes generating e-mail to designated recipients. Such a server might accept e-mail addresses from a socket and pass those addresses to the UNIX Sendmail program. The code fragment to do that might look like this:

chomp($email =<$sock>);
 system "/bin/mail $email <Mail_Message.txt";

After reading the e-mail address from the socket, we call system() to invoke /usr/lib/sendmail with the desired recipient's address as argument. The standard input to sendmail is redirected from a canned mail message file.

This script contains a security hole. A malicious individual who wanted to exploit this hole could pass an e-mail address like this one: </etc/passwd; cat >/dev/null

This would result in the following line being executed by system():

/bin/mail </etc/passwd; cat >/dev/null

Because system() invokes a subshell (a command interpreter such as /bin/sh) to do its work, all shell metacharacters, including the semicolon and redirection symbols, are honored. Instead of doing what its author intended, this command mails the entire system password file to the indicated e-mail address!

This type of error is easy to make. One way to alleviate it is to pass system() and exec() a list of arguments rather than giving it the command and its arguments as a single string. When you do this, the command is executed directly rather than through a shell. As a result, shell metacharacters are ignored. For example, the fragment we just looked at can be made more secure by replacing it with this:

chomp($email = <$sock>);
 open STDIN, "Mail_Message.txt";
 system "/bin/mail",$email;

We now call system() using two separate arguments for the command name and the e-mail address. Before we invoke system(), we reopen STDIN on the desired mail message so that the mail program inherits it.

Other common traps include creating or opening files in a world-writable directory, such as /tmp. A common intruder's trick is to create a symbolic link leading from a file he knows the server will try to write to a file he wants to overwrite. This is a problem particularly for programs that run with root privileges. Consider what would happen if, while running as root, the psychiatrist server tried to open its PID file in /usr/tmp/ and someone had made a symbolic link from that filename to /etc/passwdthe server would overwrite thesystem file, with disastrous results. This is one reason that our PID-file-opening routines always use a mode that allows the attempt to succeed if the file does not already exist.

Unfortunately, there are many other places that such bugs can creep in, and it's difficult to identify them all manually. For this reason, Perl offers a security feature called "taint mode." Taint mode consists of a series of checks on your script's data processing. Every variable that contains data received from outside the script is marked as tainted, and every variable that such tainted data touches becomes tainted as well.

Tainted variables can be used internally, but Perl forbids them from being used in any way that might affect the world outside the script. For example, you can perform a numeric calculation on some data received from a socket, but you can't pass the data to the system() command.

Tainted data includes the following:

  • The contents of %ENV

  • Data read from the command line

  • Data read from a socket or filehandle

  • Data obtained from the backticks operator

  • Locale information

  • Results from the readdir() and readlink() functions

  • The gecos field of the getpw* functions, since this field can be set by users

Tainted data cannot be used in any function that affects the outside world, or Perl will die with an error message. Such functions include:

  • The single-value forms of the system() or exec() calls

  • Backticks

  • The eval() function

  • Opening a file for writing

  • Opening a pipe

  • The glob() function and glob (<*>) operator

  • The unlink() function

  • The unmask() function

  • The kill() function

The list form of system() and exec() are not subject to taint checks, because they are not passed to a shell. Similarly, Perl allows you to open a file for reading using tainted data, although opening a file for writing is forbidden.

In addition to tracking tainted variables, taint mode checks for several common errors. One such error is using a command path that is inherited from the environment. Because system(), exec(), and piped open() search the path for commands to execute under some conditions, a malicious local user could fool the server into executing a program it didn't intend to by altering the PATH environment variable. Similarly, Perl refuses to run in taint mode if any of the components of PATH are world writable. Several other environment variables have special meaning to the shell; in taint mode Perl refuses to run unless they are deleted or set to an untainted value. These are ENV, BASH_ENV, IFS, and CDPATH.

Using Taint Mode

Perl enters taint mode automatically if it detects that the script is running in setuid or setgid mode. You can turn on taint mode in other scripts by launching them with the -T flag. This flag can be provided on the command line:

perl -T

or appended to the #! line in the script itself:

#!/usr/bin/perl -T

Chances are the first time you try this, the script will fail at an early phase with the message "Insecure path..." or "Insecure dependency...". To avoid messages about PATH and other tainted environment variables, you need to explicitly set or delete them during initialization. For the psychotherapist server, we can do this during the become_daemon() subroutine, since we are already explicitly setting PATH:

sub become_daemon {
   $ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin';
   delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};

Having made this change, the psychotherapist daemon seems to run well until one particular circumstance arises. If the daemon is terminated abnormally, say by a kill -9, the next time we try to run it, the open_pid_file() routine will detect the leftover PID file and check whether the old process is still running by calling kill() with a 0 signal:

my $pid = $fh>; croak "Server already running with PID $pid" if kill 0 => $pid;

At this point, however, the program aborts with the message:

Insecure dependency in kill while running with -T switch at line 86.

The reason for this error is clear. The value of $pid was read from the leftover PID file, and since it is from outside the script, is considered tainted. kill() affects the outside world, and so is prohibited from operating on tainted variables. In order for the script to work, we must somehow untaint $pid.

There is one and only one way to untaint a variable. You must pattern match it using one or more parenthesized subexpressions and extract the subexpressions using the numbered variables $1, $2, and so forth. Seemingly equivalent operations, such as pattern substitution and assigning a pattern match to a list, will not work. Perl assumes that if you explicitly perform a pattern match and then refer to the numbered variables, then you know what you're doing. The extracted substrings are not considered tainted and can be passed to kill() and other unsafe calls. In our case, we expect $pid to contain a positive integer, so we untaint it like this:

sub open_pid_file {
    my $pid = $fh>;
    croak "Invalid PID file" unless $pid =~ /^(\d+)$/;
    croak "Server already running with PID $1" if kill 0 => $1;

We pattern match $pid to /^(\d+)$/and die if it fails. Otherwise, we call kill() to send the signal to the matched expression, using the untainted $1 variable. We will use taint mode in the last iteration of the psychotherapist server at the end of this chapter.

As this example shows, even tiny programs like the psychotherapist server can contain security holes (although in this case the holes were very minor). Taint mode is recommended for all nontrivial network applications, particularly those running with superuser privileges.

Using chroot()

Another common technique for protecting the system against buggy servers involves the chroot() call. chroot() takes a single argument containing a directory path and changes the current process so that this path becomes the top-level directory (" / "). The effects of chroot() are irrevocable. Once the new top-level directory has been established, the program cannot see outside it or affect files or directories above it. This is a very effective technique for insulating the script from sensitive system files and binaries.

chroot() does not change the current working directory. Ordinarily you will want to chdir() into part of the restricted space before calling chroot(). chroot() can be called only when the program is running with root privileges and is available only on UNIX systems. It is most frequently used by programs that need to run a lot of external commands or are particularly powerful. For example, the FTP daemon can be configured to allow anonymous users access to a restricted part of the filesystem. To enforce this restriction, FTP calls chroot() soon after the anonymous user logs in, changing the top-level directory to the designated restricted area.

Adding chroot() to the Psychotherapist Server

It is simple enough to add support for chroot() to the psychotherapist server, but we have to be a little careful about what we're doing and why we're doing it. We do not want to run the entire server in a chroot() environment, because then it would not be able to see and unlink its PID file on normal termination. Instead, we want to change to a restricted directory before we begin interacting with the remote user. This is best done by the child process in the main loop, just before relinquishing its root privileges.

Figure 14.5 shows how this is done. It is a slight enhancement to the root psychotherapist server: Just before calling interact(), the child process invokes a new subroutine called prepare_child(). prepare_child() regains root access by swapping the real and effective UIDs (line 15), making root the effective user ID. This is done in a local() statement within a block; when the block is done, the UIDs are swapped again. We call chroot() to reassign the root directory (line 19). The last statement assigns the effective UID to the real UID, permanently relinquishing root privileges.

Figure 14.5. A redesign psychotherapist main loop calls chroot()


For the purposes of this example, we use /home/ftp as the directory to chroot() to. This is the same directory used for anonymous FTP on Linux systems and is unlikely to contain confidential material or vulnerable files.

After calling chroot(), the script is quite effectively sealed off from the rest of the system. Like an explorer entering an undeveloped wilderness, your script must bring with it everything it needs, including configuration files, external utilities, and Perl libraries. These need to be placed in the chroot() destination directory, and all hard-coded path names in your script have to be adjusted to reflect what the filesystem will look like after the destination directory becomes top level. For example, the file that lived at /home/ftp/bin/ls before chroot() becomes /bin/ls after a chroot() to the /home/ftp directory.

If the script launches other programs during its operation, they too will be subject to the chroot() restrictions. This means that any dependencies that they have, including configuration files and dynamically linked libraries, must be copied into the chroot() directory.

As a concrete example of this, when I first ran the program with this modification, everything seemed to be fine until the Chatbot::Eliza module tried to issue a warning message, at which point a message appeared in the system log warning me that Perl couldn't load Carp::Heavy, an internal component of the Carp module. Apparently this module isn't loaded automatically when you use Carp but is loaded dynamically the first time that Carp is needed. However, because the Perl library tree became unavailable as soon as chroot() was called, it could not be loaded. The solution I chose was to explicitly use Carp::Heavy in the Daemon module thereby preloading it. Another solution would have been to copy this file into the appropriate location under /home/ftp/lib.

Watch for this, particularly if you use Perl's Autoloader facility. Autoloader's strategy of delaying compilation of .pm files until needed means that all Autoloader-processed .al files must be accessible to the script within its chroot() environment.

Handling HUP and Other Signals

It is often necessary to reconfigure a server that is already running. Many UNIX daemons follow a convention in which the HUP signal is treated as a command to reinitialize or reset the server. For example, a server that depends on a configuration file might respond to the HUP signal by reparsing the file and reconfiguring itself. HUP was chosen because it is not normally received by a process that has detached itself from the controlling terminal.

As a last iteration of the psychotherapist server, we will rewrite it to respond to the HUP signal by terminating all its current connections, closing the listen socket, and then relaunching itself. We will also modify the TERM handler so that the server terminates all connections and exits. The effect of relaunching a server in this way is that the HUP signal initiates a clean start. Logging is suspended and restarted, memory is reinitialized, and if there were a configuration file, the server would reopen and parse it.

In addition to showing how to handle the HUP signal, this example also illustrates two other techniques:

  1. How to safely change interrupt handlers in a forked child

  2. How to exec() a program when taint mode is activated

Both the main script file and Daemon must be modified to handle the HUP signal properly.

Changes to the Main Script

Figure 14.6 gives the full source listing for, which now contains the HUP-handling code in addition to the chroot, privilege-handling, taint mode, and logging code that we looked at earlier.

Figure 14.6. Psychotherapist server that responds to HUP signal


Lines 112: Module initialization and constants We add the -T switch to the top line of the file, turning on Perl's taint mode. We define ELIZA_HOME and other constants.

Lines 1314: Install TERM and HUP handler We install the subroutines do_term() and do_hup() as the handlers for the TERM and HUP signals, respectively. We also install do_term() as the handler for INT.

Line 15: Fetch port from command line We modify this line slightly so that the port argument remains in @ARGV rather than being shifted out of it. This is so that the do_relaunch() routine (which we look at later) will continue to have access to the command-line arguments.

Lines 1643: Socket initialization, main loop, and connection handling The only change is in line 25, where instead of calling fork() directly, we call launch_child(), a new function defined in Daemon. This subroutine forks, calls chroot(), and abandons root privileges, as in previous versions of the script. In addition to these functions, launch_child() keeps track of the spawned child PIDs so that we can terminate them gracefully when the server receives a HUP or termination signal.

launch_child() takes two optional arguments: a callback routine to invoke when the child dies and a directory path to chroot() to. The first argument is a code reference. It is invoked by the Daemon module's CHLD handler after calling waitpid() to give our code a chance to do any additional code. We don't need this feature in this example, so we leave the first argument blank (we'll use it in Chapter 16, when we revisit Daemon). We do, however, want launch_child() to chroot() for us, so we provide ELIZA_HOME in the second argument.

Lines 4448: do_term() TERM handler The TERM handler logs a message to the system log and calls a new subroutine named kill_children() to terminate all active connections. This subroutine is defined in the revised Daemon module. After kill_children() returns, we exit the server.

Lines 4958: do_hup() HUP handler We close the listening socket, terminate active connections with kill_children(), and then call do_relaunch(), another new subroutine defined in the Daemon module. do_relaunch() will try to reexecute the script and won't return if it is successful. If it does return, we die with an error message.

Lines 5965: Patches to Chatbot::Eliza As we've done before, we redefine the Chatbot::Eliza::_testquit() subroutine in order to correct a bug in its end-of-file detection. We also define an empty Chatbot::Eliza::DESTROY() subroutine to quash an annoying warning that appears when running this script under some versions of Perl.

Lines 6668: Log normal termination We log a message when the server terminates, as in earlier versions.

Changes to the Daemon Module

Most of the interesting changes are in, which defines a number of new subroutines and modifies some existing ones. The changes can be summarized as follows:

  1. Modify the forking and CHLD-handling routines in order to keep an up-to-date tally of the PIDs corresponding to each of the concurrent connections. We do this in the launch_child() subroutine by adding each child's PID to a global called %CHILDREN, and in the reap_child() signal handler by removing exited children from %CHILDREN.

  2. Modify the forking code so that child processes do not inherit the parent server's interrupt handlers. We discuss the rationale for this in more detail later.

  3. Maintain information about the current working directory so that the daemon can relaunch itself in the same environment in which it was started.

  4. Add the kill_children() function for terminating all active connections.

  5. Add the do_relaunch() function for relaunching the server after a HUP signal is received.

The most novel addition to is code for blocking and restoring signals in the launch_child() subroutine. In previous versions of the server, we didn't worry much about the fact that the child process inherits the signal handlers of its parent, because the only signal handler installed was the innocuous CHLD handler. However, in the current incarnation of the server, the newly forked child also inherits the parent's HUP handler, which we definitely do not want the child to execute because it will lead to multiple unsuccessful attempts by each child to relaunch the server.

We would like to fork() and then immediately reset the child's HUP handler to "DEFAULT" in order to restore its default behavior. However, there is a slight but real risk that an incoming HUP signal will arrive in the vulnerable period after the child forks but before we have had a chance to reset $SIG{HUP}. The safest course is for the parent to temporarily block signals before forking and then for both child and parent to unblock them after the child's signal handlers have been reset. The sigprocmask() function, available from the POSIX module, makes this possible.

$result = sigprocmask($operation,$newsigset [,$oldsigset])

sigprocmask() manipulates the process's "signal mask", a bitmask that controls what signals the process will or will not receive. By default, processes receive all operating system signals, but you can block some or all signals by installing a new signal mask. The signals are not discarded, but are held waiting until the process unblocks signals.

The first argument to sigprocmask() is an operation to perform on the mask; the second argument is the set of signals to operate on. An optional third argument will receive a copy of the old process mask.

The sigprocmask() operation may be one of three constants:

  • SIG_BLOCKThe signals indicated by the signal set are added to the process signal mask, blocking them.

  • SIG_UNBLOCKThe signals indicated by the signal set are removed from the signal mask, unblocking them.

  • SIG_SETMASKThe process signal mask is cleared completely and replaced with the signals indicated by the signal set.

Signal sets can be created and examined using a small utility class called POSIX::SigSet, which manipulates sets of signals in much the same way that IO::Select manipulates sets of filehandles. To create a new signal set, call POSIX::SigSet->new() with a list of signal constants. The constants are named SIGHUP, SIGTERM, and so forth:

$signals = POSIX::SigSet->new(SIGINT,SIGTERM,SIGHUP);

The $signals signal set can now be passed to sigprocmask().

To temporarily block the INT, TERM, and HUP signals, we call sigprocmask() with an argument of SIG_BLOCK:


To unblock the signals, we use SIG_UNBLOCK:


sigprocmask() returns a true value if successful; otherwise, it returns false. See the POSIX POD pages for other set operations that one can perform with the POSIX::SigSet class.

Let's walk through the new Daemon module (Figure 14.7).

Figure 14.7. Daemon module with support for restarting the server


Lines 121: Module setup The only change is the importation of a new set of POSIX functions designated the " :signal_h " group. These functions provide the facility for temporarily blocking signals that we will use in the launch_child() subroutine.

Lines 2233: init_server() subroutine This subroutine is identical to previous versions.

Lines 3447: become_daemon() subroutine This subroutine is identical to previous versions in all but one respect. Before calling chdir() to make the root directory our current working directory, we remember the current directory in the package global $CWD. This allows us to put things back the way they were before we relaunch the server.

Lines 4855: change_privileges() subroutine This is identical to previous versions.

Lines 5670: launch_child() subroutine The various operations of forking and initializing the child server processes are now consolidated into a launch_child() subroutine. This subroutine takes a single argument, a directory path which, if provided, is passed to prepare_child() for the chroot() call.

We begin by creating a new POSIX::SigSet containing the INT, CHLD, TERM, and HUP signals, and try to fork. On a fork error, we log a message. If the returned PID is greater than 0, we are in the parent process, so we add the child's PID to %CHILDREN. In the child process, we reset the four signal handlers to their default actions and call prepare_child() to set user privileges and change the root directory.

Before exiting, we unblock any signals that have been received during this period and return the child PID, if any, to the caller. This happens in both the parent and the child.

Lines 7179: prepare_child() subroutine This subroutine is identical to the previous versions, except that the chroot() functionality is now conditional on the function's being passed a directory path. In any case, the subroutine overwrites the real UID with the effective UID, abandoning any privileges the child process inherited from its parent.

Lines 8085: reap_child() subroutine This subroutine is the CHLD handler. We call waitpid() in a tight loop, retrieving the PIDs of exited children. Each process reaped in this way is deleted from the %CHILDREN global in order to maintain an accurate tally of the active connections.

Lines 8690: kill_children() subroutine We send a TERM signal to each of the PIDs of active children. We then enter a loop in which we sleep() until the %CHILDREN hash contains no more keys. The sleep() call is interrupted only when a signal is received, typically after an incoming CHLD. This is an efficient way for the parent to wait until all the child connections have terminated.

Lines 9199: do_relaunch() subroutine The job of do_relaunch() is to restore the environment to a state as similar to the way it was when the server was first launched as possible, and then to call exec() to replace the current process with a new instance of the server.

We begin by regaining root privileges by setting the effective UID to the real UID. We now want to restore the original working directory. However, we are running in taint mode, and the chdir() call is taint sensitive. So we pattern match on the working directory saved in $CWD and call chdir() on the extracted directory path.

Next we must set up the arguments to exec(). We get the server name from $0 and the port number argument from $ARGV[0]. However, these are also tainted and cannot be passed directly to exec(), so we must pattern match and extract them in a similar manner. When the new server starts up, it will complain if there is already a PID file present, so we unlink the file.

Finally, we invoke exec() with all the arguments needed to relaunch the server. The first argument is the name of the Perl interpreter, which exec() will search for in the (safe) PATH environment variable. The second is the -T command-line argument to turn on taint mode. The remaining arguments are the script name, which we extracted from $0, and the port argument. If successful, exec() does not return. Otherwise, we die with an error message.

Lines 100142: Remainder of module The remainder of the module is identical to earlier versions.

The following is a transcript of the system log showing the entries generated when I ran the revised server, connected a few times from the local host, and then sent the server an HUP signal. After connecting twice more to confirm that the relaunched server was operating properly, I sent it a TERM signal to shut it down entirely.

Jun 13 05:54:57 pesto[8776]: 
          Server accepting connections on port 1002
 Jun 13 05:55:51 pesto[8808]: 
          Accepting a connection from
 Jun 13 05:56:01 pesto[8810]: 
          Accepting a connection from
 Jun 13 05:56:08 pesto[8776]: 
          HUP signal received, reinitializing...
 Jun 13 05:56:08 pesto[8776]: 
          Closing listen socket...
 Jun 13 05:56:08 pesto[8776]: 
          Terminating children...
 Jun 13 05:56:08 pesto[8776]: 
          Trying to relaunch...
 Jun 13 05:56:10 pesto[8811]: 
          Server accepting connections on port 1002
 Jun 13 05:56:14 pesto[8815]: 
          Accepting a connection from
 Jun 13 05:56:19 pesto[8815]: 
          Connection from finished
 Jun 13 05:56:26 pesto[8817]: 
          Accepting a connection from
 Jun 13 05:56:28 pesto[8811]: 
          TERM signal received, terminating children...
 Jun 13 05:56:28 pesto[8811]: 
          Server exiting normally

You can easily extend this technique to other signals. For example, you could use USR1 as a message to activate verbose logging and USR2 to go back to normal logging.

Chapter 15. Preforking and Prethreading

Chapters 9 through 12 demonstrated several techniques for handling concurrent incoming connections to a server application:

  1. Serial The server processes connections one at a time. This is typical of UDP servers, because each transaction is short-lived, but it is distinctly uncommon for connection-oriented servers.

  2. Accept-and-fork The server accepts connections and forks a new child process to handle each one. This is the most common server design on UNIX systems and includes servers launched by the inetd super daemon.

  3. Accept-and-thread The server accepts connections and creates new threads of execution to handle each one. This can have better performance than accept-and-fork because the system overhead to launch new threads is often less than it would be to launch new processes.

  4. Multiplexed The server uses select() and its own session state maintenance logic to interweave the processing of multiple connections. This has excellent performance because there's no process-launching overhead, but there is the cost of increased code complexity, particularly if nonblocking I/O is used.

In most cases, one of these four architectures will meet your requirements. However, in certain circumstances, particularly those in which the server must manage a heavy load, you should consider more esoteric designs. This chapter discusses two additional server architectures: preforking and prethreading.


It's easiest to understand how a preforked server works by contrasting it with an accept-and-fork server. As you recall from Chapter 6, accept-and-fork servers spend most of their time blocking in accept(), waiting for a new incoming connection. When the connection comes in, the parent wakes up just long enough to call fork() and pass the connected socket to its child. After forking, the child process goes on to handle the connection, while the parent process goes back to waiting for accept().

The core of an accept-and-fork server are these lines of code:

while ( my $c = $socket->accept )  {
    my $child = fork;
    die unless defined $child;
    if ($child == 0) {         # in child process
       exit 0;
    close $c;                  # in parent process

This technique works well under typical conditions, but it can be a problem for heavily loaded servers. Here, connections come in so rapidly that the overhead from fork() call has a noticeable impact, and the server may not be able to keep up with incoming connections. This is particularly the case for Web server applications, which process many short requests that arrive in rapid-fire succession.

A common solution to this problem is a technique called preforking. As the name applies, preforking servers fork() themselves multiple times soon after launch. Each forked child calls accept() individually, handles the incoming connection completely, and then goes back to waiting on accept(). Each child may continue to run indefinitely or may exit after processing a predetermined number of requests. The original parent process, meanwhile, acts as a supervisor for the whole process, forking off new children when old ones die and shutting down all the children when the time comes to terminate.

At its heart, a preforking server looks like this:

    next if fork;       # parent process
    do_child($socket);  # child process
    exit 0;             # child never loops
 sub do_child {
    my $socket = shift;
    my $connection_count = 0;
    while (my $c = $socket->accept ) {
       close $c;

The main loop forks a number of children, passing the listening socket to each one. Each child process calls accept() on the socket and handles the connection.

That's it in a nutshell, but many details make implementing a preforking server more complex than this. The parent process has to wait on its children and launch new ones when they die; it has to shut down its children gracefully when the time comes to terminate; signal handlers must be written carefully so that signals intended for the parent don't get handled by the children and vice versa. The server gets more complicated if you want it to adapt itself dynamically to serve the network by maintaining fewer children when incoming traffic is light and more children when the traffic is heavy.

The next sections take you through the evolution of a preforking server from a simple but functional version to a reasonably complex beast.

A Web Server

For the purposes of illustration, we will write a series of Web servers. These servers will respond to requests for static files only and recognize only a handful of file extensions. Although limited, the final product will be a fully functional server that you can communicate with through any standard Web browser.

Each version of the server contains a few subroutines that handle the interaction with the client by implementing a portion of the HTTP core protocol. Since they're invariant, we'll put these subroutines together into a module called Web.

We discussed the HTTP protocol from the client's point of view in Chapters 9 and 12. When a browser connects to the server, it sends an HTTP request consisting of a request method (typically "GET") and the URL it wishes to fetch. This may be followed by optional header fields; the whole request is then terminated by two carriage return/linefeed (CRLF) pairs. The server reads the request and translates the URL into the path to a physical file somewhere on the filesystem. If the file exists and the client is allowed to fetch it, then the server sends a brief header followed by the file contents. The header begins with a numeric status code indicating the success or failure of the request, followed by optional fields describing the nature of the document that follows. The header is separated from the file contents by another pair of CRLF sequences. The HEAD request is treated in a similar fashion, but instead of returning the entire document, the server returns just the header information.

Figure 15.1 lists the Web module.

Figure 15.1. Core Web server routines


Lines 18: Module setup The module declares the handle_connection() and docroot() functions for export. The former is the main entry point for Web transaction handling. The latter is used to set the location of the "document root", the physical directory that corresponds to the URL "/".

Lines 910: Declare global variables Our only global variable is $DOCUMENT_ROOT, which contains the path to the physical directory that corresponds to the topmost URL at the site. All files served by the Web server will reside under this directory. We default to /home/www/htdocs, but your script can call docroot() to change this location.

Like many line-oriented network protocols, HTTP terminates its lines with the CRLF sequence. For readability, we define a $CRLF global that contains the correct character sequence.

Lines 1132: The handle_connection() subroutine Most of the work happens in handle_connection(), which takes a connected socket as its argument and handles the entire HTTP transaction. The first part of the subroutine reads the request by setting the line-end character ($/) to " $CRLF$CRLF " and invoking the <> operator.

Lines 1619: Process request The next section processes the request. It attempts first to parse out the topmost line and extract the requested URL. If the request method isn't GET or HEAD, or if the protocol the browser is using isn't HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1, then the function sends an error message to the browser by calling a subroutine named invalid_request(), and returns. Otherwise, it calls the lookup_file() subroutine to try to open the requested file for reading.

If lookup_file() is successful, it returns a three-element list that contains an open filehandle, the type of the file, and its length. Otherwise, it returns an empty list and calls not_found() to send an appropriate error message to the browser.

Another exceptional condition that the subroutine needs to deal with is the case of the browser requesting a URL that ends in a directory name rather than a filename. Such URLs must end with a slash, or else relative links in HTML documents, such as ../service_info.html, won't work correctly. If the browser requests a URL that ends in a directory and the URL has no terminating slash, then lookup_file() reports this case by returning a file type of "directory." In this eventuality, the server calls a function named redirect() to tell the browser to reissue its request using the URL with a slash appended.

Lines 2024: Print header If the requested document was opened successfully, handle_connection() produces a simple HTTP header by sending a status line with a result code of 200, followed by headers indicating the length and type of the document. This is terminated by a CRLF pair. A real Web server would send other information as well, such as the name of the server software, the current date and time, and the modification time of the requested file.

Lines 2532: If the request was HEAD, then we're finished and we exit from the routine. Otherwise, we copy the contents of the filehandle to the socket using a tight while() loop. When the entire file has been copied to the socket, we close its filehandle and return.

Lines 3348: lookup_file() subroutine The lookup_file() subroutine is responsible for translating a requested URL into a physical file path, gathering some information about the selected file, and opening it, if possible. The subroutine is also responsible for making sure that the browser doesn't try to play malicious tricks with the URL, such as incorporating double dots into the path in order to move into a part of the filesystem that it doesn't have permission to access.

Lines 3539: Process URL lookup_file() begins by turning the URL into a physical path by prepending the contents of $DOCUMENT_ROOT to the URL. We then do some cleanup on the URL. For example, the path may contain a query string (a " ? " followed by text) and possibly an HTML fragment (a " # " followed by text). We strip out this information.

The path may terminate with a slash, indicating that it is a directory. In this case, we append index.html to the end of the path in order to retrieve the automatic "welcome page."

The last bit of path cleanup is to prevent the remote user from tricking us into retrieving files outside the document root space by inserting relative path elements (such as " .. ") into the URL. We defeat this by refusing to process paths that contain relative elements.

Line 40: Handle directory requests Now we need to deal with requests for paths that end in directory names (without the terminating slash). In this case, we must alert the caller of the fact so that it can generate a redirect. We apply the -d directory test operator to the path; if the operator returns true, we return a phony document type of "directory" to the caller.

Lines 4145: Determine MIME type and size of document The next part of the subroutine determines the MIME type of the requested document. A real Web browser would have a long lookup table of file extensions. We look for HTML, GIF, and JPEG files only and default to text/plain for anything else.

The routine now retrieves the size of the requested file in bytes by calling stat(). Perl already called stat() internally when it processed the -d switch, so there isn't any reason to repeat the system call. The idiom stat(_) retrieves the buffered status information from that earlier invocation, saving a small amount of CPU time. The file may not exist, in which case stat() returns undef.

Lines 4648: Open document The last step is to open the file by calling IO::File->new(). There is another hidden trap here if the remote user includes shell metacharacters (such as " > " or " | ") in the URL. Instead of calling new() with a single argument, which will pass these metacharacters to the shell for processing, we call new() with two arguments: the filename and the file mode (" < " for read). This inhibits metacharacter processing and avoids our inadvertently launching a subprocess or clobbering a file if we're passed a maliciously crafted URL. If new() fails, we return undef. Otherwise, the function returns a three-element list of the open filehandle, the file type, and the file length.

Lines 4966: Redirect() function The redirect() function is responsible for sending a redirection message to the browser. It's called when the browser asks for a URL that ends in a directory and no terminal slash. The ultimate goal of the function is to transmit a document like this one:

HTTP/1.0 301 Moved permanently
 Content-type: text/html
 <HEAD><TITLE>301 Moved</TITLE></HEAD>
 <P>The requested document has moved
 <A  ="";>here</A>.</P>

The important part of the document is the status code, 301 for "moved permanently," the Location field, which gives the full URL where the document can be found. The remainder of the document produces a human-readable page for the benefit of some (extremely old) browsers that don't recognize the redirect command.

The logic of redirect() is very straightforward. We recover the IP address of the server host and the listening port by calling the connected socket's sockhost() and sockport() methods. We then generate an appropriate document based on these values.

This version of redirect() suffers the minor esthetic deficiency of replacing the name of the server host with its dotted IP address. You could fix this by calling gethostbyaddr() (Chapter 3) to turn this address into a hostname, probably caching the result in a global for performance considerations.

Lines 6793: invalid_request() and not_found() subroutines The invalid_request() and not_found() functions are very similar. invalid_request() returns a status code of 400, which is the blanket code for "bad request". This is followed by a little HTML document that explains the problem in human-readable terms. not_found() is similar but has a status code of 404, used when the requested document is not available.

Lines 9498: docroot() subroutine The docroot() subroutine either returns the current value of $DOCUMENT_ROOT or changes it if an argument is provided.

Serial Web Server

This first version of the Web server is very simple (Figure 15.2). It consists of a single accept() loop that handles requests serially.

Figure 15.2. The baseline server handles requests serially


I used this "baseline" server to verify that the Web module was working properly. After creating the socket, the server enters an accept() loop. Each time through the loop it calls the Web module's handle_connection() to handle the request.

If you run this server and point your favorite Web browser at port 8080 of the host, you'll see that it is perfectly capable of fetching HTML files and following links. However, pages with multiple inline images will be slow to display, because the browser tries to open a new connection for each image but the Web server can handle connections only in a serial fashion.

Accept-and-Fork Web Server

The next step up in complexity is a conventional forking server (Figure 15.3). This version uses the Daemon module developed in Chapter 14 to do some of the common tasks of a network daemon, including autobackgrounding, writing its PID into a file, and rerouting warn() and die() so that error messages appear in the system log. The Daemon module also automatically installs a CHLD signal handler so that we don't have to worry about reaping terminated children.

Figure 15.3. A forking Web server


Daemon won't work on Win32 systems because it makes various UNIX-specific calls. Appendix A lists a simple DaemonDebug module, which has the same interface calls as Daemon but doesn't autobackground, open the syslog, or make other UNIX-specific calls. Instead, the process remains in the foreground and writes its error and debugging messages to standard error. In the following code examples, just replace "Daemon" with "DaemonDebug" and everything should work fine on Win32 systems. You might do this on UNIX systems as well if you want the server to remain in the foreground or you are having problems getting the Sys::Syslog module to work.

We've looked at accept-and-fork servers before, but we do things a bit differently in this one, so we'll step through it.

Lines 17: Load modules We load the standard IO::* modules, Daemon, and Web. The latter two modules must be installed in the current directory or somewhere else in your Perl @INC path.

Line 8: Define constants We choose a filename for the PID file used by Daemon. After autobackgrounding, this file will contain the PID of the server process.

Line 9: Declare globals The $DONE global variable is used to flag the main loop to exit.

Line 10: Install signal handlers We create a handler for INT and TERM to bump up the $DONE variable, causing the main loop to exit. During initialization, Daemon installs a CHLD handler as well.

Lines 1114: Create listening socket We create a listening IO::Socket::INET object in the usual way.

Line 15: Create IO::Select object We create an IO::Select object containing the socket for use in the main accept loop. The rationale for this will be explained in a moment.

Lines 1618: Initialize server We call the Daemon module's init_server() routine to create the PID file for the server, autobackground, and initialize logging.

Lines 1930: Main accept loop We enter a loop in which we call accept(), fork off a child to handle the connection, and continue looping. The loop will only terminate when the INT or TERM interrupt handler sets the $DONE global to true.

The problem with this strategy is that the loop spends most of its time blocking in the call to accept(), making it likely that the termination signal will be received during this system call. However, accept() is one of the slow I/O calls that is automatically restarted when interrupted by a signal. Although $DONE is set to true, the server accepts one last incoming connection before it realizes that it's time to quit. We would prefer that the server exit immediately.

In previous versions of the forking server we have either (1) let the interrupt handler kill the server immediately or (2) used IO::Socket's timeout mechanism to make accept() interruptable. For variety, this version of the server uses a different strategy. Rather than block in accept(), we block in a call to IO::Select->can_read(). Unlike the I/O calls, select() is not automatically restarted. When the INT or TERM signal is received, the can_read() method is interrupted and returns undef. We detect this and return to the top of the loop, where the change in $DONE is detected.

If, instead, can_read() returns true, then we know we have an incoming connection. We go on to call the socket object's accept() method. If this is successful, then we call the launch_child() function exported by the Daemon module.

Recall that launch_child() is a wrapper around fork() that launches children in a signal-safe manner and updates a package global containing the PIDs of all active children. launch_child() can take a number of arguments, including a callback to be invoked when the child is reaped. In this case, we're not interested in handling that event, so we pass no arguments.

If launch_child() returns a child PID of 0, then we know we are in the child process. We close our copy of the listening socket and call the Web module's handle_connection() method on the connected socket. Otherwise, we are the parent. We close our copy of the connected socket and continue looping.

The subjective performance of the accept-and-fork server is significantly better than the serial version, particularly when handling pages with inline images.

Preforking Web Server, Version 1

The next version of our server (Figure 15.4) is not much more complex. After opening the listen socket, the server forks a preset number of child processes. Having done its job, the parent process exits, leaving each child process to run a serial accept() loop. The total number of simultaneous connections that the server can handle is limited by the number of forked children.

Figure 15.4. Preforking Web server, version 1


Lines 16: Load modules We load the IO::* modules, Daemon, and Web.

Lines 67: Define constants In addition to the PIDFILE constant needed by the init_server() routine, we declare PREFORK_CHILDREN to be the number of child server processes we will fork.

Lines 811: Create listening socket We create the listening socket in the usual way.

Lines 1213: Initialize the server We call the Daemon module's init_server() function to autobackground the server, set up logging, and create the PID file. The server will actually exit soon after this, and the PID file will disappear; this problem will be fixed in the next iteration of the server.

Lines 1415: Prefork children We call our make_new_child() subroutine PREFORK_CHILDREN times to spawn the required number of children. The main server process then exits, leaving the children to run the show.

Lines 1620: make_new_child() subroutine The make_new_child() subroutine calls the Daemon module's launch_child() function to do a signal-safe fork. If launch_child() returns a PID, we know we are in the parent process and return. Otherwise, we are the child, so we run the do_child() subroutine. When do_child() returns, we exit.

Lines 2240: do_child() subroutine Each child runs what is essentially a serial accept() loop. We call $socket->accept() in a loop, handle the incoming connection, and then wait for the next incoming request.

When you run this version of the server, it returns to the command line after all the children are forked. If you run the ps command on UNIX, or the Process Manager program on Windows (assuming you have a newer version of Perl that supports fork on Windows), you will see five identical Perl processes corresponding to the five server children.

The subjective performance of this server is about the same as that of the forking server. The differences show up only when the server is heavily loaded with multiple incoming connections, at which point the fact that the server can't handle more than PREFORK_CHILDREN connections simultaneously becomes noticeable.

Preforking Web Server, Version 2

Although the first version of the preforking server works adequately, it has some problems. One is that the parent process abandons its children after spawning them. This means that if a child crashes or is killed deliberately by an external signal, there's no way to launch a new child to take its place. On the flip side, there currently isn't an easy way to terminate the servereach child has to be killed by hand by discovering its PID and sending it an INT or TERM signal (or using the Process Manager to terminate the task on Win32 platforms).

The solution to this problem is for the parent to install signal handlers to take the appropriate actions when a child dies or the parent receives a termination signal. After launching the first set of children, the parent remains active until it receives the signal to terminate.

A second problem is more subtle. When multiple processes try to accept() on the same socket, they are all put to sleep until an incoming connection becomes available. When a connection finally does come in, all the processes wake up simultaneously and compete to complete the accept(). Even under the best of circumstances, this can put a strain on the operating system because of the large number of processes becoming active at once and competing for a limited pool of system resources. This is called the "thundering herd" phenomenon.

This problem is made worse by the fact that some operating systems, Solaris in particular, forbid multiple processes from calling accept() on the same socket. If they try to do so, accept() returns an error. So the preforking server does not work at all on these systems.

Fortunately, a simple strategy will solve both the thundering herd problem and the multiple accept() error. This is to serialize the call to accept() so that only one child process can call it at any given time. The strategy is to make the processes compete for access to a low-overhead system resource, typically an advisory lock on a file, before they can call accept(). The process that gets the lock is allowed to call accept(), after which it releases the lock. The result is that one process is blocked in accept(), while all the rest are put to sleep until the lock becomes available.

In this example, we use the flock() system call to serialize accept. This system call allows a process to obtain an advisory lock on an opened file. If one process holds a lock on the file and another process tries to obtain its own lock, the second process blocks in flock() until the first lock is released. Having obtained the lock, no other process can obtain it until the lock is released.

Our strategy is to create and maintain a temporary lock file to use for flock() serialization. Each child will attempt to lock the file before calling accept() and release the lock immediately afterward. The result of this is to protect the call to accept() so that only one process can call it at any time. The others are blocked in flock() and waiting for the lock to become available.

We discussed the syntax of flock() in the Chapter 14 section, Direct Logging to a File.

Conveniently enough, we don't have to create a separate lock file because we can use our PID file for this purpose. On entry to the do_child() subroutine, we call IO::File's open() method to open the PID file, using the O_RDONLY flag to open it in a read-only fashion.

In this version of the preforking Web server, we make the necessary modifications to serialize accept() and to relaunch child processes to replace exited ones. We also arrange for the parent process to kill its children cleanly when it exits. Figure 15.5 shows the server with both sets of modifications in place.

Figure 15.5. This preforking server serializes accept() and relaunches new children to replace old ones


Lines 17: Import modules We import the Fcntl module in addition to those we imported in earlier versions. This module exports several constants we need to perform file locking and unlocking.

Lines 811: Define constants In addition to PREFORK_CHILDREN and PIDFILE, we define a MAX_REQUEST constant. This constant determines the number of transactions each child will handle before it exits. By setting this to a low value, you can watch children exit and the parent spawn new ones to replace them. We also define DEBUG, which can be set to generate verbose log messages.

Lines 1213: Declare global variables $CHILD_COUNT is updated to reflect the number of children active at any given time. $DONE is used as before to flag the parent server that it is time to exit.

Line 14: Signal handlers The INT and TERM handlers process requests to terminate. As before, we will rely on the Daemon module to install a handler for CHLD.

Lines 1520: Create listening socket, initialize server We create the listening socket and call the Daemon module's init_server() routine to write the PID file and go into the background.

Lines 2124: Main loop We now enter a loop in which we launch PREFORK_CHILDREN and then go to sleep until a signal is received. As we will see, each call to make_new_child() increments the $CHILD_COUNT global by one each time it creates a child, and the CHLD callback routine decrements $CHILD_COUNT each time a child dies. The effect of the loop is to wait until CHLD or another signal is received and then to call make_new_child() as many times as necessary to bring the umber of children up to the limit set by PREFORK_CHILDREN.

This continues indefinitely until the parent server receives an INT or TERM signal and sets $DONE to true.

Lines 2527: Kill children and exit When the main loop is finished, we kill all the children by calling the Daemon module's kill_children() subroutine. The essence of this routine is the line of code:

kill TERM => keys %CHILDREN;

where %CHILDREN is a hash containing the PIDs of the active children launched by launch_child(). kill_children() waits until the last child has died before terminating.

Lines 2837: make_new_child() subroutine As in the last version, the make_new_child() subroutine is invoked to create a new server child process. One change from the previous version is that when we call the launch_child() subroutine, we pass it a reference to a subroutine to be invoked whenever Daemon reaps the child. In this case, our callback is cleanup_child(), which decrements the $CHILD_COUNT global by one. The other new feature is that after the parent launches a new child, it increments $CHILD_COUNT by one. Together, these changes allow $CHILD_COUNT to reflect an accurate count of active child processes.

Lines 3852: do_child() subroutine The do_child() subroutine, which runs each child's accept() loop, is modified to serialize accepts. On entry to the subroutine, we open the PID file read-only, creating a filehandle that we can use for locking. Before each call to accept(), we call flock() on the filehandle with an argument of LOCK_EX to gain an exclusive lock. We then release this lock following accept() by calling flock() again with the LOCK_UN argument.

After accepting the connection, we call the Web module's handle_connection() routine as before.

Lines 5356: cleanup_child() subroutine This subroutine is called by the Daemon module's CHLD handler, which is invoked after reaping an exited child; consequently, the subroutine is invoked within an interrupt.

We recover the child PID, which is passed to us by the Daemon module, but we don't do anything with that information in this version of the server. We just decrement $CHILD_COUNT by one to flag the main loop that a child has died.

If you have a version of the ps or top routines that can show the system call that each process is executing, you can see the difference between the nonserialized and the serialized versions of the server. On my Linux system, top shows the following for the nonserialized version of the server:

 15300   2560   tcp_parse    S     0.0   4.0    0:00
 15301   2560   tcp_parse    S     0.0   4.0    0:00
 15302   2560   tcp_parse    S     0.0   4.0    0:00
 15303   2560   tcp_parse    S     0.0   4.0    0:00
 15304   2560   tcp_parse    S     0.0   4.0    0:00

There are five children, and each one (as indicated by the WCHAN column) is in a system call named tcp_parse. This routine is presumably called by accept() while waiting for an incoming connection.

In contrast, the latest version of the preforking server shows a different profile:

 15313   2984   pause        S     0.0   4.6    0:00
 15314   2980   flock_lock   S     0.0   4.6    0:00
 15315   2980   tcp_parse    S     0.0   4.6    0:00
 15316   2980   flock_lock   S     0.0   4.6    0:00
 15317   2980   flock_lock   S     0.0   4.6    0:00
 15318   2980   flock_lock   S     0.0   4.6    0:00

The process at the top of the list (PID 15313) is the parent. Top shows it in pause because that's the system call invoked by sleep(). The other five processes (1531415318) are the children. Only one of them is performing an accept(). The others are blocked in the flock_lock system call. As the children process incoming connections, they take turns, with never more than one calling accept() at any given time.

An Adaptive Preforking Server

A limitation of the previous versions of the preforking Web server is that if the number of incoming connections exceeds the number of children available to handle them, the excess connections will wait in the incoming TCP queue until one of the children becomes available to call accept(). The accept-and-fork servers of Chapters 10 and 14 don't have this behavior; they just launch new children as necessary to handle incoming requests.

The last two versions of the preforking server that we consider are adaptive ones. The parent keeps track of which children are idle and which are busy handling connections. If the number of idle children drops below a level called the "low water mark," the parent launches new children to raise the number. If the number of idle children exceeds a level called the "high water mark," the parent kills the excess idle ones. This strategy ensures that there are always a few idle children ready to handle incoming connections, but not so many that system resources are wasted.

The main challenge to an adaptive server is the communication between the children and their parent. In previous versions, the only communication between child and parent was the automatic CHLD signal sent to the parent when a child died. This was sufficient to keep track of the number of active children, but it is inadequate for our current needs, where the child must pass descriptive information about its activities.

There are two common solutions to this problem. One is for the parent and children to send messages via a filehandle. The other technique is to use shared memory so that the parent and child processes share a Perl variable. When the variable is changed in a child process, the changes become visible in the parent as well. In this section, we show an example of an adaptive preforking server that uses a pipe for child-to-parent communications. We'll look at the shared memory solution in the next section.

Chapter 2 demonstrated how unidirectional pipes created with the pipe() call can be used by a set of child processes to send messages to their common parent (see the section Creating Pipes with the pipe() Function). The same technique is ideal in this application.

At startup time, the adaptive server creates a pipe using pipe():


This creates two handles. CHILD_WRITE will be used by the children to write status messages, and CHILD_READ will be used by the parent to receive them. Each time we fork a new child process, the new child closes CHILD_READ and keeps a copy of CHILD_WRITE. The format of the status messages is simple. They consist of the child's PID, whitespace, the current status, and a newline:

2209 busy

The status may be any of the strings "idle," "busy," and "done." The child issues the "idle" status just before calling accept() and "busy" just after accepting a new connection. The child announces that it is "done" when it has processed its maximum number of connections and is about to exit.

The parent reads the messages in a loop, parsing them and keeping a global named %STATUS up to date. Each time a child's status changes, the parent counts the busy and idle children and if necessary launches new children or kills old ones to keep the number of idle processes in the desired range. We want the parent's read loop to be interruptable by signals so that we can kill the server. Before the server exits, it kills each remaining child so that everything exits cleanly. Similarly, we arrange for the child processes' accept() loop to be interruptable so that the child exits immediately when it receives a termination signal from its parent.

At any time, there is a single active CHILD_READ filehandle in the parent and multiple CHILD_WRITE filehandles in the children. You might well wonder what prevents messages from the children being garbled as they are intermingled. This design works because of a particular characteristic of the pipe implementation. Provided that messages are below a certain size threshold, write operations on pipes are automatic. A message written to a pipe by one process is guaranteed not to interrupt a message written by another. This ensures that messages written into the pipe come out intact at the other end and not garbled with data from writes performed by other processes. The size limit on automatic messages is controlled by the operating system constant PIPE_BUF, available in the header file limits.h. This varies from system to system, but 512 bytes is generally a safe value.

Figure 15.6 shows the code for the adaptive server.

Figure 15.6. Preforking server using a pipe for interprocess communication


Lines 18: Load modules We bring in the standard IO::* modules, Fcntl, and our own Daemon and Web modules.

Lines 914: Define constants We define several new constants. HI_WATER_MARK and LO_WATER_MARK define the maximum and minimum number of idle servers, respectively. They are set deliberately low in this example to make it easy to watch the program work. DEBUG is a constant indicating whether to print debugging information.

Lines 1516: Declare globals The $DONE flag causes the server to exit when set to true. The %STATUS hash contains child status information. As in the previous example, the child PIDs form the keys of the hash, while the status information forms the values.

Line 17: Interrupt handlers We install a handler for INT and TERM that sets the $DONE flag to true, ultimately causing the server to exit. Recall also that the Daemon module automatically handles the CHILD signal by reaping children and maintaining a list of child PIDs in the %CHILDREN global.

Lines 1821: Create socket We create a listening socket in the usual way.

Lines 2224: Create pipe We create a unidirectional pipe with the pipe() call and add the CHILD_READ end of the pipe to an IO::Select set for use in the main loop. We will discuss the rationale for using IO::Select momentarily.

Lines 2526: Initialize server We call the Daemon module's init_server() routine to create the PID file for the server, autobackground, and initialize logging.

Lines 2728: Prefork children We call our internal make_new_child() subroutine to fork the specified number of child server processes.

Line 29: Main loop The main loop of the server runs until $DONE is set to true in a signal handler. Each time through the loop, the server waits for a status change message from a child or a signal. To keep the number of idle children between the low and high water marks, it updates the contents of %STATUS and runs the code that we have seen previously for launching or killing children.

Lines 3042: Process messages from the pipe Looking at the main loop in more detail, we want to read status lines from the CHILD_READ filehandle using sysread(). However, we can't simply let the parent block in the I/O call, because we want to be able to terminate when we receive a TERM signal or notification that one of the child processes has died; sysread(), like the other slow I/O calls, is automatically restarted by Perl after interruption by a signal.

The easiest solution to this problem is again to use select() to wait for the pipe to become readable because select() is not automatically restarted. We call the IO::Select object's can_read() method to wait for the pipe to become ready, and then invoke sysread() to read its current contents into a buffer. The data read may contain one message or several, depending on how active the children are. We split the data into individual messages on the newline character and parse the messages. If the child's status is "done," we delete its PID from the %STATUS global. Otherwise, we update the global with the child's current status code.

Lines 4352: Launch or kill children After updating %STATUS, we collect the list of idle children by using grep() to filter the %STATUS hash for those children whose status is set to "idle." If the number of idle children is lower than LO_WATER_MARK, we call make_new_child() as many times as required to bring the child count up to the desired level. If the number of idle children exceeds HI_WATER_MARK, then we politely tell the excess children to quit by sending them a HUP ("hangup") signal. As we will see later, each child has a HUP handler that causes it to terminate after finishing its current connection. This is better than terminating the child immediately, because it avoids breaking a Web session that is in process.

When we tally the idle children, we sort them numerically by process ID, causing older excess children to be killed preferentially. This is probably unnecessary, but it might be useful if the child processes are leaking memory.

Lines 5470: Termination When the main loop is done, we log a warning and call the kill_children() subroutine defined in Daemon. kill_children() sends each child a TERM and then waits for each one to exit. When the subroutine returns, we log a second message and exit.

Lines 5867: make_new_child() subroutine make_new_child() is invoked to create a new child process. We invoke the Daemon module's launch_child() function to fork a new child in a signal-safe manner. When we call launch_child(), we pass it a code reference to a callback routine that will be invoked immediately after the child is reaped. The callback, cleanup_child(), is responsible for keeping %STATUS up to date even if the child exits abnormally.

launch_child() returns the PID of the child in the parent process and numeric 0 in the child process. In the former case, we simply log a debugging message. In the latter, we close the CHILD_READ filehandle, because we no longer need it, and run our Web server routines by calling do_child(). When do_child() is finished, we exit.

>Lines 6891: do_child() subroutine At its heart, this routine does exactly what the previous version of do_child() did. It serializes on the lock file using flock(), calls the listening socket's accept() method, and passes the connected socket to the Web module's handle_connection() function.

The main differences from the previous version are (1) it handles HUP signals sent to it by the parent by shutting down gracefully, and (2) it writes status messages to the CHILD_WRITE filehandle.

Lines 7073: Initialize subroutine and start accept() loop When we enter the do_child() routine, we open the lock file and initialize the $cycles variable as before. We then install a handler for HUP which sets the local variable $done to true. Our accept loop exits when $done becomes true or we have processed the maximum number of transactions. At the top of the accept() loop, we write a status message containing our process ID (stored in $$) and the "idle" status message.

Lines 7683: Lock and call accept() The rationale for the next bit of code is a bit subtle. We call flock() and then accept() as before. However, what happens if the HUP signal from the parent comes in while we're in one or the other of those calls? The HUP handler executes and sets $done to true, but since Perl restarts slow system calls automatically, we will not notice the change in $done until we have received an incoming connection, processed it, and returned to the top of the accept loop.

We cannot handle this by interposing an interruptable select() between the calls to flock() and accept(), because the HUP might just as easily come while we are blocked for the flock() call, and flock() is also restartable. Instead, we wrap the calls to flock() and accept() in an eval{} block. At the top of the block we install a new local HUP handler, which bumps up $done and dies, forcing the entire eval{} block to terminate when the HUP signal is received. We test the value returned by the block, and if it is undefined, we return to the top of the loop, where the change in $done will be detected.

Lines 8491: Handle connection If the eval{} block runs to completion, then we have accepted a new incoming connection. We send a "busy" message to the parent via CHILD_WRITE and call the handle_connection() subroutine. After the loop terminates, we write a "done" message to the parent, close all our open filehandles, and exit.

Lines 9295: cleanup_child() subroutine cleanup_child() is the callback routine invoked when the reap_child() subroutine defined in Daemon successfully receives notification that a child has died. We receive the child's PID on the subroutine stack and delete it from %STATUS. This handles the case of a child dying before it has had a chance to write its "done" status to the pipe.

When we run the adaptive preforking server with the DEBUG option set to a true value, we see messages from the parent whenever it launches a new child (including the three preforked children at startup time), processes a status change message, or kills an excess child. We see messages from the children whenever they call accept() or terminate. Notice how the parent killed a child when the number of idle processes exceeded the high water mark.

Jun 21 10:46:19 pesto[7195]: launching child 7196
 Jun 21 10:46:19 pesto[7195]: launching child 7201
 Jun 21 10:46:20 pesto[7195]: launching child 7202
 Jun 21 10:46:19 pesto[7196]:
                 child 7196: calling accept()
 Jun 21 10:46:20 pesto[7195]:
                 7201=>idle 7202=>idle 7196=>idle
 Jun 21 10:46:38 pesto[7195]:
                 7201=>idle 7202=>idle 7196=>busy
 Jun 21 10:46:38 pesto[7202]:
                 child 7202: calling accept()
 Jun 21 10:46:41 pesto[7195]:
                 7201=>idle 7202=>idle 7196=>idle
 Jun 21 10:46:42 pesto[7196]:
                 child 7196: calling accept()
 Jun 21 10:46:42 pesto[7195]:
                 7201=>idle 7202=>busy 7196=>idle
 Jun 21 10:46:49 pesto[7195]:
                 7201=>idle 7202=>busy 7196=>busy
 Jun 21 10:46:49 pesto[7201]:
                 child 7201: calling accept()
 Jun 21 10:46:56 pesto[7195]:
                 launching child 7230
 Jun 21 10:46:56 pesto[7217]:
                 child 7217: calling accept()
 Jun 21 10:46:56 pesto[7195]:
                 7217=>idle 7201=>busy 7202=>busy 7196=>busy 7230=>idle
 Jun 21 10:47:08 pesto[7195]:
                 7217=>busy 7201=>busy 7202=>busy 7196=>busy 7230=>idle
 Jun 21 10:47:08 pesto[7230]:
                 child 7230: calling accept()
 Jun 21 10:47:09 pesto[7195]:
                 launching child 7243
 Jun 21 10:47:09 pesto[7195]:
                 7217=>busy 7201=>idle 7202=>idle 7243=>idle 7196=>idle 7230=>idle
 Jun 21 10:47:29 pesto[7195]: killed 1 children
 Jun 21 10:48:54 pesto[7196]:
                 child 7196: calling accept()
 Jun 21 10:48:54 pesto[7230]: child 7230 done
 Jun 21 10:50:18 pesto[7195]:
                 Termination received, killing children

As written, there is a potential bug in the parent code. The parent process reads from CHILD_READ in maximum chunks of 4,096 bytes rather than in a line-oriented fashion. If the children are very active and the parent very slow, it might happen that more than 4,096 bytes of messages could accumulate and the last message get split between two reads. Although this is unlikely (4,096 bytes is sufficient for 400 messages given an average size of 10 bytes per message), you might consider buffering these reads in a string variable and explicitly checking for partial reads that don't terminate in a newline.

An Adaptive Preforking Server Using Shared Memory

Last we'll look at the same server implemented using shared memory.

All modern versions of UNIX support a shared memory facility that allows processes to read and write to the same segment of memory. This allows them to share variables and other data structures. Shared memory also includes a locking facility that allows one process to gain temporary exclusive access to the memory region to avoid race conditions in which two processes try to modify the same memory segment simultaneously.

While Perl gives you access to the low-level shared memory calls via shmget(), schmread(), schmwrite(), and schmctl(), the IPC::Shareable module provides a high-level tied interface to the shared memory facility. Once you declare a scalar or hash variable tied to IPC::Shareable, its contents can be shared with any other Perl process.

IPC::Shareable can be downloaded from CPAN. It requires the Storable module to be installed and will install it automatically for you if you use the CPAN shell.

Here's the idiom for placing a hash in shared memory:

tie %H, 'IPC::Shareable', 'Test', {create    => 1,
                                    destroy   => 1,
                                    exclusive => 1,
                                    mode      => 0666};

The first argument gives the name of the variable to tie, in this case %H. The second is the name of the IPC::Shareable module. The third argument is a "glue" ID that will identify this variable to the processes that will share it. This can be an integer or any string of up to four letters. In this example we use a glue ID of Test.

The last argument is a hash reference containing options to pass to IPC::Shareable. There are a variety of options, but the most frequent are create, destroy, exclusive, and mode. The create option causes the shared memory segment to be created if it doesn't exist already. It is often used in conjunction with exclusive to cause the tie() to fail if the segment already exists, and with destroy to arrange for the shared memory segment to be destroyed automatically when the process exits. Finally, mode specifies an octal access mode for the shared memory segment. It functions like file modes, where 0666 is the most liberal, and allows any process to read and write the memory segment, and 0600 is the most conservative, making the shared variable accessible only to processes that share the same user ID.

Multiple processes can tie hashes to the same memory segment, provided that they have sufficient access privileges. In a typical case of a parent that must share data with multiple children, the parent first creates the shared memory using the create, destroy, and exclusive options. Each child then ties its own variable to the same glue ID. The children are not responsible for creating or destroying the shared memory, so they don't pass options to tie():

tie %my_copy, 'IPC::Shareable', 'Test';

After a hash variable is tied, all changes made to the variable by one process are seen immediately by all others. You can store scalar variables, objects, and references into the values of a shared hash, but not filehandles or subroutine references. However, there are certain subtleties to storing complex objects into shared hashes; see the IPC::Shareable documentation for all the caveats.

If multiple processes try to modify the same shared variable simultaneously, odd things can happen. Even something as simple as $H{'key'}++ is a bit risky, because the ++ operation occurs internally in several steps: The current value is fetched, incremented, and stored back into the hash. If another process tries to modify the value before ++ has finished executing, its changes will be overwritten. The simple solution is to lock the hash before performing a multistep update and unlock it before you finish. Here's the idiom:


The tied() method returns a reference to an object that is maintained internally by IPC::Shareable. It has just two public methods: shlock() and shunlock(). The first method locks the variable so that it can't be accessed by other processes, and the second reverses the lock. (These methods have no direct relationship to the lock() function used in threading or the flock() function used earlier in this chapter to serialize accept().)

Scalar variables can also be tied to shared memory using a similar interface. Tied arrays are currently not supported.

A new version of the adaptive preforking Web server written to take advantage of IPC::Shareable is shown in Figure 15.7.

Figure 15.7. An adaptive preforking server using shared memory


Lines 18: Load modules We load the same modules as before, plus the IPC::Shareable module.

Lines 915: Define constants We define a new constant, SHM_GLUE, which contains the key that parent and children will use to identify the shared memory segment.

Lines 1617: Declare globals We declare $DONE and %STATUS, which have the same significance as in the previous example. The major difference is that %STATUS is tied to shared memory and updated directly by the children, rather than kept up to date by the parent.

Lines 1819: Install signal handlers We install TERM and INT handlers that set the $DONE flag to true, causing the server to terminate. We also intercept the ALRM signal with a handler that does absolutely nothing. As you will see, the parent spends most of its time in the sleep() call, waiting for one of its children to send it an ALRM to tell it that the contents of %STATUS have changed. We must install a handler for ALRM to override the default action of terminating the program completely.

Lines 2025: Create socket, initialize server We create a listening socket and call the Daemon module's init_server() routine in the usual way.

Lines 2628: Tie %STATUS We tie %STATUS to shared memory, using options that cause the shared memory to be created with restrictive access modes and to be destroyed automatically when the parent exits. If the memory segment already exists when tie() is called, the call will fail. This may happen if another program chose the same ID value for a shared memory segment or if the server crashed abnormally, leaving the memory allocated. In the latter case, you may have to delete the shared memory manually using a tool provided by your operating system. On Linux systems, the command to remove a shared memory segment is ipcrm.

The contents of %STATUS are identical to those in the last example. Its keys are the PIDs of children, and its values are their status strings.

Lines 2930: Prefork children We prefork some children by calling make_new_child() the required number of times.

Lines 3143: Status loop As the children process incoming connections, they will update %STATUS and the changes will be visible to the parent process immediately. But it would be woefully inefficient to do a busy loop over %STATUS looking for changes. Instead, we rely on the children to tell us when %STATUS has changed, by waiting for a signal to arrive. The two signals we expect to get are ALRM, sent by the child when it changes %STATUS, and CHLD, sent by the operating system when a child dies for whatever reason.

We enter a loop that terminates when $DONE becomes true. At the top of the loop, we call sleep(), which puts the process to sleep until some signal is received. When sleep() returns, we process %STATUS exactly as before, launching new children and killing old ones to keep the number of idle children between the low and high water marks.

Lines 4447: Termination When the main loop is done, we call Daemon's kill_children() to terminate any running children, print out some diagnostic messages, and exit.

Lines 4856: make_new_child() subroutine This subroutine is the same as the one used in the first version of the adaptive server, except that it no longer does pipe management. As in the earlier version, we call the Daemon module's launch_child() subroutine with a callback to cleanup_child().

Lines 5783: do_child() subroutine do_child() runs the accept() loop for each child, accepting and processing incoming connections from clients. On entry to the subroutine, we tie a local variable named %status to the shared memory segment identified by SHM_GLUE. Because we expect that the segment has already been created by the parent, we do not use the create or exclusive flags this time. If the variable cannot be tied, the child exits with an error message.

We set up the lock file for serialization and enter an accept() loop. Each time the status of the child changes, we write its new status directly into the %status variable and notify the parent that the variable has changed by sending the parent an ALRM signal. The idiom looks like this:

$status{$$} = 'idle'; kill ALRM=>getppid();

In other respects do_child() is identical to the earlier version, including its use of an eval{} block to intercept and handle HUP signals gracefully.

Lines 8487: cleanup_child() subroutine cleanup_child() is called by the Daemon module's reap_child() subroutine to handle a child that has just been reaped. We delete the child's PID from %STATUS. This ensures that %STATUS is kept up to date even if the child has terminated prematurely.

Some final notes on this server: I initially attempted to use the same tied %STATUS variable for both the parent and children, allowing the children to inherit %STATUS through the fork. This turned out to be a disaster because IPC::Shareable deallocated the shared memory segment whenever any of the children exited. A little investigation revealed that the destroy flag was being inherited along with the rest of the shared variable. One could probably fix this by hacking into IPC::Shareable's internal structure and manually deactivating the destroy flag. However, there's no guarantee that the internal structure won't change at some later date.

Some posters to the comp.lang.perl.modules newsgroup have warned that IPC::Shareable is not entirely stable, and although I have not encountered problems with it, you might want to stick with the simpler pipe implementation on production systems.

Performance Measures

How much do preforking and prethreading improve performance? For preforking, the advantage is clear. Because of the overhead of launching new processes, heavily loaded servers generally see a marked performance boost when going from a conventional accept-and-fork design to preforking. In fact, when I used the standard WebStone benchmark [] to compare the connection rate of the accept-and-fork server of Figure 15.3 and the preforking server of Figure 15.5 on a Linux system, I saw an approximately fivefold increase in performance at heavy load levels after adjusting for the overhead of the actual file transfer.

The situation is less clear-cut for threaded servers. The overhead for thread creation is not as large as for process creation, and the prethreaded design itself introduces new overhead for thread locking and synchronization. With the WebStone benchmarks I was unable to document speedup in the prethreaded server of Figure 15.9 compared to the conventional threaded server of Figure 15.8. The performance of both the threaded and prethreaded designs was better than that of the accept-and-fork server, but roughly equivalent to that of the preforking server.

However, such performance is very sensitive to the operating system, hardware, kernel parameters, and other factors. It's worth subjecting a prototype of your particular application to timing tests before commiting to one design over another.

Surprisingly, all the Web servers developed in this chapter came in with better benchmarks than the state-of-the-art Apache Web server (almost ninefold better at moderate load levels). Although this isn't a fair comparison since Apache does many things that the simple Web servers developed in this chapter do not, it does illustrate that Perl can deliver sufficient performance for serious network applications.

On a less positive note, a side effect of the testing was to confirm that under heavy loads the threaded implementations of Perl occasionally crash. Perl threading is still not ready for production systems, at least through version 5.6. Ironically, the instability even affected scripts that don't use the threading features. For example, under high client loads the pure accept-and-fork server of Figure 15.3 would frequently hang when run under a threaded Perl interpreter. This problem disappeared when I retested the server using a version of Perl compiled without thread support.

Chapter 16. IO::Poll

We've used select() and IO::Select extensively to multiplex among multiple I/O streams. However, the select() system call has some design limitations related to its use of a bit vector to represent the filehandles to be monitored. On an ordinary host, such as a desktop machine, the maximum number of files is usually a small number, such as 256, and the bit vectors will therefore be no longer than 32 bytes. However, on a host that is tuned for network applications, such as a Web server, this limit may be in the thousands. The bit vectors necessary to describe every possible filehandle then become quite large, forcing the operating system to scan through a large, sparsely populated bit vector each time select() is called. This may have an impact on performance.

For this reason, the POSIX standard calls for an alternative API called poll(). It does much the same thing as select() but uses arrays rather than bit vectors to represent sets of filehandles. Because only the filehandles of interest are placed in the arrays, the poll() call doesn't waste time scanning through a large data structure to determine which filehandles to watch. You might also want to use poll() if you prefer its API, which is more elegant in some ways than select().

poll() is available to Perl programmers only via its object-oriented interface, IO::Poll. It was introduced during the development of Perl version 5.6. Be sure to use IO::Poll version 0.04 and higher because earlier versions weren't completely functional. This version can be found in Perl versions 5.7 and higher.

Using IO::Poll

IO::Poll is a little like IO::Select turned inside out. With the IO::Select API, you create multiple IO::Select setstypically one each for reading and writingand monitor them with a call to IO::Select->select(). With IO::Poll, you create a single IO::Poll object and add filehandles to it one at a time, each with a mask that indicates the conditions you are interested in monitoring. You then call the IO::Poll object's poll() method, which blocks until one or more of the conditions is met. After poll() returns, you interrogate the object to learn which handles were affected.

A typical program begins like this:


This loads the IO::Poll module and brings in the three constants POLLIN, POLLOUT, and POLLHUP. These constants will be used in forming a mask to indicate what conditions of filehandles you are interested in monitoring.

The next step is to create an IO::Poll object, then add to it the handle(s) you wish to monitor:

my $poll = IO::Poll->new;
 poll->mask(\*STDIN  => POLLIN);
 $poll->mask(\*STDOUT => POLLOUT);
 $poll->mask($socket  => POLLIN|POLLOUT);
The mask() method is used both to add handles to the IO::Poll object and to remove them. It takes two arguments: the handle to be watched and a bitmask designating the conditions to monitor. In the example, STDIN is monitored for the POLLIN condition, STDOUT for the POLLOUT condition, and the handle named $socket is monitored for both POLLIN or POLLOUT events, formed by logically ORing the two constants. As described in more detail later, POLLIN and POLLOUT conditions occur when the handle is ready for reading or writing, respectively.

Having set up the IO::Poll object, you usually enter an I/O loop. Each time through the loop, you call the poll object's poll() method to wait for an event to occur and then call handles() to determine which handles were affected:

while (1) {
    my @readers = $poll->handles(POLLIN|POLLHUP|POLLERR);
    my @writers = $poll->handles(POLLOUT);
    foreach (@readers) {
    foreach (@writers) {

The poll() method waits until one of the requested conditions becomes true and returns the number of handles that had events. As with select(), you can provide an optional timeout value to return if no events occur within a designated period. The handles() method returns all the handles that have conditions indicated by the passed bitmask. This example calls handles() twice using different bitmasks. The first checks for handles that are ready to be read from (POLLIN), those that were closed by the peer (POLLHUP), and those that have some other error (POLLERR). The second call looks for handles that are ready for writing. The remainder of the example loop processes these handles in an application-specific manner.

Like select(), poll() must be used with sysread() and syswrite() only. Mixing poll() with routines that use standard I/O buffering (the <> operator or plain read() and write()) does not work.

IO::Poll Events

IO::Poll allows you to monitor handles for a richer set of conditions than those made available by IO::Select. In addition to watching a handle for incoming data and the ability to accept outgoing data without blocking, IO::Poll allows you to watch handles for two levels of incoming "priority data," for end-of-file conditions, and for several different types of error. Each condition is known as an "event."

Each event is designated by one of the constants summarized in Table 16.1. They are divided into constants that can be added to bitmasks sent to poll() using the mask() method, and constants that are returned from poll() via the handles() method.

Table 16.1. IO::Poll Mask Constants
  TO poll() FROM poll() Description
Input conditions      
POLLIN X X normal or priority data readable
POLLRDNORM X X normal data readable
POLLRDBAND X X priority data readable
POLLPRI X X high priority data readable
Output conditions      
POLLOUT X X normal or priority data writable
POLLWRNORM X X normal data writable
POLLWRBAND X X priority data writable
Error conditions      
POLLHUP   X hangup has occurred
POLLNVAL   X handle is not open
POLLERR   X error

The following list explains the significance of each event in more detail.

POLLIN The handle has data for reading, and sysread() will not block. In the case of a listening socket, POLLIN detects the presence of an incoming connection and accept() will not block. What happens at an end of file varies somewhat among operating systems and is discussed later.

POLLRDNORM Like POLLIN, but applies only to normal (nonpriority) data.

POLLRDBAND Priority data is available for reading. An attempt to read out-of-band data (Chapter 17) will succeed.

POLLPRI "High priority" data is available for reading. High priority data is a historical relic and should not be used for TCP/IP programming.

POLLOUT The handle can accept at least 1 byte of data for writing (as modified by the value of the socket's send buffer low water mark, as described in Chapter 12). syswrite() does not block as long as its length does not exceed this value. This event does not distinguish between normal and priority data.

POLLWRNORM The handle can accept at least 1 byte of normal (nonpriority) data.

POLLWRBAND The handle can accept at least 1 byte of out-of-band data (Chapter 17).

POLLERR An error occurred on the handle, such as a PIPE error. For sockets, you may be able to recover the actual error number by calling sockopt() with the SO_ERROR option (Chapter 13).

POLLNVAL The handle is invalid. For example, it is closed.

POLLHUP In the case of pipes and sockets, the remote process closed the connection. For normal files, this event doesn't apply.

There are subtle differences in the behavior of POLLIN and POLLHUP among operating systems and among different types of I/O handles. On many systems, poll() returns POLLIN on a readable handle if an end of file occurs. As you recall, for regular filehandles, this occurs when the end of the file is read. For sockets, this occurs when the peer closes its end of the connection.

Unfortunately, this behavior is not universal. On some, if not all, Linux systems, POLLIN is not set when a socket is closed. Instead, you must check for a POLLHUP event. However, POLLHUP is relevant only to sockets and pipes, and does not apply to ordinary filehandles; this makes program logic a bit convoluted.

The most reasonable strategy is to recover the handles that may be readable by calling handles with the bitmask POLLIN|POLLHUP|POLLERR. Pass each handle to sysread(), and let the return value tell you what state the handle was in.

Similarly, it is easiest to check for handles that are writable using the bitmask POLLOUT|POLLERR. The subsequent call to syswrite() will indicate whether the handle is open or has an error.

IO::Poll Methods

We've seen most of the IO::Poll methods already. Here is the definitive list.

$poll = IO::Poll->new

Creates a new IO::Poll object. Unlike IO::Select, new() does not accept arguments.

$mask = $poll->mask($handle [$mask])

Gets or sets the current event bitmask for the indicated handle. If no mask argument is specified, the current one is returned. Otherwise, the argument is used to set the mask. A mask of 0 removes the handle from the monitored set entirely. All handles are monitored for error conditions (POLLNVAL, POLLERR, POLLHUP) whether you request it in the bitmask or not.


Removes the handle from the polling list. This is exactly equivalent to calling mask() with a bitmask argument of 0.

$events = $poll->poll([$timeout])

Wait until a monitored handle has an event or until $timeout occurs, returning the number of handles with events. $timeout is given in seconds and may be fractional. A timeout of 0 results in nonblocking behavior. An absent timeout, or a timeout of -1, causes poll() to block indefinitely.

@handles = $poll->handles([$mask])

Called with no arguments, handles() returns a list of all handles known to the IO::Poll object. Called with a bitmask of events, it returns all handles that had one of the specified events during the previous call to poll().

$mask = $poll->events($handle)

The events() method returns a bitmask containing all the events involving $handle that occurred during the previous call to poll().

A Nonblocking TCP Client Using IO::Poll

As a practical example of IO::Poll, Figure 16.1 shows, the last of the gab series of Telnet-like TCP clients. This client is similar to the multiplexed client discussed in Chapter 12 (Figure 12.1). It tries to make an outgoing TCP connection to the host and port indicated on the command line or, if not otherwise specified, to the echo server on the local machine. It then copies its standard input to the socket and copies everything received on the socket to standard output. Like Telnet, can be used to talk directly to any of the conventional text-based servers.

Figure 16.1. The script uses IO::Poll to multiplex input and output


To make it more interesting, uses nonblocking I/O. Data read on STDIN is buffered to a scalar variable named $to_socket. Likewise, data received from the socket is buffered in $to_stdout. The data in the buffers is written to their appropriate destinations whenever poll() indicates that the operation won't block. If either buffer grows too large, then further reading from its associated input source is disabled until the buffer again has sufficient room.

Lines 18: Load modules We begin by bringing in the IO::Socket and IO::Poll modules. IO::Poll doesn't import constants by default, so we must do this manually, asking for the POLLIN, POLLOUT, and POLLERR constants. We also bring in the Errno module so as to have access to the EWOULDBLOCK constant.

Lines 910: Declare constants and globals We define the maximum size to which our internal buffers can grow. Further reading from the socket or STDIN is inhibited until the associated data buffer shrinks to a smaller size. We detect and handle PIPE errors, so we set the PIPE handler to IGNORE.

We define our globals. In addition to two scalars to hold buffered data, there are a pair of flags named $stdin_done and $sock_done. These flags are set to true when the corresponding handle is closed and are used during the determination of each handle's event mask.

Lines 1113: Open socket We read the desired hostname and port from the command line and connect in the usual way using IO::Socket.

Lines 1416: Create IO::Poll object We now create a new IO::Poll object and add the socket and STDIN filehandles to its list of monitored handles using the POLLIN mask. These masks will be adjusted when there is data to write as well as to read.

Lines 1718: Make filehandles nonblocking We now put the socket and STDOUT into nonblocking mode. This allows the client to continue working even if the socket or standard output are temporarily unable to accept new writes.

Lines 1920: Main loop We loop until there are no more handles to do I/O on. The loop condition is simply to check that the IO::Poll object's handles() method returns a nonempty list. At the very top of the loop we call poll() to block until IO::Poll indicates that one of the handles is ready for I/O.

Lines 2129: Handle readers The next chunk of code recovers the handles that have data to read or are signaling end of file by calling the IO::Poll object's handles() method with the mask POLLOUT|POLLERR.

If STDIN is ready for reading, we read from it and append the data to the variable $to_socket. Likewise, data from the socket is appended to $to_stdout. If either read fails, then we set one or both of the $stdin_done and $sock_done flags to true. We will check these flags at the end of the loop.

Lines 3048: Handle writers Now it's time for the writable handles. We call the IO::Poll object's handles() method with a flag that returns filehandles that are either writable or have errors.

If STDOUT is on the list, then we attempt to write the contents of $to_stdout to it. Likewise with $to_socket for the socket. Because both sockets are nonblocking, we have to deal with EWOULDBLOCK errors and with partial writes. The logic here is similar to that used in Chapter 13. On EWOULDBLOCK, we skip the filehandle and wait until later to try a write. On a partial read, we remove the portion of the buffer that was successfully written, leaving the unwritten portion to try later.

In the case of a syswrite() error that is not EWOULDBLOCK, we simply terminate with an error message.

Lines 4958: continue{} block The core logic of the program is all contained in the continue{} block, which is executed once at the end of each iteration of the loop. Its job is to create event masks for the three handles that are appropriate for the next iteration of the loop.

We begin by setting the three masks to a default of 0, which, if unchanged, removes the handle from the poll set. Next we examine the $to_stdout buffer. If it contains data, then we set the mask for STDOUT to POLLOUT, indicating that poll() should tell us when the handle is writable.

Similarly, we set the mask for STDIN to POLLIN, asking to be alerted when there is data to read from standard input. However, we suppress this if either of two circumstances apply: (1) the length of the buffer that contains data bound for the socket is already at its maximum value, in which case we don't want to make it larger; or (2) either the socket or standard input itself is closed.

Now we need to set the mask for the socket. Unlike standard input or output, the socket is read/write. If there is data to write to the socket ($to_socket has nonzero length) and the socket was not previously closed, then we set its mask to POLLOUT. To this we add the POLLIN flag if the length of the buffer going to standard output is not already at its maximum.

Having created the masks, we call $poll->mask() three times to set them for their respective filehandles.

Line 59: Shut down the socket at termination time Our last step is to deal with the situation in which we reach the end of STDIN. As in the various versions of the gab client, the most elegant solution is to shut down our end of the socket for writing and then to wait for the peer to close down its end. The only twist here is that we don't want to do this while there is unsent data in the $to_socket buffer, so we wait for the length of the buffer to reach 0 before executing shutdown(1).

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